superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • 3 days agoСРБИЈА: 15. март и ванредно стањеIn the wake of the nationwide protest against the corrupt government that will take place in Belgrade, on March 15, 2025superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • 4 days agoSergey Lavrov – interview to Nawfal, Johnson and Napolitano [eng/срп] Сергеј Лавров – интервју Нафалу, Џонсону и НаполитануPosition of the Russian Federation on the crisis opened with the NATO expansion and Ukrainian SMO from Sergey Lavrov…superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • 6 days agoSERBIA: Serbian Matrix [eng/срп] СРБИЈА: Матрица српскаA slight clash of the failling colonial regime and the angry people in Serbia…superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • 10 days agoTHE WAR: Destroying EU [eng/срп] РАТ: Разарање ЕУNo, Trump will not leave EU and NATO. He will rather destroy ’em!superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in #literature • 10 days agoБиблиотека „Књиге са истока“A wisdom from the east side gathered in an electronic library at Telegram – Serbian and Russian languagessuperstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • 13 days agoGERMANY: True Nazis [eng/срп] НЕМАЧКА: Истински нацистиOlaf Scholz, Annalena Baerbock, Ursula von der Leyen… Friedrich Merz is another German politician with a Nazi backgroundsuperstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • 15 days agoСРБИЈА у канџама колонијалистаWhat has to be done in the anti-colonial struggle in Serbia, and how to recognize patriotic people in power?superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • 18 days agoSERBIA: No retreat! [eng/срп] СРБИЈА: Нема одступања!For the first time at the protests in Smederevo – war veterans from the legendary 63rd Parachute Brigade!superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Hive Book Club • 20 days agoThe Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind by Gustave Le Bon [eng/срп] Гомила: Студија народног ума, Густава Ле БонаAn essential book for understanding mass manipulation. As relevant as when it was written, at the end of the XIX centurysuperstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • 23 days agoSERBIA: The Great Awakening [eng/срп] СРБИЈА: Велико буђењеThe great awakening of Serbia, started by students, continues, becoming increasingly massive…superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • 26 days agoBITCOIN Standard [eng/срп] БИТКОИН стандард“The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking”, full book by Professor Saifedean Ammoussuperstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • 29 days agoTHE WAR: Trump, peacemaker [eng/срп] РАТ: Трамп, миротворацAre you among those who still believe that genocide-monger can also be a peacemaker?superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • last monthSERBIA: Search for Justice [eng/срп] СРБИЈА: Тражење правдеThe people once again reminded Serbian regime that Justice holds Kingdoms and Cities. And without it, only ruins remain…superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • last monthUSAID Affair: Rebranding & Tucker Carlson interviews Mike BenzUSAID sordid affair, and beyond it…superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in PHOTOGRAPHY [DAC] • last monthOM-3: Retrotard!Hello? Is there a camera designer left alive after Maitani?superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • last monthThe Thinking Stuff – Pics worth 1000 words [eng/срп] Ствари за размишљање – слике вредне хиљаде речиNo words, just pictures… Pure thinking stuff.superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • last monthCHPM: The Secret Covenant [eng/срп] ЦХПМ: Тајни ЗаветIf you still struggle to explain the World around you, try reading this text…superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • 2 months agoСРБИЈА: Опсада тврђаве злаWhen there is no justice, then the people must fight for it. By force… (Automatic translation into English)superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • 2 months agoСРБИЈА: Народноослободилачки ратViolence is the natural outcome of rule without law and justice. And do you know how law and justice are re-established?superstar65 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • 2 months agoСРБИЈА: Капацитет за велеиздајуThe situation in Serbia is inexorably moving towards a violent outcome. What will happen after it? (Auto translation)