Abundance Tribe Logo Contest Winners & New Participation Rewards - EVERYONE RECEIVES A PRIZE OF ABUNDANCE!

in #abundancetribe4 years ago (edited)
Authored by @elamental

Additional Participation Appreciation Support + Big Vote: Gratitude in sharing abundance

PLEASE WAIT & READ first before scrolling to see who won

To show our immense appreciation for all the meaningful forethought and hard work put into this contest by everyone involved - I called up the tribe to pledge donations to create an additional prize pool, so that everyone who participated that did not place in the contest will still receive a reward!

Thanks to donations from @Abundance.Tribe members @elamental, @riverflows, @bewithbreath, @eco-alex, @notconvinced, @naturalmedicine, @porters, @artemislives, @krnel, @canna-curate (@jonyoudyer), @trucklife-family, & @bobaphet - we have generated a pool of 330 HIVE to be evenly distributed across the 17 artist accounts that did not receive a prize! That works out to almost 20 HIVE per account (19.41)!! This is also IN ADDITION to the heafty @tribesteemup votes each of you are receiving on one of your logo blog posts!

I asked the tribe to really exemplify the ABUNDANCE thing here (as a community) and show up for all the artists and their hard work in our logo project. We want all of you to feel that you are extra appreciated (because you are) for being involved in our community, no matter how small of a way, or short of a time... we also realize most of you need it more than most of us, and are happy to accommodate return support to such a vast array of artistic talent. Check your transfer history for your rewards - and we would be honored and very much hope to see you all again in future @ELAmental hosted logo contests.



Abundance Tribe Logo Voting

The internal tribe member discussion on Discord was executed in stages, and was extremely close through the entire sequence. First, all members were given a chance to nominate up to four designs they would like to win. There were quite a few nominations (appropriate for the consistent quality across the board), so only nominations that received additional support were carried into the first round of voting (which was still 13 designs). The account's design with the most votes actually had 2 other designs with higher numbers than others as well, but that account will only receive a first place prize (no account can win more than one prize). The rest of the Dpoll resulted in a 5-WAY TIE for 2nd/3rd place! - which spurred another round of votes.


The second round of voting was only between the five designs that were tied up to determine who would win 2nd & 3rd place. Unlike the first round of voting, where each tribe member had three votes to use on the three designs they favored the most (could not vote for any design more than once), members were only given one vote in this final round. The last round was just as neck and neck as the first, and all of you should feel very proud of yourselves for providing such tough competition for the rest of the contestants. Bravo!



So without further ado, I present to you the top three @Abundance.Tribe logos as chosen by our community. Keep in mind that there are still many members that will want to use your designs that may or may not have placed for a prize in this contest, so please keep & back-up your project files in case someone would like you to update and/or personalize one of your logos for them.




CapitanZek's Original Logo Design Blog Post

All three of these designs submitted by @CapitanZek placed in the top tier on the first round of voting, with the one on top receiving the highest tribe support. Giving recognition to all three of these receiving heavy community support. Using a symbol that is reminiscent of the @NaturalMedicine logo (to a degree) is actually appropriate as AT & NM are certainly allies with overlapping values and members. This design is professional, while still holding elements of the elemental with fire (sun), water, Earth, life, and the lotus flower growing from the roots of infinity is a tasteful inclusion. I believe the wind element could be easily implemented into this design with some circular rotation around the outer edge of the logo, and should provide a little more contrast from the natural medicine logo by possibly updating and enhancing both logos for each respective community. I am also a huge fan of the mirror-reflecting font and the three water bubble droplets above the flower tip.

@CapitanZek - Please save all your project files for these designs. I will be contacting you shortly to make some additional adjustments to the top placed design, and humbly request creation of accompanying page separators and banners once those adjustments are made. Are you on Discord? Please comment below. Outstanding manifests friend!





LisbethSeijas' Comprehensive ESP/ENG Logo Blog Post

While I love the professionalism, representation of elemental forces, and appropriateness of @CapitanZek's 1st place logo, this logo by @LisbethSeijas is my personal favorite. This design struck me in a way that no emblematic idol ever has, and is so intuitive, that the numerous amount of people that have seen it, each sees something different in it.. this transcendent icon is what is known as "zoomorphic" - a term only explained in a rare book borrowed from a friend. I believe this archaic symbol has chosen to emerge for us from a lost civilization whence we were once a part in a previous lifetime. This symbol is deciphered and seen differently by all, unless you can see past what you think you see, what you want to see, and see it for what it is (I have heard everything from a lemur and owl to a Giraffe). The numerology in the feathers/leaves, and the people inside the symbol are all significant in their own ways as well, and the original intended symbolism is only a small part of what this symbol is and represents (I will be doing a full write up about this in the near future - will link in comments here). This talented artist's thoughtful, researched, and descriptive blog post is accompanied with an amazing banner, page separator, and night and day versions of the logo (pictured here). Thank you for such an intuitively stellar entry, and allowing yourself to be a conduit for this ancient spirit to re-manifest as an etherically visible guide for healing our people and planet.

P.S. - @LisbethSeijas, I would like to humbly request that you to do an alteration on the page separator with the kokopellis, and update the banner. Please save all project files related to this design entry. How can I reach out to you with an email address? Do you have Discord? Please comment below.






Auelitairene's Detailed Spirit/Feng Shui Inspired ESP/ENG Logo Blog Post

You really do have to read the full logo-blog post to truly appreciate this emblem. It has everything from tribal ties of faith and trust through the gifting of feathers, to using the elephant as a personally family tied Feng Shui sign of abundance, and chakra points for an added touch of spirit & soul. While there is much more to this logo than I will describe here, this cool Venezuelan canna-enthusiast grandmother has managed to manifest quite a powerful symbol that is well liked by our tribe. I had my reserves about using the same animal as the republican political party at first, but I now see that the prominence in this particular depiction of the animal traditionally representing wisdom, is a perfect way to reorient the visibility of the original intended symbolism in an ancient sense - well before "republicans" ever existed. To me, this symbol represents a way of deprogramming what people see in things, back to how they are meant to be perceived - the feeling it creates unaltered by the socially conditioned mind. Beautiful.

Time to free the elephant (& our minds) from the political cage.





I want to let everyone know that most entries had some tribe member support to one degree or another, and many of the logos, banners, and separators will be used by different members regardless if they were a winning design or not. I like to use varying designs depending on the content type of each post I publish, so although you may see me favor some more than others, I imagine I will still use many of them over time regardless. If any artist objects to members using their Abundance Tribe logos that were entered into this contest in our blog posts or elsewhere, please let us know so we can honor your wishes. We are more than honored to have the opportunity to have such a plethora of quality creations to choose from at all times, crafted by such creative and quality humans. Blessings, truth, love, and major respect to all of you. Thank you so much for all your passion, hard work, and devotion to this cause! The results are pleasantly more abundant than I could have ever anticipated!


Artist Info & Promo

If you need assistance with creating a digital logo or design of your own, I would encourage anyone reading this to reach out directly to any of these graphic designers that matches your style, shoot them a follow, and read their design post(s) on their blogs. I am sure most of them would be more than happy to accommodate, and I think its also safe to assume many of them will also accept Hive-coin (and maybe Steem) as payment for the services provided. Here is a list of every graphic design artist that participated in this contest (in alphabetical order):

@auelitairene, @capitanzek, @cetb2008, @daltono, @dksart, @dzoji, @edxserverus, @elcorrecamino, @jossduarte, @kadoshmenorah, @krnel, @lisbethseijas, @mendezand, @notconvinced, @opidia, @shrazi, @themonkeyzuelans, @tormenta, @trayan, & @trovadormusica.



Honorable Logo Blog Posts Mentions

While there were a TON of amazing designs, I would like to highlight a few logo blog posts (aside from the winners) that were exceptionally thoughtful, insightful, researched, and comprehensive. These are the honorable mention logo blog posts (in no particular order):

TheMonkeyzuelans' Logo Blog Post


Dzoji's Logo Blog Post


EDXserverus' Logo Blog Post


NotConvinced's Logo Blog Post


Krnel's Logo Blog Post


Kadoshmenorah's Logo Blog Post


Daltono's Logo Blog Post


Elcorrecamino's Logo Blog Post


Trovadormusica's Logo Blog Post



Contest Links

Click here to view the contest entry post with all the designs in the comments

Click here to watch the logo design product examples video

Click here to view the "meet the artists" post


***All rewards should be distributed to all accounts - please let us know if you did not receive yours.

Endless gratitude to all of you wonderful, passionate, creative, and artistic souls - Wishing you the best from all of us here at @Abundance.Tribe - we are all proud to be a part of a community that celebrates independence, conscious unity, artistic talent, inclusivity, gratitude, love, honor, and oneness with Gaia. Blessings - your design contest host - @ELAmental.



The work that went into all these entries was amazing! I really was torn between so many and it was hard to narrow selections down. The last single vote was the hardest! Such talent were have here.

It was indeed incredibly difficult to make our selections with so much talent NO DOUBT! The tribe was certainly split among many designs as far as support goes.. especially when trying to decide on 2nd and 3rd place! That is just a sign of a great contest with numerous outstanding artists. I will be honored to do this again sometime. This is the 4th logo contest I have hosted on Steem/Hive.

Thank you very much and congrats to all artists and thanks to @Abundance.Tribe community for this great contest.👍

I am in Discord

Thank you very much for your numerous entries and congrats on taking the 1st place prize! I have sent you a message on Discord to discuss some final alterations we want made to your winning logo.

La política nos divide como sociedad, a sus 24 años está abuela aprendió que debemos romper con la barrerás mentales que nos hacemos para catalogar a nuestros hermanos, por que su forma de pensar es distinta a la nuestra. Espero que algún día todos podamos ver que los animales son solo animales y que los colores son solo colores, la maldad va más allá de imágenes representativas de un partido.

Politics divides us as a society, at 24 years old this grandmother learned that we must break with the mental sweep that we make to catalogue our brothers, because their way of thinking is different from ours. I hope that one day we will all be able to see that animals are only animals and that colours are only colours, evil goes beyond representative images of a party.

Gracias por el reconocimiento! Súper linda experiencia!

Thanks for the recognition! Super nice experience!



Well said sista! I couldn't agree more. Thank you for all your hard work, thoughtfulness, & congratulations on winning the 3rd place prize! Blessings!

Thanks 🤗♥️

Awesome, thanks! Congrats to the winners :)

Thanks to you as well friend. I hope our contributions help you, and we are all more than happy to support fellow artists!

I agree with the number one selection. Thank you for the rewards and feature. I very much enjoyed participating in this competition

Very much enjoyed your entry - it had multiple nominations. Lets collaborate on a combo-design here soon from some of the entries. I have some craft ideas.

I’m always happy to create something special. Contact me any time my friend 🕯

Congratulations to the winners and everyone else participating!!! Big thanks to @abundance.tribe team for such an awesome contest and for making sure everyone gets some love.

Thank you so much for entering, I am always happy to see your insightful and well thought out designs in our contests!

There really is an abundance of talent shown in these designs and I'm very happy with the chosen Abundance Tribe Logo! Thank-you @CapitanZek! And lovely to have such variety to choose from for alternatives! I really appreciate the effort and creativity that went into these designs - an asset to the Tribe!
Thank-you also @ELAmental for hosting this contest!You did a marvelous job of presenting it all the way through!

Thank you very much!

Thank you for all your support @Porters!

Great job hosting this event, my friend. I had a blast both creating a design and being involved in the process to choose one.

Being a very new member, this allowed me to meet and get to know others I haven't had a chance to interact with and get a closer look at the inner workings of the Tribe.

The generosity abounds and I'm proud to have been accepted into such a great community.

Thank you😀

I am certainly glad you and I got to chat a little more through this process. Your design was in my to 5 favorites no doubt. Great work and glad to have you with us brother!

Congratulations @abundance.tribe! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You distributed more than 900 upvotes. Your next target is to reach 1000 upvotes.

You can view your badges on your board and compare to others on the Ranking
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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

Revolution! Revolution!
Vote for us as a witness to get one more badge and upvotes from us with more power!

Congratulations to the Winners.
And thanks for the reward and for mentioning other Artists with their work.

Thank you for being a part of this project - we are happy to hand out as much as we can. Abundance for the win!

Hello, great greetings, congratulations to the winners, great work, great talents.

Thank you for your submissions - we hope to see you in a future contest! Blessings!

I can clearly see a strong community in this tribe. I am not part of your tribe but I have recently joined your tribe discord as well as added this account to my upvoting list. Keep up the good up with all the strong supporters behind!

Glad to have you with us now and keep up the work of the good - blessings!

Thank you! I have actually added many of the members in the tribe in my upvoting list too. There are lots of meaningful posts by members of this tribe.

Thank you for appreciating all our content, we do our best to keep a consistent standard of professionalism and conscious publications to better the Earth and humanity.

@ELAmental - just a quiet standing ovation from me here in Thailand - you have celebrated, promoted, updated and informed AT so well through this contest process. Touche and kudos. ❤️

Thank you so much for the appreciation & recognition! I am happy to help.

Woooow 😍
Congratulations to winners 🎉
I enjoyed here 😊
All the best 🙂

Thank you so much for entering. We appreciate you!

wow what an emotion, for me it is an honor to have obtained this award. Thanks to all the team that selected the winners.
Congratulations to the other winners, and to all who participated

@ abundance.tribe, my email is: carlatoro2608@gmail.com
and my discord: it is lisbeth seijas # 0395. ok I send you the files in edit format. and I fix what you tell me and I pass it to you. A hug. and very grateful for supporting my design.

¡Felicidades! Quede atrapado por tu concepto.

I am having trouble finding you on Discord. I just sent you an email.

Stunning logos, all! Well done for everyone who entered!

Kind regards, congratulations to all the winners especially @lisbethseijas for their excellent work done in the design of the logo of this community, I see that the work for the selection of the winners was quite arduous, congratulations to you for appreciating the great work done by all of us who participate in this contest. My logo is available for what you want to take for your publications. A big hug and thank you very much God bless you all, I wish you the best of success in this blockchain.

We were more than happy to have you be a part of this project. Thank you so much for your submissions and hard work.

On this platform there are extremely talented people, I understand well when people feel that the words of recognition just aren't enough.

I'm grateful, because even when in a tournament of 20 people you are in the 20th position, you had the opportunity to participate, to compete shoulder to shoulder, and that is invaluable. Seeing the talent of everyone who participated, there is no doubt about how lucky all of us were to be able to show our talent.

Well said friend. That is also why we sent out Hive coin to everyone who participated. Thank you so much for your contribution.