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RE: Abortion: My Body My Choice

in #abortion8 years ago

Like it or not.
Your body your choice ... You have the choice of around with no proper prevention. I don´t care at all. THIS is your choice. Do with your body whatever you like.
The consequences of your choices are something you have to know and accept while making the choice. You´ll have to live with them. Getting pregnant is one of the possible consequences.
Well finally you created life. (The point of when life really starts is much too philosophical in my view and this should be left free for everyones conscience to decide. For me it´s the moment the egg is fertilised)
Fact is: there is a new body - Small perhaps, but there is everything needed to grow to a full new body. This body is not yours, so it´s not your choice anymore.

I get sick with people claiming to be SJW for the "my body-my choice" - movement and by that only covering up bad decisions taken to sleep with the wrong guy.

And before I get me stoned to death: yes there are exeptions... too young... a danger for the pregnant woman... rape... etc. bla. ACCEPTED

At the end I don´t care too much. It´s your conscience you will have to live with. I won´t "forbid" or "let forbid" anything by the state, but I would never suggest ending a live IF EVER POSSIBLE.