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RE: I Just Wanted to Write A Post

in #a-post6 months ago

You were being disrespectful.

First, it's not "rambling", I wasn't "farming drama", I wasn't going "apeshit" though I could have said the same thing, professionally. Wasn't me dragging it out. I was responding to your comments and was even the one telling you to let it go, however, you continued. Saying it's weird and whatever else only contributed to receiving a sour response, yet I let it slide rather than giving it back. Asking me if I think that was an okay reaction after I already figured out and explained to you I misread and was fine, was an indication you weren't listening.

I was able to understand it was a simple communication breakdown which is why I wasn't knocking you down in response.

There's no need to knock me down in this response either.

I questioned things but was not insulting you, therefore it should be clear there was no intent to paint you in a bad light. Was merely defending my work. Even let it slide when you were insinuating I'm stupid.

And I'm only saying this now, in response, because you say you couldn't understand. So it's an honest attempt to help clear that up.

I wasn't reacting to downvotes. I was reacting to being shut down from going forward with creating the content I wanted to create, and that was already explained, politely, professionally, and in great detail, so there's no need for me to go over that once more.

I'm not offended by any of this. It's not an argumentative response. Simply stating what's there, from my perspective. This isn't "drama". It's me, talking.

You're failing to understand where I'm coming from and I can see that, though at this point everything should be clear so I hope this helps clarify further.

We both played an equal role in what I can agree was a shitty encounter. One thing about me is I'm able to move past these things rather quickly. I do know you're better than this and I hope you're able to pull some positives out as well, improving your way forward.


That's what it came off to me, I can't help but feel that way that someone who's been here for as long as you have and contributed in long and detailed discussions about particular hive things in posts all around would act the way you did to a simple misunderstanding at best and a potential diss of your post/threat with downvotes at worst.

You told me to "let it go" after you'd already left several long comments about nothing I was pointing at while saying shit like "if this is what this place is turning into then I'll leave right now" and insinuating all kinds of shit about my persona and activity while you kept ignoring my simple explanation for the community to defend itself to outright spam/low effort garbage.


I was hoping the "chill out" would make you give this a couple days like you just did when you apologized but instead you decided to take it as an aggressive statement and continue rambling about things that didn't occur nor were the intentions ever to be translated that way.


If you read my comments there it's literally going in circles explaining what I meant so you would understand what I meant but you kept choosing to focus on what I didn't mean.

So no, I wasn't being disrespectful, I simply left a quick reply to one of your commenters AFTER leaving a reply to you on your post. My activity wasn't meant to be malicious but to engage in your post's comments and end up informing a somewhat inactive user why this post itself wouldn't get downvoted but others that seem like it would by other authors.

The problem I have now is that I don't know if you're just off lately and that's why this happened or if you're on your way out and looking for a scapegoat, but I hope it's the former. That's just me stating what I think cause the alternative that you think I'd be against people experimenting/being creative here is quite absurd.

Either way, my time is better spent somewhere else and I'll make sure I don't accidentally end up being social in your posts any longer.

I was hoping to clear things up and move forward.

Okay, but I wouldn't forgive others doing this, whether accidental or not. Reputation is everything as they say.

Hope you continue posting and being creative.

As stated, it's a simple communication breakdown. I'd prefer not to talk in circles once again but rather step away and move past this. You've said multiple times I'm a waste of time. You're jumping to conclusions that aren't mine. These things don't need to be said, but I'm not giving you shit.

It's true I haven't been feeling well, for quite awhile.

I'll see you around, dude.

Mate, you already gave me shit.

We could've had a good conversation about anything else rather than a misunderstanding that you started and continued for a few comments instead of reacting to my explanation I tried to give too many times and ending it there. It is a waste of time for both you and me, unless what you wanted out of it was that misunderstanding and drama to continue then it's probably just a waste of time for me as you're getting what you wanted.

Apologize for jumping to these conclusions, but that makes more sense to me now than the misunderstanding that occurred here and what transpired afterward. I respect you so I'm okay to waste that time, if it had been someone else I would've ignored them comment trees ago.

I'm not trying to continue this, I usually become the defacto loser in such arguments cause english isn't my native language and I may focus on the wrong things when writing out comments. I just don't appreciate it when people purposely waste someone's time when I give them the benefit of the doubt that they're not trying to do that so I hope that's not the case here else that'd be quite disappointing.

Hope you feel better soon

I'm not trying to waste time. I'm trying to use time to clear things up so I can feel comfortable moving forward. I understand these things can be challenging sometimes.

Acid. We're both better than this. Boiled down, it's a petty disagreement caused by miscommunications on both sides. Nothing we do or say at this point can change that. Time to move on.

You're not my superior. I'm not your superior.

I've worked on my patience a lot but still slip up sometimes. Doesn't matter who it is, I'll feel bad if I lose my cool on them.

I'm not interested in burning this place down or alienating anyone. I'm a human, I have flaws. Just like everyone. When it comes to the things I care about, I can be quite passionate. What's hidden behind that is a place of respect. I won't change my ways. I'll just get better at them.

Seriously dude. Starting now, we're both walking away from this, better people. And I will not be holding a grudge.

Both of you guys are outstanding members of the Hive community, I think (I'm sure), if you guys were in a face to face encounter, instead of online, this wouldn't have gone down like this. Without that ability to read the others facial expressions and smiles, miscommunication can happen. Anyways have a great weekend guys!!