Bad to the Bold

in Reflections4 months ago

They say that fortune favors the bold.


I guess I haven't been brave enough.

Or, fortunate enough.

Fortune is about luck. About rolling the dice and surviving. Essentially, those exemplars who have "made a fortune" by being bold, are not examples of wealth makers, they are examples of survivorship bias. They were bold, they did win, but they got lucky. The saying excludes all the other bold people who weren't so fortunate and lost.

I'm a loser baby.
So why don't you kill me.

What if the "good life" that we look to have, where our overall experiences are trending positively, is just luck based? Some people are lucky and have a good life, some people are not. Some people fall on their feet even when they screw up, some people fall on their face, even when they do what is right.

It is easy perhaps to look at it from the perspective of privilege, where some are born into circumstances that give them a head start, a leg up, less friction to success. Compare that to underprivileged who have less to begin with, less opportunity to build, and more hurdles in the way to success. However, what if, with all things remaining equal otherwise, one person can just be innately more lucky than another? How does that make you feel?

I was talking about this with my wife this evening, where I believe that she might have an easier time of it, if she wasn't with me, as I am an innately unlucky person. It is not that it is all bad luck, but there is more negative events than positive, and those negative events tend to target the parts of my life that are positive. It is a bit like a one of those cliché lines in a movie, where the character says, "Everyone who gets close to me, ends up dead" except, it is any time I find something I enjoy, or like, it gets taken away.

Perhaps if she was with someone else, she would attract more positive experiences for herself. Maybe, she has a lucky trait, but she got stuck with me whilst I was in a lucky peak, and soon after, it returned to the baseline.

Poor girl.

This might sound like crazy talk, but nature doesn't care about success and failure, it doesn't care about anything at all. We can't "destroy nature" like environmentalists purport. All we can do, is change conditions in ways that will eventually make it unable to support human life. We will disappear, but nature won't. It is unkillable.

And it always balances. Energy moves around the system, but the system doesn't gain or lose energy, it is always at 1. A perfect economy. However, there are natural laws that nature follows that direct evolution, like the path of least resistance. Essentially, nature follows a rule of the easiest way. Depending on the conditions, the easiest way will create many variations, from slight to quite extreme, through natural selection, and potentially random deformity.

Maybe, lucky and lucky are two such variants.

Looking at it from an A/B test perspective, maybe nature's hypothesis for which would survive the conditions is that a lucky person might win because they have a head start, but could lose because they become more complacent and soft. The hypothesis for the unlucky trait might be that an unlucky person may win because they strive to break their pattern to succeed, or lose because they were unable to overcome their conditions. Nature doesn't care which wins, or which loses, or if either survive.

Nature doesn't need us.

At least from human experience terms, we seem to believe that being unlucky is not a winning strategy, so we attempt to change our luck and break the chain. And, even if we are unable to break our own streak, we try to improve the privilege of our kids, to help them have a better head start. This might be vital for them to succeed, because they might have the bad luck gene passed to them from the parents, so they will need all the help they can get.

I am not Bold. I am not brave. But I keep surviving the tests. However, survival isn't a good life, it is just not dying. There is no satisfaction in not dying, unless there is something worth living for. But, if what is worth living for is continually taken away, what happens when there is nothing left?

Why survive?

There might be a fortune to be made, but what does it matter.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


I want to tell you the story of the most intelligent person on the planet, a Korean with some insane IQ, who by age of 18, was like speaking a bazillion of languages, mastering multiple fields, working for companies like NASA and finishing universities, masters, doctorates and stuff. Only that at some moment stopped doing all this, and went for a countryside teaching job, got married and watched his children growing up. When people considered him crazy and wasting talent and much more, he just pointed out that he is living the life that he want to live, and the crazy ones are the ones struggling and living a life they do not want to live.


I remember reading about this guy somewhere, and it is a great story. Sometimes however, I feel that we are just making things meaningful, even if they aren't, because we know we need meaning in our lives for a reason to keep living. But, is that the way to do it?

This is the whole concept of life. Things are supposed to be meaningful to us, and we shift our perception to achieve this. Weare entire universes, each on ourselves, and we are only accidentally touching other universes for a swift moment in time. We are alone in the universe. We are made to deal with everything that happen around us. And from time to time we change other people life by making a mark in their life. But nevertheless, the challenge is accepted.

Unless we accept the budhist way of life and reincarnation truly exists. I will find out about this when I die. :)

Speaking of fortune favoring the bold, I know you were delegating a lot to Holozing for a while. Did you pick up any of the alpha vials?

Yes I did! I have bought over 30 so far and if HIVE goes higher, I will buy some more. I still delegate.

I'm sitting on 20 right now. I pulled back my Holozing delegation a bit so I could focus on other tokens and bump my vote up a bit for curation purposes.

And it always balances. Energy moves around the system, but the system doesn't gain or lose energy, it is always at 1. A perfect economy.

I'm not sure I entirely agree with this... I don't think it is perfectly balanced because we introduce new energy into the system every day with sunlight and energy also escapes the planet through the atmosphere as well. The problem with global warming is that for the first time in millions of years the system is unbalanced, we're keeping more energy than we're sending out.

I agree that nature might be unkillable... but it could be reduced to a few bacteria deep in the ocean if an asteroid hit.

Nature isn't confined to the earth. Nature is nature, all that is. We are inside it, and can never be outside of it. The earth is just a little clump of chemicals in the grand scheme of it. The entire system is nature. All the energy of the big bang is still equal to 1.

Ah, I see.

If the universe is still expanding (expanding into what?) is more energy being created?

I guess if there is only one universe and it isn't going to crash into another expanding one, then the energy gets spread wider. Eventually, I guess it will contract again?

Dear friend @tarazkp.

I consider it important to contradict the notion that good life and luck go hand in hand. Personally, I believe that there is no such thing as bad luck. Everything in life is a combination of our decisions, efforts, and the way we deal with the circumstances that come our way.

Let me ask you, what does a fulfilling life, success in life, mean to you? For me, fulfilling the purpose of our human nature and the life cycle from birth to death is what defines a fulfilled life. It is growing up having enjoyed childhood, falling in love and making youth a transition to adulthood. It is marrying the one you love, having children, watching them grow up and meeting grandchildren. Material is comfort, not a life goal.

It is painful to lose a daughter before her eleventh birthday, but to receive the blessing of a son who came to fill that void is a lesson in resilience and love. True satisfaction in life comes from opening our eyes to the beautiful things we often overlook, cherishing moments with loved ones, and finding joy in the small daily blessings.

Some times only have been living is a winner, imagine how many people are in a hospital in this moment, without move his bodies, or imagine a man without foot to walk, or with his eyes bad without seeing nothing.
It could be hard, but here they are trying to living day by day
Sometimes I think same to you when y see up to you, but what happened when you see down of you, you can see other people less fortunately than you.
We have been having a nice and great lives.
Do not forget never it.
Best regards.
By the way thanks a lot for your inspiration, I am took some of your post and send to others which are not in the Blockchain, to learn.
Best regards.

There are a lot of factors that determine who succeeds in life and who doesn't. A wonderful family background is one, so also is having the right connections and also the right company of people around you, etc. Luck comes from the fact that it's not all these factors that we can control, and when we control the ones we can the ones we can't control can work against us and destroy our efforts. That's why a hard-working and diligent guy can be finding it hard to make progress in life and a loafer will be sitting on millions. There are factors that worked against the diligent guy and favoured the loafer. Only if we knew and could control all those factors could we 100% "make our own luck", like Harvey Dent.

It is the diverse interactions that make or break us. However, one must carry on through life. It is not just about being brave and fortunate but also have patience, that counts.

I frankly believe that some people are born with luck and this continues throughout their life, and others including me are born to struggle to have something in their life.

Sometimes it seems to me that you can attract luck through your actions. When a person lives with positive thoughts and does good deeds for others, at some point the Universe helps him.

I feel that you have to be prepared to recognize opportunities.
But, come on, it is a very broad topic.
Greetings from Venezuela, @tarazkp

I think it is all a matter of perspective. You view yourself as un-lucky but nobody is lucky 100% of the time. There is a Russian saying: "You cannot get out of the water dry." We all go through life and there are good things and bad things happening to us all the time. We as people tend to focus and remember bad things. This is illustrated by the "Sandwich Rule" where it always seems to fall down with the butter part (good part).

So try to focus on the good things that happen to you in life. For example are you happy that you have your wife? Wasn't it a big good thing that happened to you? And your daughter?

But yeah success always involves a lot of hard work AND some luck...

Fortune and luck are the believes of people. Luck and fortune comes with mindset and good earing rates i would say. People buying luxurious cars or homes are not lucky they are hard and smart workers, believing in themselves and taking a risk to reach such level. Many often people just pass on a comment on someone that they are too lucky to have such amazing and stunning accessories, but nobody sees the hardwork behind it and that's what people nowadays are doing in name of luck and fortune. At the end i would just conclude by saying that being luck is not a choice but being wise to be lucky is one.

I guess it's all relative.
I look at you and I see a writer who left the comfort of Steemit to post on Hive, when Steemit was the famous social media platform and you had built up a successful following there.
But you were BOLD and moved your blog to Hive.
You boldly went where nonone had gone Hive.
You left a thriving community, where you were well nown and well rewarded.

You were bold and brave, and worked very hard.
And to me you have been very successful here on Hive.

But ... as I said, it is relative.

To someone who gets 200 votes a post , your 400 plus seems very successful, along with the amount of Hive you earn and the amount of engagement you get.

To some of us, you were bold, you were brave and you have been rewarded with a level of success which many envy.

A well earned level of success I might add,because you are one of the hardest working content creators I know.

So I am not using flattery when I say you have earned your success the old fashion way...hard work!

You writing day in and day out, despite your frequent migraines, and your stroke.
I tip my hat in admiration for your boldness, your success and your willingness to move to a brave new world; Hive.

I'm a loser baby.
So why don't you kill me.

We love Beck in this house! Very fun musician!

Perhaps if she was with someone else, she would attract more positive experiences for herself.

This is flawed thinking buddy. Don't put that energy out into the universe! If you keep telling yourself you have bad luck, then you will look for confirmation of this in everything that happens. I try to do the opposite and tell myself that I have good luck. Manifest it!