yimichen (29)in #dtube • 6 years agoChina--totally untapped market for foreigners—ten projects lead you to prosperityA large market is waiting to be developed—the pure land of China, how and what should we prepare? English teacher Teaching has always been regarded as the most respected job…yimichen (29)in #cn • 6 years ago说真的,马云的如今所作所为是真的伟大..他说的不喜欢钱,我觉得这句话是真的yimichen (29)in #cn • 6 years ago印度黄金持有量世界第一,为什么反而成为政府的负担?印度是世界上出了名的黄金持有大国,印度女人的标志就是穿金戴银,但是这种民间习俗与政府到底有啥关系呢? 黄金持有量和黄金储备的区别 我们经常听说的黄金储备,指的是官方储备,其作用是用来平衡国际收支,保证汇率水平稳定的;而黄金持有量,指的是民间的“黄金储备”,比如家里的金首饰、金戒指等。所以一般来说,民间的黄金持有量要远高于官方的储备量…yimichen (29)in #cn • 6 years ago【搞笑合集】全程高能,有毒,稳住!yimichen (29)in #cn • 6 years ago初见-离心碎,空流泪,人不归【哪吒×白蛇】离心碎 空流泪 人不归 忘川之水静看红尘是非 时光倒回 饮下忘情一杯 若如初见 为谁而归 秋又去 春又归 梦与醒 轮回yimichen (29)in #cn • 6 years ago5G來了,期待「無人駕駛」的人要失望了,恐怕你還得考駕照汽車行業轉型升級速度在加快,汽車產業同仁已經達成一個共識:在未來,汽車新「四化」將取代傳統汽車研發的三大件「發動機、變速箱和底盤」,成為未來汽車技術與應用革新的主要方向和特點。 什麼是新四化? 即電動化、網聯化、智能化、共享化。這裡面,雖然沒有直接提到無人駕駛,但是這裡面,網聯化和智能化,是實現無人駕駛的基礎與前提。…yimichen (29)in #cn • 6 years ago在大都會看畫,多一把椅子,少一點畏懼大都會藝術博物館以收藏「跨越所有文化與時間的人類最偉大的藝術成就」為使命,與法國盧浮宮和大英博物館並列為世界三大百科全書式博物館。而館內橫跨5000多年的500幅畫作,也顯露更廣泛的藝術史——證明瞭大都會館藏絕無僅有的廣度與深度。…yimichen (29)in #kk • 6 years agoBeijing Roast Duck-one of the Most Delicious Dishes All Over the WorldBeijing Duck or Beijing Roast Duck Beijing Roast duck is thought to be one of the most delicious dishes all over the world; most visitors coming to Beijing will never forget to…yimichen (29)in #cn • 6 years agoA true reflection of the beautiful women in the late Qing Dynasty: how charming they are, as it is shown in the last portrayalAs a result of the closed-door policy of the Qing government at the end of the Qing Dynasty, western civilizations and science and technology were introduced into China far…yimichen (29)in #mid-autumn • 6 years agoMid-Autumn Festival Chinese Traditional FestivalToday is a traditional Chinese festival, Mid-Autumn Festival. "Zhong Qiu Jie", which is also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of…