PostsCommentsPayoutstgkrijal (41)in #indonesia • 7 years agoWHY AFTER MARRIED, OTHERS LOOKS MORE INTERESTING CONSIDERATION OF OUR LIFE PARTNERSWHY AFTER MARRIED, OTHERS LOOKS MORE INTERESTING CONSIDERATION OF OUR LIFE PARTNERS Friends, many feel this way, but hopefully we do not include: Before marriage, it seems…tgkrijal (41)in #story • 7 years agoBETWEEN THE PROPHET OF YUSUF WITH RAMADHAN🌺🌅🌹 BETWEEN THE PROPHET OF YUSUF WITH RAMADHAN 💡 That month there are twelve, like his sons Ya'qub alaihis-Salam. The month of Ramadan among the other months is like the…tgkrijal (41)in #islam • 7 years agoCLOSE TO GOD'S AULIYACLOSE TO GOD'S AULIYA Habib Ahmad Al Atthas, said: "It is fitting for a person to have a cord with a sholeh / guardian either living or dead" Habib Ali bin Muhammad Al…tgkrijal (41)in #ramadhan • 7 years agoBETWEEN QUR'AN AND THOLABUL ILMI IN MONTH ROMADHON📖🖋 BETWEEN QUR'AN AND THOLABUL ILMI IN MONTH ROMADHON 🔘 Formerly salafus sholih when entering the month of romadhon they are busy with the Qur'an and leave the…tgkrijal (41)in #ramadhan • 7 years agoRead This Between When Breaking Fast / Bacaan antara buka puasa~ ((Between Reading When Breaking Fast)) ~ يا عظيم يا عظيم انت إلهي لا إله غيرك إغفر لي الذنب العظيم فإنه لا يغفر الذنب العظيم إلا العظيم "O Great One, O Great One, You…tgkrijal (41)in #ramadhan • 7 years agoKHUTBAH RASULLULLAH ﷺ IN END OF THE SYA'BAN MONTHKHUTBAH RASULLULLAH ﷺ IN END OF THE SYA'BAN MONTH In the hadith narrated from Salman al-Farisi Radhiallahu'anhu, Bahwasannya Rasullullah ﷺ gave sermons in the last…tgkrijal (41)in #advice • 7 years agoPatience Is the Key to SuccessInterlude Wisdom Patience Is the Key to Success In this life full of problems or problems at any time, even we are in it ... Without patience all destroyed is never…tgkrijal (41)in #blog • 7 years agoSPECIAL From ShalawatSPECIAL From Shalawat. "When Allah commands prayer, it is impossible for Allah to pray. When God commands zakat, impossible God zakat. When Allah commands…tgkrijal (41)in #writing • 7 years agoIs Satan bound in the Month of Ramadan?Is Satan bound in the Month of Ramadan? The Prophet said: إذا جاء رمضان فتحت أبواب الجنة وغلقت أبواب النار وصفدت الشياطين "When Ramadan comes, then the doors of heaven…tgkrijal (41)in #blog • 7 years agoFor God's Mercy Can be From Small ThingsFor God's Mercy Can be From Small Things * Imam Asy-Shibli once gave two counsel: If you want to feel your heart calm and serene with God, do not obey your desires.…tgkrijal (41)in #life • 7 years agoDaily Devotional* Daily Devotional * Bismillah A friend asked, "O Messenger of Allah, order something to me that will be useful to me from the side of God." The Prophet…tgkrijal (41)in #life • 7 years ago2 The very decisive thing / 2 Hal yang sangat menentukanأمران لا يدومان في الإنسان: شبابه وقوته There are 2 things that will not last forever in man Teenage & strength in it وأمران ينفعان كل إنسان: حسن الخلق وسماحة النفس…tgkrijal (41)in #neoxianfan • 7 years agoFeatures of Friendly Attitude / Keistimewaan Sikap RamahFeatures of Friendly Attitude Know that friendly attitude is very praiseworthy and is the fruit of noble character. The opposite of friendly attitude is rude and angry.…tgkrijal (41)in #islam • 7 years agoTAWAQUFAN WHILE TA'LIM ROUTINE MONTHLY MARKAZ SYARIAHANNOUNCEMENT TAWAQUFAN WHILE TA'LIM ROUTINE MONTHLY MARKAZ SYARIAH PETAMBURAN - MEGA DAMAGE Wednesday 02 May 2018 hours 12 s / d 15 MULTAQO HABAIB ULAMA ASWAJA JABAR…tgkrijal (41)in #blog • 7 years agoWhat is your hope in this month of Ramadan? / Apakah harapan anda dalam bulan Ramadhan ini? ㅤWhat is your hope in this month of Ramadan? ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 🔺Never you want to worship in the month of Ramadan with a calm and comfortable without being affected by the hustle…tgkrijal (41)in #islam • 7 years agoWhat is the virtue of the night of the half of Sha'baan?What is the virtue of the night of the half of Sha'baan? Answer: The night of the half of Sha'baan is a blessed night, and it is mentioned in its preferred number of…tgkrijal (41)in #melayu • 7 years agoPesan kalam ulama / Message kalam ulama۞ اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آل سيدنا محمد ۞ "Someone who understands that all in nature is following His will, he will not be easily discouraged and do not feel bad if he…tgkrijal (41)in #islam • 7 years agoIbadah Dengan Keimanan yang murni / Worship With Pure Faith۞ اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آل سيدنا محمد ۞ "A servant will not attain a degree of pure faith, until he gains a pleasure in dealing with Allah سبحانه وتعالى. Like those who…tgkrijal (41)in #islam • 7 years agoTinggalkan lah Bebanmu / leave everything that weighs you۞ اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آل سيدنا محمد ۞ "If you want to be an independent and free then leave everything that weighs you. If you can not afford to leave it voluntarily…tgkrijal (41)in #islam • 7 years agoThe nature of Gratitude* The nature of Gratitude * According to Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani, in the view of the essence, gratitude is to acknowledge the favor given by the Giver in particular.…