Time-burglars and need-machines!!! lol Thats what I think of 'em, despite loving my neices... and I KNOW most mothers hate the job sometimes, no matter how much they love their kids. The range of emotions is valid and good that women can talk about it and not play the self-sacrifice suffer in silence role any longer.
papa-pepper ever heard the parasite analogy before cuz he's not a woman, less probability of thinking/feeling that way or hearing it from someone :D
Speaking of feelings, I wonder if a pregnant womans feelings affect fetal development. IIRC it can effect epigenetic traits. Also, there was a study done on women who were denied abortions, their children had marked disadvantages; poverty being the obvious, and higher rates of illness among them. It is very hard for a woman to give up the child even if they are unwilling mothers. 'Just give them up for adoption' is more cruel and dismissive of the experience than implying a fetus is a parasite.