smithnanci rebloggedshanghaipreneur (71)in #cn • 6 years agoThe Big Chinese Holiday This Week Imported From AmericaWith Chinese Labor Day coming up on this Wednesday, May 1, 2019, I thought I’d share one of my favorite stories to tell Chinese students. The conversation usually begins with a…smithnanci rebloggedheed (37)in #wherein • 6 years ago和姥爷去钓黄鳝和姥爷去钓黄鳝。大黄鳝的力气真的好大啊。最后收获满满,不知道有多少朋友有过这种体验呢。smithnanci (29)in #travel • 6 years ago壶关大峡谷风景壶关大峡谷位于山西长治,实际是和河南林州交界,由八泉峡,红豆峡,青龙峡,瑛姑峡等众多峡谷组成。 它有媲美张家界的峰林,层岚叠嶂,锷刺云天,但它不是张家界;! 3.jpg 山西壶关,有个“北方张家界”,鬼斧神工丝毫不输张家界,却少有人知,还不收门票,完全是免费的!…smithnanci (29)in #travel • 6 years ago恒山悬空寺|山西有一古寺,悬在空中千年不倒,石壁上刻着四个大字,令人遐想在我国的建筑史上,有过很多奇葩的建筑,也有过很多精美的建筑,这些建筑物,一般会设计在风水好、地势好的地方修建,但是我国建筑史上,却偏有人反其道而行之,喜欢迎难而上,把建筑物放在被认为不可能的地方进行建造。这个建筑就是被称为世界上最危险的建筑--悬空寺,虽然危险,但是在千百年里,它们依旧完好的架在空中。…smithnanci (29)in #wherein • 6 years ago安徽黄山风景黄山原名“黟山”,因峰岩青黑,遥望苍黛而名。后因传说轩辕黄帝曾在此炼丹,故改名为“黄山”。黄山代表景观有“四绝三瀑”,四绝:奇松、怪石、云海、温泉;三瀑:人字瀑、百丈泉、九龙瀑。黄山迎客松是安徽人民热情友好的象征,承载着拥抱世界的东方礼仪文化。smithnanci (29)in #travelfeed • 6 years agoWhen you are in a bad mood, you can go out to travel and enjoy seeing beautiful scenery.In the morning, I took a bus to Lugu Lake (about 6H, 355KM) and arrived at Lugu Lake viewing platform at noon. This is the best place to see the panorama, enjoy the picturesque…smithnanci (29)in #travelfeed • 6 years agoAden, Daocheng, Sichuan Province, China, a good place to travel and enjoy the sceneryAden Scenic spot, located in Reva Township, Daocheng County, southern Ganzi Prefecture, 2900 meters above sea level (Gongga Estuary) to 6032 meters (Xianairi Peak), covering an…smithnanci (29)in #steempress • 6 years agoWhat kind of thing is a preserved egg in everyone's heart? It's delicious in my heart.Hello. I'm a blogger from somewhere in China. my name is Nan ci.Today, I'd like to introduce you to the Preserved egg in China.Preserved egg is a kind of food which takes duck…smithnanci (29)in #liveihood • 6 years agoLend a helping hand and life will be better for youI went to take the train today, but I was moved by what happened at the railway station. In the ticket office of the railway station, a migrant worker's uncle suddenly knelt down…