What is Money, if Not a Deep Magical Spell?

in #life6 years ago

The old US Dollar is on a lot of people's minds lately. How many dollars will I need today, this week, this month? How many times an hour does that theme play through our minds, every single day?

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It's as if a potent and terrible drug had overcome our wills, a lethal habit so strong, an addiction so acute, that we would gladly trade our very lives for another paycheck full of that critical substance: MONEY.

Modern Sorcery

To be precise, the US Dollar is essentially a magical device, easily enchanting those who hold it, and through the use of ancient symbols for us to see, and by the repetition and spelling of ancient words for us to hear, a hypnotic trance has been cast upon an entire society.


A Brilliant Disguise

If we can back away from money for a moment, looking at it from afar, we might be able to observe how money has managed to slip past the guards at the doorways of our logic, making itself lord of our attention. Then, with a closer look at the details, we might see that the sneaky US Dollar has effectively masqueraded as humanity's true God in order to be so readily accepted into our minds. By so crowning the Dollar as our God, we invite it to then rule and preside over our individual and internal priesthoods.

To become part of our mind, money has mimicked us-- copying the best parts of us-- and in a catastrophic case of mistaken identity, we blindly empower the talisman of money, treating it as our one and only GOD.


"The One"

When imagining a god's qualities, we might suppose that a god would be complex and intricate, mysterious and powerful, just like us.

We should expect a god to be able to produce joy at will, to be a capable healer and giver of life. We might even suppose that a true and well-balanced god possesses both masculine and feminine qualities, merged and centered into a perfect union.

Money- The Imposter God

A decent god, being seen as a generative creator of great abundance, a breather of endless spirals of cosmos, etc, is apparently not that hard to fake. It is through a few neat, ancient psychological tricks that the old US Dollar is able to wear such an elaborate mask, to comfortably take the throne as our God, day upon day, and year after grueling year, right there in the middle of our very heads.


The Sorcery of Money

  • Magic- The term 'magic' ultimately means psychology and science that is not yet understood.
  • Sorcery- The word Sorcery would describe the deliberate use of that same science in the manipulation of the minds of others, and in the management of entire populations and their collective beliefs.

It is through a daily barrage of images, symbols and colors, as well as through our interpretation of sounds and words, that many of our decisions and beliefs are nourished in our minds.

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Behold-- the US Dollar; a magical talisman that enchants those who carry it, and that enchantment begins upon naming the spell with a familiar ring, while spelling the name in a way which conjures a powerful image. That name, in the case of money, is MON-EY, and the image that the word conjures is the mysterious 'One Eye'.

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One Eye Referenced in the Bible

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." Matthew 6:22 (King James Version)

As seen above in the King James Bible quote, the light of the body is the eye, with the word 'eye' written in a singular sense, and we shouldn't presume that Sir Francis Bacon was mistaken when he scribed it that way, but we should rather suppose that there was a reason that he referred to just one eye in that biblical verse.

The sorcerers who designed this talisman in our likeness must have known that our mind's eye-- where our imaginations dwell-- is one of our most potent god-like features, and would be thereby be a useful thing for the dollar to magically steal from us. As if nothing can be imagined if not by way of money, and as if the dollar were the true magi, able to imagine for us the things we may pray for.

Old MOON-Eye

There is another meaning for the prefix 'mon': aside from meaning 'one', it also means moon. How is money like the moon?

The moon circles the Earth 13 times in a year, while the specific length of that foundational year is dictated by the Earth's own dance with the sun. Coincidentally, the US Dollar is teeming with 13's, as if money is unable to hide its true identity as a false light under our certain and perpetual glare.

Like money, the moon has no light of its own, and indeed, our moon gets all of its light from the sun, and can only reflect that light, never producing even the slightest glow on its own.

That relationship does sound familiar, like me and a Dollar that I know; it's a dollar that is illuminated by us, and therefore is spectacular only by proxy. WE are that bright sun, and we are that one infinite source of light.


mimicking the center color, the color in the middle of everything- as if being the destination of our med-itation, and source of all med-icine

Deep and mysterious-- just like a real god-- the Dollar speaks quietly to our subconscious mind using color, pictures, and archetypal storylines, and through our resulting astro-theological interpretation of that language, we might be inclined to delegate all of our power to such an external device, just as ancient cultures might have willfully offered their worship to the sun, the moon, or Saturn.

The symbols are planted in our heads, then those images are seeded and nurtured in our mind's eye, tended daily, and given plenty of light. Indeed, through our single mind's eye, we have great creative power, but then we often attribute that power to money, and while our whole body might now be full of light, the Dollar gets all the credit.

To Free the Mind of Money's Spell

Money looks authentic, and moves freely among us as our lord and master. It's just an elaborate disguise though, a spell, and without our own willful lapse in reason, money would be exposed as the false god that it is. Instead of seeing our One god in money, we might see the elaborate mask instead, and were we not so enchanted, even the little cheap rubber band that holds that 'God' mask on would be laughably obvious to us all.

Through pictures and color, numbers and sound, the US Dollar has made itself as a deity among mortals, and has found a way into the mirky shadows of our individual minds through a collective spell, but in that dollar we might see the best of ourselves being mimicked, and these parts of ourselves we can reclaim easily with a little bit of imagination and comprehension of the spell that we might have fallen into. Lets!

art above is mine, 'The One', 2003. All photos above taken 2018 with iPhone

thanks for looking in!

Click @therealpaul for more


Money... there hasn't been any of that for centuries.
Today we only have fiat currency.

And we are sold on the story that our problems can be solved if only we had more "money".

The even more hellish story is that we need more money, even though we are the wealthiest people to have ever lived on the planet. Even poor people have televisions, toasters and refrigerators.

It is the all mighty dollar that controls access to "the good life".

Unfortunately, it is all a lie. Just ask any rich person. Or better yet, ask a lottery winner.

It is that "golden" ring just held out of reach.

It's all a persistent mirage and a children's story, a comfortable fantasy to fall asleep to.

There is an old movie (which I have only seen parts of - never the full thing) where a guy puts on glasses that reveal the true nature of reality. Billboards with the glasses on say things like "consume" and "buy more." When the films character outs the glasses on and looks at money the paper bill reads "this is your god." This article reminds me of that movie. Very interesting. The imagery and words on the bill relating to god and the bible - thats very interesting. I think its true "what I believe you are saying - in part) that there was a lot of psychological principles used in the creation of money to subtly influence how society perceives it. People need to believe in the idea of money so a good way to do that is to associate it with the divine - which you pointed out.
Great post

The movie you mention is called "They Live", it's funny that you mention it because I was just seeing it a few days ago, although no, I did not finish it either.

Thanks for clarifying the name :)
Yeah that's understandable. It seemed like a cool concept but sometimes I have a hard time watching older movies. I got the just of it from a 5 minute video on it. maybe it was the trailer hahaha

'They Live (While We Sleep)' a very accurate film, even known as a documentary film because of its truth. In one scene, the hero demands that his friend try on the glasses, and his friend refuses. The fight scene that results from that goes on forever in the film, but the tediousness of the scene is much like it is in real life trying to get anyone to look through a new lens at the world, like saying- "why won't you just look, just once?" Yeah I loved that movie.

hmm interesting, I see what you're saying. Maybe I should give it a shot and actually watch it in its entirety. Sounds like it might be worth while.

Plus my cousin Bobby can fold a $20 into something that looks like the Twin Towers on fire:


So it's got that going against it too.

That was something that raised my eyebrow for sure, then I saw that the 5, the 10, the 50 and 100 dollar bills could all be folded similarly, and showed the progression of the collapse, the Pentagram building, etc. The coincidence theorists of the world must have a lot of trouble with that particular conspiracy theory!
Thanks for the image, haven't thought about that in a while. Those larger bills change all the time in design, but the mighty ONE never changes, it has a function of its own.

Hm, you could be on to something, which would also nicely explain why I just get irritated about money in general XD

Yeah nobody likes to be hexed, it's uncomfortable and inconvenient, just for starters. Stressful.

I have noticed this tendency as well, it's perhaps the main reason I'm glad my worldview on money is -

It's a means to an end. Useful for getting stuff you want or need, not to be valued for it's own sake.

I'm trying to break the spell too, but it is deeply rooted.

Indeed. We must figure out what powers they called upon to create such a spell, then use it for our own.

Y'know, the whole "World Domination" thing. Yeah, I'm still working on that.

Love that painting :) Don't love that 'eye of the moon', just when I think I don't have to worry about it, it sneaks up on me.

It sneaks up 13 times a year- maybe that's why the number is so feared?

You might like this guys video Paul...

Thanks! The magic of words is pretty fascinating, I'm always trying to figure out how that all works lately.

Highly Resteemed.