PostsCommentsPayoutstommy88 (25)in #art • 6 years agoThe Art of Bouncing BackI think the center of my faith is an absolute certainty of good. Like everyone else, I get low and there are times when I feel as if I have my fins backwards and am swimming…tommy88 (25)in #wind • 6 years agoWhen The Wind BlowsYears ago a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast. He constantly advertised for hired hands. Most people were reluctant to work on farms along the Atlantic. They dreaded…tommy88 (25)in #woman • 6 years agoWoman with incurable diseases dies after controversial birthObituary of Wu Meng. A woman - desperate to give birth despite incurable diseases, which triggered nationwide debate last summer - died on Monday at the age of 43 due to lung…tommy88 (25)in #beijing • 6 years agoBeijing in bloom at horticulture expoSlated to kick off on Monday, the 2019 Beijing International Horticultural Expo will be held in the capital's Yanqing district. It will exhibit a variety of flowers, fruits…tommy88 (25)in #love • 6 years ago太梦幻!日本弘前公园樱花树长成爱心模样近日,日本青森县弘前市,弘前公园月2600棵樱花树迎来最佳观赏期,繁花组成浪漫心形吸引世界各地游客前来观赏。tommy88 (25)in #suzuki • 6 years agosuzuki铃木北斗星…tommy88 (25)in #huawei • 6 years ago华为王成录曝猛料:方舟编译器或将适配更多老机型4月25日,“华为有技术EMUI媒体沙龙”活动在京举办,华为消费者BG软件部总裁王成录向与会媒体详细解读了EMUI 9.1中的“黑科技”——方舟编译器,并曝出华为老机型在升级到EMUI9.1后,将陆续适配支持方舟编译器,消息一出便赢得华为用户的赞誉。 方舟编译器,安卓性能实现革命性突破…tommy88 (25)in #h • 6 years ago黄庭坚 huangtingjian黄庭坚(1045年8月9日—1105年5月24日),字鲁直,号山谷道人,晚号涪翁,洪州分宁(今江西省九江市修水县)人,北宋著名文学家、书法家、盛极一时的江西诗派开山之祖,与杜甫、陈师道和陈与义素有“一祖三宗”(黄庭坚为其中一宗)之称。与张耒、晁补之、秦观都游学于苏轼门下,合称为“苏门四学士”。生前与苏轼齐名,世称“苏黄”。 [1]…tommy88 (25)in #ammonia • 6 years agoAmmonia leak sends 37 to hospitals in Chicago suburbBEACH PARK, Ill — Plumes of a toxic gas that leaked in a Northern Chicago suburb Thursday morning sent at least 37 people to hospitals and prompted an order for residents to stay…tommy88 (25)in #paradise • 6 years agoFly in this birder·s paradiseAfter years of poaching, it didn’t look good for the birds in Mangalajodi. Then locals, realising the harm of their actions, reversed course. Let Mangalajodi Ecotourism Trust…tommy88 (25)in #stronger • 6 years agoXi sees stronger ties with ChileXi sees stronger ties with Chile By AN BAIJIE | China Daily | Updated: 2019-04-25 02:51 President Xi Jinping holds a welcoming ceremony for Chilean President Sebastian Pinera…tommy88 (25)in #education • 7 years agoOn Safer Internet Day, UNICEF calls for urgent action to protect children and their digital footprintMore than 175,000 children go online for the first time every day, tapping into great opportunities, but facing grave risks On Safer Internet Day, UNICEF calls for urgent action…tommy88 (25)in #photography • 7 years agoMY photographyI like photography, and photography is my biggest hobby. Wherever I go, I like to take a camera and clap my hands. As long as you look carefully, you will find that life is a beautiful scene.