Already, the goal post has seriously been moved. From Rowe vs Wade being about, women will get abortions whether it is legal or not, so we should at least make it safe for them. Now, it is my body, my choice. Forget about anybody else's rights (including the babies).
After that, they take all the blame, shame, costs and social costs and dump them on the men (or society in general... but not the women).
Women have umpteen forms of birth control, and none of them a man can tell if the woman is using them. But, it is men who are blamed (you got her pregnant) and men who are held financially liable.
So, what I really hate is that women want to argue for inalienable rights, while offloading all the responsibility that comes with those rights.
And what women really want is plausible deniability, so they can get out of the bad predicament they got themselves into, while maintaining the "Good girl" image for when she wants to get married.
Also, women are said to be the more spiritually connected of the species. I can feel the presence of a child in a womb. How on earth does any woman get off saying it is just a pile of cells. (or a parasite)
The father has the choice to use a condom so leaving birth control up to the woman is just an immature cop out. i.e both parties are to blame for the unwanted pregnancy (assuming consensual sex).
I've never heard of men taking all the blame and shame and costs. You are actually saying that every time any unmarried woman becomes pregnant, anywhere in the world no-one ever says anything negative to her and someone else pays for all her extra food and special clothes and equipment and her standard of living remains exactly the same as before she became pregnant.
"women want to argue for inalienable rights, while offloading all the responsibility that comes with those rights." Presumably the right you are talking about here is the right to have an abortion. What responsibility are women shirking after the abortion?
"And what women really want is plausible deniability, so they can get out of the bad predicament they got themselves into, while maintaining the "Good girl" image for when she wants to get married." You just said here that pregnancy is the woman's problem alone, that the "bad predicament " is not the man's, it's not his problem and he did nothing to cause the situation because he doesn't have an image that he needs to maintain in order to be considered worthy of becoming a husband in the future.
All is an extremely powerful word-please use wisely and try to think about what you are inferring with the words that you choose.
Personally, I would never choose to have an abortion. However, I never had parents who would have killed me or disowned me or forced me into a marriage and I've never had any burning ambitions that would have been hampered by a child and I know myself well enough to know that I would have been thinking about the kid forever.
Maybe you should try to be less judgemental and have a go at empathy.
So, you are going steady with a girlfriend, and she tells you she is on the pill, so you don't need to use a condom. "It will feel sooo much better," she says.
As a guy, it is about a 50/50 probability that she is telling the truth. The other possibility is that she is trying to get pregnant so that she can try to lock down the guy.
And then, most abortions are because the bad-boy wouldn't go along with being locked-down.
She told him, "I'm pregggererrrrs" and he walked.
To avoid pregnancy and avoid paying for the rest of your life a man should always wear a condom or abstain. Yeah, that should work... except all the times that it didn't. (Yes, paying child support when you didn't even get to see the goods)
If a guy chooses someone with low morals to be his GF that is still his responsibility and are you seriously trying to use being weak minded as an excuse for men to make poor life decisions?
If you were my son I would teach you how to be a real man, find decent women and stop being a whiney little biatch and FYI babies are not property.
Over 50% of marriages end in divorce. And every single one of them thought they had a good woman. Oh the horror stories out there about the divorces.
Men get cheated on all the time. And when asked if they saw any signs, they did not. They thought there wife was true and allowed her to have her women's night out without a second thought. Oh, the horror stories.
The horror stories about what is termed "baby jail" are worse than the above.
The stories of women who pull underhanded tricks to get pregnant abound. (Including putting holes in condoms, or digging them out of the trash...)
And, even if the man says I do not want to have kids, and uses protection, and does everything right, these men have gone TO JAIL for not paying child support. (one case he didn't even know he was a father. In other cases, they weren't even the father)
When I said 50/50 above, I meant it from hard evidence.
And, what is it about babies being property? Where did that come from?
You were talking about unmarried women becoming pregnant and you were trying to absolve men from all responsibility-you can move the goal posts by moving the discussion to married couples if this is just about you feeling like you've won an argument.
"Yes, paying child support when you didn't even get to see the goods"- be careful with your analogies. I know you don't really think babies are property-I was messing with you but seriously you shouldn't defend men who have bad taste in women just because you are a guy.
I'm assuming that you are hetero so that you find women attractive and part of that attraction should be to that part of their spirit which is feminine. How can you see past the surface of a woman if you are hating on women's characters in general? In order to hate on all women you have to deny that small part of your own spirit which is feminine and that is the part that you need to recognise a good woman. If you were my son, you'd be happy and you wouldn't be defending idiots of either sex.
I am sorry @cathi-xx I was trying to keep this PG.
I meant that there is a man in jail for not paying child support and he hasn't had sex with her!
I would suggest you avoid personal attacks in the future. You are not very good at it.
Thanks for clarifying that.
There certainly do seem to be a lot of double standards that have to be considered, as you shared.
If a father wants the child to be born, he has no "choice."
If a father doesn't want the child, he has no "choice."
I've heard some shared about that in the past too.
If a man wants to be pregnant, he has no choice.