Divagaciones del andar (Prosa poética) Ramblings of walking (Poetic prose)

in #poetry3 months ago (edited)

Divagaciones del andar

Los fantasmas que me pueblan no vienen para asustarme, su aliento cálido me envuelve, ellos saben mucho de mis luchas, lo han dejado escrito en las paredes, por donde la noche teje viajes inciertos.

Algunos rostros se pierden en la memoria fotográfica, historias que me han visto crecer. Estirado sobre las horas, labro senderos.

He vagado por una geografía inexplicable, terrenos oníricos gobernados por el silencio, me susurran secretos. Las palabras van perfilando el tiempo, saben hacerse sentir, mudas o parlantes, son clarividentes, reconocen los orígenes de la magia, lugar privilegiado para pernoctar.

Allí se recrean otras vidas, aprendo a tomar el vino de la duda para fortalecer mis verdades, hipoteco mis pasos con la nada, los caminos se van conmigo, entre el polvo del trayecto arrastro los sueños compartidos.
Al final, no espero ninguna recompensa, basta con lo vivido.

Ramblings of walking

The ghosts that inhabit me don't come to scare me, their warm breath envelops me, they know a lot about my struggles, they have left it written on the walls, where the night weaves uncertain journeys.

Some faces are lost in photographic memory, stories that have seen me grow up. Stretched out over the hours, I carve paths.

I have wandered through an inexplicable geography, dreamlike terrains governed by silence, they whisper secrets to me. Words outline time, they know how to make themselves felt, silent or speaking, they are clairvoyant, they recognise the origins of magic, a privileged place to spend the night.

There, other lives are recreated, I learn to drink the wine of doubt to strengthen my truths, I mortgage my steps with nothingness, the paths leave with me, among the dust of the journey I drag the shared dreams.
In the end, I don't expect any reward, what I have lived is enough.


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Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Imagen creada con Dall.E 2024 de ChatGPT and edited with PhotoScape


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