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RE: Abortion and the Libertarian Conscience

in #abortion7 years ago

I seem to always explain it to people like this. It is 100 % your right to have an abortion. I will not try to take anyones rights away from them. It is also 100 % my right to think you are a piece of shit to kill your own child. A lot of people try to argue different angles on it but that is my stance.


If the baby was 1 day old (after natural birth/delivery)... or a year old, would you have the same position? Is it one's right to murder a fetus? ... or even a zygote? I believe this goes way beyond social alienation regarding "piece of shit" smearing.

How many unwanted orphans have YOU adopted to prove to me how you're making yourself part of the change you wish to see?

I believe you posted under the wrong comment. You aren't addressing the issue of murder.

No, I commented plenty on when it isn't murder. If you look lower on the main thread, you'll see it. But the same question still arises from the anti-choice side: how many orphans have YOU adopted to prove you're part of the solution, not just the moralist peanut gallery pointing fingers at how terrible it is.

"moralist peanut gallery". No. The moralist is the BACKBONE of human society not the packAsses in the stands cheering or booing. ...and the morality is OBJECTIVE. Meaning one takes himself out of the quotient. 2+2=4 no matter what I or you do with this element of truth.

This is literally the backbone of the AnarchoVoluntaryist position. Does that fetus own his own life? Yes or no? Does "it" have Rights? And if so, at what moment does he receive them? ...and from what source? If you don't want to address this, I have no qualm with you. But I'm not wasting time with anything outside the purview of strict, objective morality. Taxation is THEFT. Do you have a problem with that, as well?

Homosexuality. According to the church, it's immoral. According to libertarianism, it's not violating any ethical principles. Great example that proves just how SUBJECTIVE moralism is. In fact, "morality" is nothing but a religiously highly subjective way of telling others how to live.

"It" doesn't have rights. Just because I can't identify the precise moment when "it" does, doesn't mean I can't know what are sound benchmarks along the way that eventually push it into the realm of the unethical. What source? Is that your indirect way of telling me god gave 'em to you? Because someone NOT religious can still think they have a birthright to freedom, no god necessary.

No, taxation is armed robbery. Calling it "theft" shows just how much you understate the crime. Calling it ARMED robbery makes very clear the implied guns to the victims' heads.

Dude. Libertarianism only has one ethical principle. And no, the Non-Aggression Principle is an OBJECTIVE, universal moral tenet. It is the complete opposite of subjective.... which is alterable by feelings and circumstances, without bridle.

So the question remains. Is the preborn human a being endowed with a Right to Life? You either believe this being receives this Right at conception, at birth or somewhere in between or after it emerges out of the womb. Pick one. I am not interested in arguing with you no matter which moment you chose. It will not bear any fruit. So how about we just move on? You really are tremendously boring as all porkyPoop.

And you STILL haven't told me how many unwanted orphans YOU are helping, in order to prove that you're not just virtue signaling.

I don't have to prove one way or another regarding "virtue signaling." Who cares if I am or not? My actions or reactions have nothing to do with the morality of murder. If someone walks up to you and stabs you in the back, causing you to bleed to death while he removes the wallet from your pocket, does my reaction to the scenario, or how I attempt to help you or not, have anything to do with a Jury's decision to convict the attacker? No. Is a planned killing of a preborn human an act of murder? Do you consider it "justifyable homicide"? Is it "euthansia"? That's all we are discussing here, frankJee. So stick to the topic, or we can simply move on in peace.

How many unwanted orphans have YOU adopted to prove to me how you're making yourself part of the change you wish to see?

Why is it 100% your right to have an abortion?