PostsCommentsPayoutszhutan (25)in #mining • 7 years ago【如何用手机挖矿FGC】区块链游戏应用FoundGame本文详细介绍了如何 用手机挖 FGCzhutan (25)in #mixin • 7 years ago进入MIXIN的世界,其实你只需要这一篇文章前些天老猫发文《上帝的角度》。其中说到, 如果站在上帝视角来看,历史上整个区块链行业的超级投资机会其实只有三次: 1、2013年(含之前)的 BTC 2、2015年的 ETH 3、2017年的 EOS 第四次可能是————mixin 详情请阅读原文,如下。 转发的: 原文链接: 公众号:一币一说 作者:格林 图片截取自官网zhutan (25)in #google • 7 years ago[Forward] ACCC investigating Oracle research showing Google users Android phone plan data to spyTHE ACCC is investigating accusations Google is using as much as $580 million worth of Australians’ phone plan data annually to secretly track their movements. The original link:zhutan (25)in #blockchain • 7 years ago[Forward] Blockchain Just Isn’t As Radical As You Want It To BeHi, today I recommend a good article about blockchain cited from, thanks for reading. Original link: Part of the original text: 'A blockchain is essentially…zhutan (25)in #book • 7 years ago如何选到好书?本文的脉络: 选择好书的理由 选择好书的意见 参考资料 推荐好书和好文章网址 一. 选择好书的理由:…zhutan (25)in #sia • 7 years agosiacoin 为何靠谱 (How Sia Works)关于sia为何靠谱,这篇文章讲的很透,很长,大家耐心看,应该会有收获。 The Sia whitepaper has been out of date for quite a while now, having been written over a year ago. It may be a while yet before an updated…zhutan (25)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years ago【大道至简】代币投资三大策略·配置: 做足功课,研究清楚代币项目的白皮书、团队、技术、应用场景、市场、政策和国际环境等,然后自己做决定,用自己闲置的钱,将稳定、安全的币种与高收益、高风险、新项目(不太稳定)的按照比例组合,用对冲保证总体的安全和收益。 ·屯着: 拿着,不要卖,就当做没有买过一样,放个 2 年再看。 ·不要看: 放弃平日里的追涨杀跌,用时间来发酵资产价值,等待“意外的惊喜”出现。zhutan (25)in #sphinx • 7 years agoFour steps to install sphinx on macOS Sierra version 10.12.6.This post describes how to install sphinx on macOS Sierra version 10.12.6 and methods to verify the installation. 【The steps are listed as follows】 First. Open Terminal.…zhutan (25)in #success • 7 years ago【整理1】李笑来老师的有价值资源 (how to make a better life)For the English version, use the google translator. Thanks a lot for your understanding.…zhutan (25)in #growth • 7 years ago【整理】李笑来的6条名言及其自己的感悟 (how to make a better life)Note: For the English version of this post, recommend to use google to translate it from Chinese to English a. 注意力才是最宝贵的财富。把时间放在自己的成长上。不要莫名其妙地凑热闹;不要心急火燎地随大流;不要操碎了别人的心肝。…zhutan (25)in #mixin • 7 years agoRecommend a great token - XINNote: The following post is cited from XIN - The Token XIN is the sole token used by many services in Mixin, all XIN fees charged by the Mixin platform will be burned to…zhutan (25)in #token • 7 years ago阅读 数字货币 英文白皮书 的正确姿势(1)阅读须知:本文内容仅代表个人观点,不构成投资建议。 笑来老师说过,阅读只有一种,就是精读。同样地,阅读 数字货币 英文白皮书时 也需要精读。特别是优质数字货币的英文白皮书不能随便翻翻,要精读,要研读。 本文推荐几条阅读数字货币英文白皮书时要遵守的规则。 l…zhutan (25)in #candy • 7 years ago【Candy】如何快速获取糖果糖果官网说,“Candy是最具持续升值潜力的创新数字资产,也是区块链世界的第壹支ETF基金” 。 根据虚拟货币,比如比特币和以太坊,的辉煌历史和美好前景,我个人是这样理解上面两句话的,“足够多”的 糖果 “可能” 会让我实现财务自由。注意打引号的文字,是“足够多”的糖果,而不是“一丁点”;是“可能”,而不是“一定”。…