
I wonder how big they were on woman's rights?
I wonder what the correlation is between the cultural attitude toward abortion and woman's rights.
I wonder if women should be careful what they wish for?

I wonder if you've read the book.

One was written by Cortez's personal chronicler and one about 500 years later...

Think about it :)

and the bible was writtedn fifteen hundred years earlier.
The Koran was written five hundred years earlier.
The Rig Veda was written 2500 years earlier.
The work I indicated REFERENCED the cortez expedition. (and many others, the bibliography is about twenty pages)
Think about it.

With men in charge, women are often put into places of protection. (or up on a pedestal). The woman's body, her choice is an argument that only works on men.

With women in charge, they will control each others access to breeding. They will decide who can and who cannot have children. If the grand dame does not approve of you having a child, then getting pregnant is akin to being thrown out of the tribe. My body, my choice, quickly becomes our food/shelter our choice under a patriarchy.

I have a RADICAL idea
How bout NO ONE be "in charge".
Oddly enough I don't feel the need to have someone else tell me how to live.
Do you?

I am tired of having men/women flip/flop who's in charge.
I am ready to see something else. I don't know if we will get to no one being in charge. At least not soon. But, we can hope.

I was just stating what things were like in the past.