Myths Of Our Economy: The Middle Class

in #informationwars6 years ago

The Middle Class. What is the middle class? And does it exist at all? The middle class is yet another myth in the capitalist economic model.

image by DonkeyHotey - source: flickr

This is partially inspired by a great post from @meno, Overthinking wealth Distribution, more specifically under the heading "Are you a 1% -er?" where he links to another great post by @tarazkp, Are you a Steem 1 percenter?; I recommend you visit their blogs or follow them to as they're both valuable sources of information. Anyhow, @meno does something I really like: he compares our Steemit economy to the off-chain traditional economy we all exclusively participated in before crypto-currencies were introduced. Here's some quotes I immediately recognized, as will you:

Here we are participating of a system, of a whole economic system with the unique opportunity to rewrite the book, and we've chosen to copy/paste most of it.


We don't have a healthy middle class on Steem.

and the conclusion:

I think its time to look inward, to ask ourselves if we are willing to be part of that change, or we just want to perpetuate the cycle.

I like this comparison to the traditional economy, and the conclusion especially because I've said the same so many times: no blockchain or any other technology is going to correct the shortcomings of the traditional economy unless we change our own behavior. I'm sad to say though that this also means we have to look at the validity of capitalism itself, and that's the final step so few people dare take. It seems that criticizing capitalism itself is still somehow taboo, or that people still believe in the supposed benefits capitalism has given us.

This is the reason why I started this series "Myths Of Our Economy", in which I try to explain why capitalism simply doesn't work as a sustainable and just method of producing and distributing goods. That's all it is, you know? A method of producing and distributing goods. Economy is the answer to the question: "how do we distribute all the goods we collectively produce from the Earth's resources?" Now, there used to be a time when capitalism wasn't the only economic ideology in the world. Before 1989 when the Berlin Wall fell, and with it the Iron Curtain, the end of Communism was a fact, capitalism had communism to contend with.

Do you think it's a coincidence that the late nineteen eighties also is approximately the time when the deconstruction of the American middle class began, as well as middle classes all over the western world? It's no coincidence and no surprise: capitalism by itself has no middle class! In capitalism there's only winners and losers. The invisible hand above the market is invisible for the most obvious of reasons: it simply doesn't exist. So, the middle class only rises when there's enough resistance against capitalist forces, and that's why we now see the middle class dwindling at an accelerated rate in Europe and the U.S., where our latest capitalist empire was born and where it will die first.

The middle class in the U.S. was most recently built up right after the previous capitalist meltdown, the Wall Street Crash of 1929, also known as Black Tuesday (October 29), more specifically by the super high tax-rates for the top incomes introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt in his New Deal:

"The New Deal was a series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms and regulations enacted in the United States 1933-36, in response to the Great Depression."

Barack Obama, Time cover November 24, 2008, "The New Deal"
image by Cliff - source: flickr

Let me pause for a moment and give you a definition of the middle class that works for me: the middle class earns their income through labor and they distinguish themselves from the upper class by the absence of unearned income. The middle class distinguishes itself from the lower class by that earned income through labor. Rich get richer because they gain income above and beyond their ability to earn that income through labor, i.e. through the value added through labor. That's what leads us working people to say that they cheat. We don't say the hard working people of a freshly started business cheat, but the ones that already made it, or who's parents already made it. And this does make the playing field uneven, not level at all. Okay, on with the aftermath of the Great Depression...

Tax rates for the richest were as high as more than 90%, something your modern minds would think utterly criminal. But is it? This is actually based on a very simple and very true principle: no human being can earn a whole lot of wealth by himself. That's just not possible without some agreed upon mechanism that distributes wealth in such an unbalanced manner that almost all of it lands with a few people and the meager remnants are left for the majority to fight for among themselves. Don't believe me? Well, just imagine yourself alone on an island that has all resources you could ever want to make whatever you want; you're free to do with all the wood, plants, animals, oil, metals, uranium, chemicals... everything is there and you can do what you want with it. How many tv's, cars, houses etc. will you have after a lifetime of hard work? Exactly: none. You'd be doing great if you managed a wooden cabin with a small vegetable garden and catch some wildlife for an extra piece of meat on your wooden table once a week...

I said this so many times: everything you have more than that wooden cabin, you have because of the work of other people, now and in the past. So, no matter your task in the economy, no matter how much you think you deserve, whenever someone has made enough money to own a house and a small piece of land even, and an extra house somewhere abroad, and a car for each of those houses, that person has made more than he could ever have done on his own. If you think about it like that, the richest among us should be glad they get to keep 10% of what they earn, which is more than humanly possible.

Capitalism is an ideological model that's based on one human trait only: greed. This economy takes as its base participants that are rational, calculating agents that do everything possible to maximize personal wealth. This is advertised as a good thing, because if only everybody took their personal responsibility and work to maximize their own profits, material wealth would be maximized and the invisible hand would assure that everybody gets their rightful share of the growing pie. Greed is good. Greed works. Repeated ad nauseam. In his post @meno rightfully states that we all at some level simply accept the existence of corruption: this is the reason why. Corruption has become the norm, because "they" are cheating and the playing field isn't level.

They cheat because they don't give back to the community of people that made them rich in the first place, the community that allowed them to have way more than that wooden cabin. The "giving back" has for years been described as the "trickle-down economy", the absurd believe that when the richest do better, that extra wealth would find its way down the social ladder all the way down to the poorest among us. Or that they would invest in more jobs or in a new middle class: the richest have never in human history behaved this way, why would they switch behavior now all of a sudden? Why would they abandon the idealism of greed that has served them so well? I'll repeat what I've said in several of these posts: Adam Smith never said the "invisible hand" is a mechanism that would provide an equilibrium in the capitalist economy, but as the empathy he thought the capitalists would feel toward the ones left behind by the economy that produces only winners and losers. I'm sad to say, the powerful have never shown to be very empathic at all, quite the opposite actually.

Capitalism has never ever known or cared for a middle class. This middle class is a result of force exerted against capitalism by a competing ideology or by the very few governments that still remember some of the alternative ideologies. Sweden still has a middle class, as did the U.S. in the times there were still active communist and socialist parties and organisations. With the introduction of laissez-faire capitalism under Reagan and Thatcher in the early eighties, followed by the end of world-communism in the late eighties (don't start with communist China; there's nothing communist over there), the middle class saw the beginning of its end. World-wide tax rates for corporations and the rich have been cut and are still being cut, thereby robbing governments of the power to exert any resistance against capitalist forces like their enormous campaign contributions during elections and lobby-groups that constantly lobby for laws that serve their goals.

So, yes, we have simply copy-pasted the traditional capitalist ideology onto the Steem blockchain with our collective behavior and the subsequent virtual absence of a meaningful middle class. Corruption is everywhere because out role-models are corrupt and they fed us a "can't beat 'm than join 'm" mentality by setting their "accomplishments" as an example for our life-goals. It's why young people so often don't care what they will study, as long as it makes them enough money. Don't do what you love and almost naturally become good at, but do what's wanted in the job-market and do what makes you rich first, and afterwards do what you love.

99% over 1%
image by Todd Blaisdell - source: flickr

Economy isn't that complicated, or it doesn't have to be; it's simply the method by which we distribute the goods we collectively produce from the earth's resources. By that simple definition our current economy fails miserably if the goal is a just or even realistic distribution and the sustainable production of that shared wealth. Remember the wooden cabin! All wealth is produced collectively and by no particular individual. These are simple truths in my mind, and our current economic model fails on every level because it simply rejects those truths and acts opposite to them by exceedingly rewarding a few individuals for the combined labor of the exploited masses.

There is no such thing as a self-made man unless you live in that wooden cabin as a hermit. No one is independent. And there is no middle class in capitalism. And there's only middle class in communism. Both are ideologies that derive their answers from the perspective of only one human trait (egoism vs altruism) and are therefore both wrong. The healthiest societies ever under capitalism were the ones heavily influenced by socialist principles that allowed for the existence of a middle class in an overarching economic model that by itself only produces a few very rich with many very poor. Now that these socialist influences are all but dead, we will only see a further acceleration in the growth of the gap between the rich and poor and a further dwindling of the middle class. In both the Steemit economy and the traditional economy.

We have to change, and I know how difficult it is to "be the change you want to see" in this particular case. George Orwell said it in 1984: In times of universal deceit telling truth is a revolutionary act. I don't ever claim to know the truth about anything, but I can say that all the above in my mind's eye is self-evident. Even if we leave economics and enter politics it's quite easy to se how the middle class is not only created by the politics opposed to the capitalist's goals, but also the politicians favorite target for elections; they are in a sense capitalism's greatest hero because they allowed this essentially sick and failing system to prolong it's existence after the meltdowns in 1929 and 2008. I wonder how long we will let this go unchecked. I wonder how long until we realize that there's no solutions to be found within capitalism, but only in the fight against capitalism and thereby restoring some sense of balance in everything.

Remember that back in FDR's days he used the tax income gotten from the rich to create the jobs, yes government jobs, the owners of the means of production themselves wouldn't create. He saw the waste of this gigantic workforce of willing and able people not producing anything, so he took the money from the rich and created paying jobs for the poor. Brilliant, isn't it? But that's called communism now and I should get my red ass out of the country :-P Decades of capitalist rhetoric has faded any sensible distinctions between political and economical ideologies in the general population's mind. So, I would be grateful if all of this at least leads you to question capitalism's so called merits and encourage you to start to think about possible alternatives for this failing economic model.

Thanks, dear reader, for sitting through this semi-rant. I once again recommend you to visit both @meno and @tarazkp as they've been valuable sources of information for myself that I dare recommend to anyone interested in Steem, Steemit and good reads in general. I hope also that you liked this post, of course, and that you share your thoughts on the dying middle class in the comments section. Until next time!

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Now that these socialist influences are all but dead, we will only see a further acceleration in the growth of the gap between the rich and poor and a further dwindling of the middle class. In both the Steemit economy and the traditional economy.

Socialist influence are very much alive and rotting everything from the inside out, very nicely..
We are heading to communism through crony capitalism.
(Communism being a centralized means of production. 5 world mega corporations with a central bank is a close to communism you can get without using the label)

Free market capitalism (impossible with a central bank), destroys monopoly.
Government regulation stops free markets, and promotes monopoly.. - it then becomes crony capitalism, which is much closer to communism, that any capitalism.

(Non of this above pertains to blockchain/steem - on that I have no clue where we are headed! lol)

Capitalism isn't an ideology...It's a natural system of exchange -' I'll scratch your back, you scratch mine', in it's most rudimentary form.
It was happening every day worldwide, before people could use words properly..
Kids get it free markets. It's that simple.
Swaps. It happens millions of times a day.

No central planning or stupid people who think they can organize an economy.
There is no need to - it looks after itself through price discovery.

We need no intellectuals to tell us different ideologies - for that's all they are. (ideas)
Free markets are not ideas, they are just a simple natural dynamic, with no need for any ideology to validate it.. that's in the realm of others who try..

(p.s. I used to be a socialist)

Free markets are not ideas, they are just a simple natural dynamic

My creaky old brain is now remembering marvelous discussions I used to have with aforesaid finance professor in college... concerning "free markets" vis-a-vis the philosophies of whether we live in "a world of plenty" or "a world of scarcity."

Free markets work beautifully under the worldview of plenty, because true meritocracies become possible. The guy who makes the best widgets gets to charge more; the guy who makes shitty widgets has to charge less. Participants have the freedom to pay a lot for a deluxe widget, and a little for a crappy one. Market forces work.

But it seems almost inevitable that some operators don't WANT a meritocracy; they don't WANT "plenty"... so they introduce the manipulation of "scarcity." Rather than striving to make the best widget, they instead sabotage their competitor, or burn their factory, or poison their crops. OR they seek to control the marketplace by creating "artificial" scarcity (think the Hunt brothers and silver). Even without government intervention, we now no longer have a "free" market; we have contrived scarcity.

Now, it could be argued that "people have the option to NOT buy those goods!" which is perhaps true until we get to "essentials," like certain medical procedures and drugs. "Here's your choice: Pay my price, or permanent disability. The clock is ticking." Fear is a powerful motivator. Just watch the crypto markets...

I used to be a socialist, too... and I love free markets. I know I would "do right" by a free market. My stumbling block always is the same, however: In a "no rules" free market, how to we handle the psychotic evil geniuses who care only to manipulate markets for gain, not to be "honorable" participants?

instead sabotage their competitor, or burn their factory, or poison their crops.
In a "no rules" free market, how to we handle the psychotic evil geniuses who care only to manipulate markets for gain, not to be "honorable"

Property laws.
The real use as to why laws were designed..

If these are used properly - all the problems are dealt with ....and with crony capitalism these laws are used to compound criminal behavior..

Thanks for responding in such a clear and well worded manner, @lucylin :-) You illustrate in this response all the misconceptions about capitalism, communism and socialism I see very day in the defense of our failing capitalist economy.

We are heading to communism through crony capitalism.

Crony capitalism or a plutocracy in which the greatest financial powers literally buy the political power, killing democracy underway, is the end-station of any economic model based on the individual accumulation of wealth. Your "free market" seized to exist when we stopped "swapping", as you call it. Heck, individual freedom seized to exist as soon as we stopped swapping the stuff we made, grew or killed our-self. As soon as we discovered the power of community and started organizing ourselves in communities with shared commonalities, the simple swapping stops because you don't make your own stuff anymore. Almost all you consume is produced by other people and the fact that we're able to produce a vast surplus compared to our individual needs is also because we organize labor in our communities. It's not too hard to understand, I hope, that simple swapping doesn't do justice to that kind of communal organisation. And you can see this with your own eyes. There has never been a free market after the stone age, and there never will be: or would you rather return to the stone age?

Free market capitalism (impossible with a central bank), destroys monopoly.

In my opinion the illusion of a free market isn't possible without the central banks. How else would you sustain the illusion of eternal growth? These central banks, as well as all other forms of kartels, are the exact consequences of your free market ideology. Individual producers can swap and form a free market. We have evolved however and we consume only stuff made by organized groups of other people we'll never meet. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but social organisation demands planning. Central planning even. Maybe something like a government..? Don't plan everything, but at least plan the avoidance of the natural tendency of capitalism to devolve into a plutocracy. They also call it "socialism for the rich", maybe you confused that, I don't know. And what do you think about FDR? Was he a communist to?

Kids get it free markets. It's that simple.

Like I said: they trade personal stuff. We're grown ups: we don't trade dolls. It's that simple.

Free markets are not ideas, they are just a simple natural dynamic...

They're as natural a dynamic as us building cities and roads between cities. Hence all the rules and regulations. See how that works? Organisation demands planning. I hope you can fathom that.

"Capitalism is an economic system based upon private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Characteristics central to capitalism include private property, capital accumulation, wage labor, voluntary exchange, a price system, and competitive markets."

That's just a quick Wikipedia lookup; how do you not see that all freedom in that system seizes to exist at the very beginning of the definition, namely "private ownership"? How do you determine who privately owns what without a large body of laws and regulation to protect that private property? How can you not see the need for regulation on wage labor, the price system and who or what decides what competition is fair? And who warrants the producing class won't form their private socialist system by forming kartels, because together they best assure their continued profitability? The argument that it's the governments fault while the government does exactly what the capitalist lobbyists ask for, is laughable in my opinion.

Well, I think it's safe to say that I respectfully disagree with almost all you say here ;-) You use the same arguments I see a lot of anarcho-capitalists use, and that also an ideology I cannot agree with, for much of the same reasons I state here. Thanks again for your generous response though, I really do appreciate that and hope to see you back here in the future :-)


Wow, that was a really good read @zyx066... you covered a lot of common-sense middle ground that I often try to explain to people, myself.

I remember sitting and having long discussions with my finance professor at UT Austin around 1982 (being fairly "fresh off the boat" from Denmark) and committing the treasonous act of claiming that both Communism and Capitalism would collapse in our lifetime because they were unsustainable. Communism went first (you can't hope to go anywhere I you sacrifice individual value in name of supporting the collective... people get depressed when they feel they have no value!)... and I sincerely believe the type of unchecked capitalism we have now is also teetering on the edge of extinction... you can't hope to build a cohesive society in the absence of a "common good."

Of course the "Freedomists" and hard-core Capitalists actually believe their own talk... and they continue to use dodgy statistics to support it.

But we have a new "wrinkle" developing — which was never part of the original capitalistic model — called technology and automation. Not only have we a shrinking middle class, but we have less and less need for people TO WORK. Next comes the trucking and delivery industry... here in the US, 4-5 million jobs will be replaced by self-driving trucks.

Of course, I could rant on at some length, but I'll refrain.

But I'll re-steem this, which at least will send it across some fresh sets of eyeballs... but be prepared for some to take offense here!


both Communism and Capitalism would collapse in our lifetime because they were unsustainable

Communism is ideology.
Capitalism isn't an ideology, it's a natural system of economics....

and I sincerely believe the type of unchecked capitalism we have now's not capitalism. It is Crony capitalism, and is the shoehorn to communism, which it the direction we are headed (since 1913 in the west..)
Capitalism is impossible when a central bank controls the value of money.
Capitalism depends on free markets.
Money valued not through the price discovery mechanism is NOT free market. Ergo, it is not capitalism.

Not only have we a shrinking middle class, but we have less and less need for people TO WORK

This is indeed a never seen before phenomenon..I'm really not sure what this means for us as a society...
Communism through the back door? - along with eugenics and genocide - another communist family favorite!

The technology issue is probably going to be a bigger fish in the equation than the nuances of capitalism vs. communism. Whether we are talking about "ideologies" OR "systems," technology is acting as a disruptor.

A structure is developing in which "work" will have less and less to do with what you can and cannot do, and being "qualified" for anything... than with the simple fact that nobody NEEDS you to work and produce anything.

Part of that might be "good," but we are going to run head first into the issue that "food costs money" and "houses require rent" but now there's nothing for me to DO in order to be "self sufficent in the sense of earning my own money, rather than "mooching off the state" which we've all determined we hate.

So without some kind of structured solution... we're heading straight towards "angry villagers with pitchforks" protesting "rich landowners." Because in a capitalist system, why should a rich factory owner who produces goods not by providing jobs to HUMANS give up any of the profits they make from robotic production, to make products that no longer require the payment of salaries, health insurance and all that rot?

But wait... now we have ANOTHER problem. Since the worker bees no longer have jobs, so they don't make money, so they can't afford to BUY aforesaid products... DEMAND for those products will plummet. Because, after all, the "rich landowners" only NEED one (or maybe three) toaster ovens, not millions.

I think the kind of "pure" capitalism you're talking about is really a derivation of the economics principle of "Perfect Competition" which is awesome (it was always one of my favorites!) except for its critical flaw: It is contingent on a "perfect information" in the marketplace. no such thing exists... or, actually, it's a misnomer. Humans, with all their foibles, phobias, greed, fear, manipulations and machinations... are more inclined to be self-serving than naturally "efficient."

Do "free markets" actually EXIST? I definitely like the idea of free markets. I used to think eBay was a great thing back when it was dominated by "auction format." You put your stuff out there and the open market decided — through the bidding process — what something was "worth," in that moment.

A lot of people are quick to blame eBay for the decline of that system... but the root cause was actually greedy people who used shills and "blackballing systems" to sabotage competitors that started that snowball... because there is a large segment of Humans who don't care about free markets, they just care about accumulating "the biggest pile." Hence we end up having to toss people like "Pharma Bro" in prison...

But enough rambling... it'll be interesting to see how it all plays out. Something tells me the most prudent strategy these days is to make sure you understand how to live on "almost nothing."

Yeah, 'the robots produce, so the there are no workers with income to purchase,' is a real doozy, ain't it?

Something tells me the most prudent strategy these days is to make sure you understand how to live on "almost nothing."

Wise words, methinks...

You honor me, sir, with this beautiful response. Thanks you so much for the support and especially for the interest you show in these important matters and the important additions you make: you're absolutely right that it is useless to hang on to an economic model based on everybody needing a job when "working" will be something completely different than we know now due to technological advancements.

Thanks so much, @denmarkguy :-)

Pretty big post, thank you very much for such a great post

Posted using Partiko Android

You're welcome, @mizan570! I'm glad you stopped by to read all of that :-) Thank you!

TX for answering

Posted using Partiko Android

well written bro

Thanks so much for that compliment @wta-cryptofx :-) I'm glad you liked it!

Great post i didnt read it all but what i read was great. Capitalism will fall not sure when tho maybe tech will help people realise they are getting screw

Thanks, @cryptoslicex, as always I appreciate your support a lot, even if you didn't read all of it ;-)

haha no worries . keep up the good work

Lemme get this straight.
Steemit provides free admission to a system whereby a person can make money with zero investment, purely dependent upon how much effort that person invests.

and that's not fair?

Thank you, @everittdmickey for responding :-) I don't think I ever said that. If I did I'm glad you're here to correct me. I only repeated the claim that the Steemit economy lacks a functional middle class and tried to explain why that is and how that is related to the off-chain economy.

...purely dependent upon how much effort that person invests.

Well, that's not true though, is it? At least, it depends on what you mean by "invest". If you want to decide if something would be fair, that "something" has to correspond with reality. Is it true that those who put the most effort in their contributions to this platform are also the ones who get rewarded for that "investment"? Or are the ones that buy a lot of upvotes the ones that get rewarded the most because of their monetary investment? It's exactly the same as in the traditional economy: money makes money, and that's all I'm saying here. Said nothing about Steemit, other than that this technology isn't gonna change anything. We'll have to change ourselves, and a good start would be a lot less emphasis on an economic model that's based on pure personal gain.
