Good morning dear, passed out last night around midnight and woke just after 7am this morning, different kind of energy day today and into the weekend but that’s fine, just gotta mix up the day!
Gonna be getting into some WORDS today, at least I’ll do the hour first to start with and see where my energy lands after that, i know what’s on my list for the day, i think it’s gonna be a late night day today and then sleep in until i find out what’s happening with mini biza for the weekend! :)
Stepping through the day as per usual lots of sprint hours, i can certainly feel that next month countdown, in fact I’ve shifted my mental energy so that i now use the next thirty days as my advent calendar of content as such, i think people will start to be surfacing again in the second week of January anyway so the timing could be perfect!

I know you’ve been working hard over there and crushing the hours, not only on the algorithm but from a financial perspective as well, so solid biza, great that your doing some yoga (do meditation too!) and remember you only need to do a few minutes for the vlogging, you don’t have to go hardcore on that, let it flow only when you have time you don’t have to do each day.
Also, don’t think i don’t know what your doing in your Italian ways with the reaching out to all the family members and doing all your due diligence for everyone, getting them all setup and sorted for the times coming up and the new starts, fresh start years, i have a feeling that we will be going back and forth and moving around quite a bit.
I have to say I’ve been feeling a lot more balanced and focused since the magic beans, maybe it’s a pseudo effect or whatever but I’ll take it, i know the numb thing is still there occasionally but i think I’m just dealing with it better, I’m focused on the things that i know will serve me better, i know i have so much more to share and so that’s been pulling my focus on everything.

Looking forward to getting into todays podcast with you if you have time, no rush on the logo, we can fix that up at some point if it’s not today, as for the balance, it’s still the same, it’s gonna be a traffic thing that’s gonna be needed over time, it only ever takes one really good episode that get’s pushed to the front and then the subs are there ya know and from there it’s a snowball effect — although to be honest i just love doing them with ya, i know they will get better when the stuff of life get’s out of the way.
Was so good to get a little closer on the transportation situation yesterday, felt so so good to turn over and drive again, snapped right back into it — it’s a major motivation to get funds in so i can just chip away and fixing bits and pieces, even if it’s just for the next six months to empty our all the rubbish, re-up on supplies for the next half year and then reposition! :)
I’m really enjoying the ADVENTUBE, it will be great to look back at any stats or analytics and to open up that package at the weekend to add more people in, I’ve got a few people i wanna add to the mix, reach out to some other vloggers from other platforms as well to see if they are interested in getting onboard.

But more than anything, the people that are taking part, wow, like so far, this little group is really bridging that divide that life can often put in the way of us actually communicating where we are at, where we should be, what we can each done, how we influence the things around us for positivity and compassion — it’s great to watch people unguarded say what they wanna say.
Now you’ve got the big part of the dates and times outta the way the rest should just slot into place right, I’ll see about how i can get a room/place ideally nearby so maybe you can freshen up when you get over before we travel, I remember seeing a place super nearby to where ya arriving too, maybe we can hook that up and i can travel in on the day before in my own time, leisurely ;)
I gotta say the one thing that i wish i had right now is two fully decked PC’s that we could just jump straight into duo gaming streaming from the start of the year, I’m sure we could slot that into our days — so many great titles and games to play and you know i like building front ends and portals to that, i know we would both keep each accountability index up tweaking and changing and upgrading our respective frontend looks, I’ve always loved your creative OBS works! :)

It’s certainly time to hunker down for the crypto winter, it’s a buyers market right now for sure if people are willing to sit on assets securely for the next few years, I’m sure a lot of passion and activity will drop out of the market, we will see who just throws in the towel and moves on! :)
Crazy few years biza, video chats to crypto markets, stacking those numbers, I’ve learned a lot and i’ve still got even more to learn on top of that, I’m excited for all of it, i know with a tight schedule/script we can get some good media days together — I’ve got an idea as well for 2019, it involves crushing THREE solid days and then we have the rest off and just do minimal replying / posting and just GET OUT THERE — take it mobile!
Thinking maybe tuesday, wednesday and thursday are the crush days and then literally just have friday > monday — that four days broken down into a smattering of ADMIN, PLANNING, FITNESS, CREATION — i kinda wanna push the clients into the days when we want to sprint, we will get it together.

Just putting it out there universe, give us that hook up!
Right, time to get back and get into the day, I’ve got things to jump straight into today, i know you have a bit of a manic day too so wanna be ready for when we want to do the podcast.
I’ll watch for the discord dots..
Lots of love, hugs and smiles.
Da Mouser,
Dots incoming!! Lol DOT incoming... wow that’s trippy, I always thought that was the sweetest nickname from back in the day.. my dm 💗
Thanks for writing me there’s so much I wanna get done with ya for SURE totally open to any hustle schedules u want to put together- the car is going to help so much with that stuff OMGMOUSR I’m getting so excitedddd
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ha! keep that energy level, peak out on the plane! :) fall asleep, i'll pick you up on the other side! :)