
The problem with Jr. is that he's a Zionist, and the jabs are a critical component of the conquest of the world ongoing. I believe there is information he is jabbed, his spouse is jabbed, his kids are jabbed, and he has required attendees at his events to be jabbed. I believe he is insincere. I am confident you have to be to support Zionist and the NWO conquest of the world, because according to the Zohar all non-Jews are to be killed or enslaved, but they only need 20 slaves per Jew.

Gosh Joe Biden's puppet has nice teeth. I'm jelly. I don't think that's Joe Biden. Joe Biden looked different. He had a squarer jaw, a lower brow. The imposition of the Biden simulacrum on the Pretendency is making acceptance of the cabinet, the Chief of Staff, actually running things, making policy, and etc., the creation of a party pre-eminent over individuals. It is for Biden voters, to get them onboard with the party rule, rather than making political decisions based on people, on the politicians running. It's all about the party now.

It's funny how Stern has transformed into a right wing fascist representing the Zionist Party, from the obscenity spewing, porn pushing 'shock jock' he arose to power as. It exemplifies his innate duplicity, that he deliberately seduced and deflowered American youth, advocating the worst of identity politics, making way for that tranny takeover that has been undertaken. He's just a Zionazi like the rest of them, like Netanyahu and his ilk. He wants all Goyim dead or enslaved, per the Zohar.

About voting, if they can rig the vote, they can rig the audit. What you pointed out about Liz Gun and Winston Peters ties in to what you pointed out about Assange. Actual journalists are at great risk, as the slaughter of them in Gaza revealed. The journalists they protested being arrested were CIA spies, pure and simple. About Biden's gait, I don't think that's the real problem. He'll get lost if he's walking alone. His entourage keeps him from chasing squirrels. Regarding Snowden's poll, Trump, Jr., and Biden have all been lifelong Democrats until running for President. Trump is running as a Republican RINO. Jr. is running as an independent because there was no Democratic primary. There is no longer a two party system in America. It's a one party system, the Zionist party, part of the NWO.

Dr. Goddek has proved his integrity over and over. He lives on a compound innawoods where he runs everything off solar power he collects and from crops he grows for fuel. He uses aquaponics to grow his own food. He's a hero, and what he points out regarding baby formula is spot on.


About RKJ - I know his wife is a massive big pharma worshipper - its just like you said, about an event - everyone was required to be vaccinated for some event they had a few years ago (although I can't remember the event)- about Israel - whoever gets elected, or whoever gets in via "who counts the votes" will support Israel no matter what - we already know, that they could blow up the entire country of GAZA, find mass graves with people with their hands tied behind their backs - if that is proved to have happened just like is being reported - and they would still not even condemn it, none of them - not even just a small little whisper of condemning it. That is rather telling really -

About the John Biden - its funny, they are expecting everyone to believe the open lie, that he is really saying all this stuff on Twitter - taking jabs etc., at policies - meanwhile, every-time you see him he is half a sleep, ready for his perk-up pills or whatever. It is an open lie, that people are supposed to believe. Gee, I wonder if there will be a debate . . . the only person asking for a debate is RFK jr, who is willing to debate as long as it has nothing to do with remotely talking about Israel in a negative light. 2024 is just a real dogs breakfast.

Stern is just a piece of plastic. I have grown to hate him recently, and I try not to hate anyone. But he is the exact personality type, that destroys nations / families / people - BTW - I have noticed a trend, because we have shock jocks here in New Zealand - so called - I have noticed, that these "pretend edge lords" when the proverbial hits the fan, all of them are a bunch of censorship Nazis - who start goose stepping. It is very interesting. I mean, its all of them. They are like "we are edging" and then they turn into full on Nazis who think you should be lined up against a wall and shot, if you don't take their stupid gene therapy.

About Liz Gunn - it is sad what has happened to the ability to speak in New Zealand. About Biden - you are right, I forgot about that part - he would get lost. In some ways - this entire clown show, the fall of everything, makes me optimistic, that when the clown bricks are removed, that maybe something with common sense might take its place. But I don't know. Its pretty bad out there now, everywhere.

I do like Dr. Goddek - he is a very forward thinking man, getting that lifestyle going.


So what was the picture of the hot dog all about? Maybe it was so fast I missed it as sometimes I click forward. I see the vaccine sign and lately I had been wondering if these cattle catching the bird flu that there is some truth to them using mRNA shots for vaccination on the cattle. Since we know the mRNA vaccines lowers your immune system and makes people more susceptible to illness the same could be true in cattle. Alarming report the other day was saying since it jumped to cattle, which they said are mammals like humans, it's possible it could make a wide spread jump to humans.

Yes lead is everywhere. I got a letter a few months ago informing me that landlords will now have to have their houses tested for lead. I guess the charge would be like two hundred some bucks. I wrote the mayor a letter and told her I had no intentions of having my house tested and would challenge it in court. I had been down at a commission meeting on something else one night when a bunch of people were there concerning a landlord whose tenant's kids kept testing positive but when they'd test the house they couldn't find lead. I remembered an article about lead being found in those cheese puffs treats for kids so when I went up to speak I mentioned it. Their jaws could have dropped onto the desk they were so surprised by it. When I got the letter I brought it up that it had gone beyond cheese puffs and that according to consumer reports they found toxic levels of lead in spices. Like Walmart chili powder I told them had toxic amounts for even an adult. Tumeric, which everyone thinks is so good for them, just about every bottle of tumeric they tested had lead, even organic. Dark Chocolate, another it's so good for you was above the level of safety recommendations for adults. Just the other day I sent her another one where they found that it was being recommended to take Lunchables off school lunch menu's due to lead levels. When I sent the first letter they delayed the implementation, right before I sent the second one they cancelled the testing all together. Large part of that, in my opinion, was bringing to their attention the fact the ground is contaminated for level due to all the years of leaded gasoline. I told them they were making the wrong boogeyman out here, it's not the landlords. I responded as an example last year when they came through and tore up our street, despite the fact they remove the first foot or two of dirt and haul it away, that for many years that dirt that was there for eon's had been mixed up so many times during pipe replacements, sewer improvements, that it's all mixed throughout the layers of dirt. That dirt lands on my house when they excavate, comes through my windows and they come in with their little lead finder wipe, I am going to show positive. My house was literally filthy after they tore up the street. The fact I have two highways surrounding me, the land around expressways is more contaminated than other areas. I also pointed out that if they looked at the government study done in Ohio that put a lot of blame on landlords, the area they chose was a highly industrialized area built during the time that lead based paint was still used. Those industrial areas are abandoned and are deteriorating. Wind blows through those old factories and not only blows lead dust and peeling paint out into the environment but stuff like asbestos, and that's why the government chose to do the study there, all because the oil industry can't be the boogeyman, it has to be someone else. Same thing abroad, especially with tumeric, most of it comes from India, that and other countries with less regulatory environments are full of not only lead contaminants but consumer reports found high levels of other contaminants in products coming from those countries.

Yeah Trump is never going to admit the vaccine's are injuring and killing people. He'd have to admit his own liability for mandating the use of new technology for vaccines in Sept 2019, the fact he lied about corona virus not being able to incubate in eggs, and why his kissy face pal Vivek was allowed to use a failed patent technology in the process. Ironically, if you look at my last post I did, it appears that the Trump family has taken over a large segments of the republican party. His daughter in law is now ahead of the National Republican Party and Don Jr's girlfriend, Kimberly heads up the republican senatorial committee, which is what the post is about. She sent me a nasty text saying her patience was running out with me. How they can have so much control and blame everyone else for these bills passing is beyond me. It's was the MAGA nuts in congress who got Mike Johnson in, now they want to throw him out, same with McCarthy. How people can be so blinded by it all is beyond me. Like I said to someone else, they deal the hand, the hand gets played, they yell foul....and people fall for it.

Yes I agree, the mRNA vaccine issue, there is no other issue more important than that. You can fight a lot of things but it's pretty hard to fight against the use of biological weapons. Kennedy would get no where trying to ban other vaccines, not that he wants to, but that's how they sell it to people so they won't vote for him. He wants to take about eleven different factors that came into play and try and determine if it was the vaccine or any one of those eleven different factors that were all introduced around the same time as any given vaccine and try and find out if there's any correlation to injuries that started occurring. I though do totally agree with you on the google issue. I was really going to take my chance on voting for him until he brought her in. My line of thinking is along yours with that, google has been working behind the scene with the government for years. You want a tech take over of government I couldn't think of a better way of it happening than the announcement he was going to hook up with an ex wife of one of the google founders. The fact he said he was going to fight against any technocracy or corpocracy, picking her was a bridge to far in believing that. I can just picture another fluke election where he gets in, like Trump, and when that/those terms end, a line up with her running as president and Elon as VP pick....because reality says two things, Elon is the type of man who, and people could accept, that he could accept playing second fiddle, and why he came into play with twitter, to win over the conservative base, which he would need to win.

the hotdog is from when people were given them from the vaccine.
About cattle - I hope, but most likely will be wrong, that they are not going to fully start vaxxing cattle - but that seems to be next - they are already on the path to approving mrna vax for livestock. So all those poor animals, are going to be ill and sick. the evil no no bounds really, does it. Of course - people probably are going to be eating those deformed creatures now -
About lead in everything - it is, and it is a poison. So yeah - it comes as no surprise to me, that if it is in everything, such as cheese puffs you name, or whatever, that the gov would not want it removed from anything. Maybe at the local level, they would sing and dance about it - but at any level where there is power, they don't care - in fact, they probably want more lead - why do I say that - well, look at their past actions. They don't care at all about people, not one hair. they want more lead in everything lol

And I agree - Trump is never going to admit, that there is anything wrong with the vax, whatsoever - so there will be change, if Trump did get elected - and I agree about RFK jr - its like he is fake, or he is mind controlled. I don't know which it is - about Elon, he was not born in the US, so unless the laws change, I don't think he will ever be president - although, if the laws changed, he could be president overnight. He would not have to do anything apart from what he is already doing really.


I think JFK ended up mind controlled. Actually, without having to go into a lengthy context about it, I think there may have been a convert plan all along to bring him into play whenever they got around to releasing the vaccine and it went way off track, which it did but what if it had been worse.

The whole thing is iffy, if you watch that Tucker interview he did, through parts of it he was out of his own skin. JFK is really good with his talking points, he doesn't lose track of what he's saying. There was a point in that interview where it appeared he was given his talking points....once he got back into his own skin again, he didn't have hesitations, or frequent stops to focus his thoughts.

Anyway, last night I was going to share these two pictures of Biden, I had actually saved them to show you. When you look at the picture you had with the deep lines, there's just no way you can go that smooth ridding yourself of really deep lines, some form of those lines will appear no matter what facial expressions you make. I think you are onto something because this one picture there is just no way he can have such youthful looking skin yet his forehead is spouting all those deep grooves. I think they maybe putting a mask on him to make him appear more appealing to younger voters, if such a thing could be



About the mind control and the plan to bring in RKJjr or possible plan - that would work I think, and maybe that is just what we are seeing. He comes in as a savour, but he is totally controlled. Would actually make sense it was something like this - since we have not seen another drop they could do - i.e., another choice -


Oh, and also, that later half would play right into what Trump said at one of his few first news conferences, the very reason I started moving away from him and digging up what he had been doing behind the scenes, that was when he stood off to the side of the podium, someone was coming off from speaking, he shook their hand and said "maybe this will open up some jobs for our young people". I couldn't believe he'd say such a thing when elderly people were out there dying. It's just not something someone would say. I got a text from him today "I do it for your kids and grandkids" "I DO IT FOR THE FUTURE OF AMERICA". Yeah, killing off grandma and grandpa because the generation under the boomers can't wait their turn. I know it gets deeper than that, the economic 2030 global collapse with four retirees for every two workers, but it goes far beyond that because once you decide genocide is the answer where does it stop? Italy, the first country that had already met that status, deeply indebted to world governments, Ukraine which already had met that status and deeply indebted to world governments, and now off into countries who cost governments billions of dollars, like Gaza? As much as some want to ignore it, the Abraham Accord was Trump's baby, it was Kushner out there saying how they could reduce the poverty rate in Gaza with this plan.

I know I was gone for so long but I was going through some stuff that just made it hard to concentrate.

yo was playing the Tomb Raider remastered that just came out and noticed they added the blankets you get from cloud seeding..... (anyone whos sat and watched chemtrails over the space of a few hours will know exactly what I mean). i recorded a little clip and uploaded it from my ps4 heres the clip

heres a longer clip

first, thanks for these - and yeah, that looks like a chem trail after an hour or so - very interesting! thanks for posting!


Posted by Waivio guest: @waivio_adem-mussa-undef

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Posted by Waivio guest: @waivio_adem-mussa-undef