elamaria (74)in Hive Sucre • 7 months agoRE: 🧡✨️Health and crypto! My vitamins with #HBD at @econoquesos, all thanks to cryptoadoption✨️🧡.[Esp][Eng]Thank you for your support 🤗marivic10 (75)Moderator Hive Builderin Hive Sucre • 7 months agoRE: A delicious coffee, paid for with my HBD. Crypto adoption in Sucre- VenezuelaThanks 💕theresa16 (76)in Hive Sucre • 7 months agoRE: Paying with hbd at crabbaymarket for my lunchThanksblessskateshop (64)in #spendhbd • 7 months agoRE: Bless Skateshop & Web3 & Culture Tks mi brother 🫶🏽omarcitorojas (79)Moderator Hive Builderin Hive Sucre • 7 months agoRE: 🍨Refreshing Temptation At Candymor's🍧 [Eng/Esp]Thank you, we will soon be active with the app.alejandrorh (68)in Hive Sucre • 7 months agoRE: Paying with hbd for a delicious coffee at @lapanetteria.Thanks.omarcitorojas (79)Moderator Hive Builderin Hive Sucre • 7 months agoRE: A Soup With HBD Ingredients [Esp/Eng]Thank you, soontheresa16 (76)in Hive Sucre • 7 months agoRE: Solving a need with my hbdThank you for your supportelamaria (74)in Hive Sucre • 7 months agoRE: 🧡✨️Start of the week with Cryptoadoption at @loshijosdewasi✨️🧡.Thank you for your support 🤗.milik80 (73)in Hive Sucre • 7 months agoRE: Back to my happy place [🇪🇸/🇺🇸]Thank you for the informationomarcitorojas (79)Moderator Hive Builderin Hive Sucre • 7 months agoRE: The Arepazo Bracamonte [Eng/Esp]Thanksalejandrorh (68)in Hive Sucre • 7 months agoRE: Resolving a situation with hbd at @crabbaymarket.Thanks for the informationelamaria (74)in Hive Sucre • 8 months agoRE: ✨️🎂A special purchase paid for with #hbd. Ingredient for my son's birthday cake🎂✨️.[Eng][Esp]Thank you for your support 🤗ramisey (76)in Hive Sucre • 8 months agoRE: Familia y Web3 (Esp/Ing)Gracias 🫂cynthiacvb (63)in Hive Sucre • 8 months agoRE: Celebrando el Día del niño con HBD [Eng/Esp]Hola buen día pueden informarme más sobre esto por favorcynthiacvb (63)in Hive Sucre • 8 months agoRE: Celebrando el Día del niño con HBD [Eng/Esp]Hola buen día pueden informarme un poco más sobre esto?cielitorojo (77)in Hive Sucre • 8 months agoRE: Hbd-flavored hot dogs, crypto adoption at Crabbaymarket🌭🌭✅Thanks for visiting and supporting my content, regards.omarcitorojas (79)Moderator Hive Builderin Hive Sucre • 8 months agoRE: My Obsession With Perfumes [Eng/Esp]Thankstheresa16 (76)in Hive Sucre • 8 months agoRE: In @lapaneteria, I also pay with hbd basic cetsa products.Thank you for your support. Gretting.ramisey (76)in Hive Sucre • 8 months agoRE: Bienestar en el Hato Kid's Zone (Esp/Ing)Ok, gracias por la información lo tendré en cuenta. Saludos.