shintia (44)in #steemit • 6 years agoThis is 5 tips great to develop posts steemitHello friend steemian good night? This is 5 tips great from @donkeypong 1 - Please upvote and comment any posts each other people in the community as # Nigeria help each…shintia (44)in #bots • 7 years agoCase study: Which Top Upvoting Bots to Delegate To Fot the Highest Dally Payout?Would you like to know which of the top upvoting bid bots give the maximum payout back to delegators because this will be useful the next time you have Steem Power you want to…shintia rebloggedffcrossculture (75)in #cn • 7 years ago秋海棠秋海棠属多年生草本植物,茎生叶互生,叶褐绿色,边缘伴有紫红色。花以红色或粉红色为主,包片长圆形,先端钝,花药倒卵形,子房长圆形。 秋海棠花形多姿,叶色柔媚,花色艳丽。这种矮生、多花的观赏花卉,是花坛、草坪边缘、庭院美化的常栽植物花卉,也是家庭布置一个清新幽雅客厅、阳台的常用花卉之一。shintia rebloggedffcrossculture (75)in #cn • 7 years ago金丝桃金丝桃又称狗胡花、金线蝴蝶、过路黄、金丝海棠、金丝莲、土连翅等。半常绿小乔木或灌木。 花型集合聚伞花序着生于枝顶,花色金黄,其呈束状纤细的雄蕊花丝也烂若金丝,绚丽夺目,是我国南方常见的庭园观赏花木。 金丝桃除了有观赏价值外,还是一种中药,其根、茎、叶、花、果均可入药,抗病毒作用突出。shintia rebloggedbroncnutz (78)in #gambling • 7 years agoIs Las Vegas about to get Squeezed? A Major Union Strike is Lurking.How many of you love a good trip to Las Vegas, NV for a fun weekend of gambling, partying and world class food? How would you feel if you saved your money, booked your trip and…shintia rebloggedffcrossculture (75)in #cn • 7 years ago柱叶虎尾兰柱叶虎尾兰又称棒叶虎尾兰、筒叶虎尾兰、筒千岁兰等。这种柱叶虎尾兰茎短或无,肉质叶呈细圆棒状,顶端尖细,质硬,直立生长,表面暗绿色,有横向的灰色亮虎纹斑。花小朵,白色或淡粉色,总状花序。 这种原产于非洲西部的棒叶虎尾兰因适应性强,叶又非常有趣,逐步被引进到中国栽培供观赏。盆栽小株型在在家庭客厅、书房等布置观赏也非常合适。shintia (44)in #kr • 7 years agoThe benefits of ginger for healthHello steemian friend? How are you? Ginger is a herbaceous plant that is often used to overcome various conditions, ranging from nausea, cough, joint pain, to pain due to…shintia (44)in #unique • 7 years agoWhy Are Daughter's Daughter Shy Closes When touched?How are you steemian lovers? Daughter shy, we are all certainly familiar with this one plant is not it? Maybe when we were little we often play with this one plant, its…shintia rebloggedffcrossculture (75)in #cn • 7 years ago条纹十二卷条纹十二卷又叫条纹蛇尾兰,多年生肉质草本植物,叶片紧密轮生,呈莲座状。叶三角形披针状,先端锐尖。叶表光滑,深绿色,叶背绿色,有白色带状突起。这些横向排列的白色条纹,与叶面深绿色形成强烈对比。 条纹十二卷品种极多,常见的是这种绿白相嵌的小型多肉植物,清新高雅。亦会开绿白色小花,若配以精美的盆钵用来装点案几会给人一种充满生机的感觉。shintia rebloggedsweetsssj (76)in #dlive • 7 years agoTravel with me #110 : Kuala Lumpur by day and by night!Dear Steemit Friends: Today we will explore together the National Mosque (Masjid Negara) , as well as many more of the colourful and cultural sights of Kuala Lumpur .…shintia (44)in #health • 7 years agoBenefits of shellfish for healthGood evening steemian lovers? On this happy night I want to explain about the benefits of boiled shells for health. The shell turns out to have many benefits that would be a…shintia rebloggedsocky (72)in #steemit • 7 years agoCampaign to get SBD listed on BinancePlease Resteem and get the word out that Steemit Users want SBD (STEEM Dollars) listed on Binance. We need @ned to fill out the form This link requires a Google sign…shintia rebloggedffcrossculture (75)in #photography • 7 years ago仙人球今天去朋友家玩。见朋友家的仙人球,头多个大,互相叠加,个个没有变形,真漂亮。朋友说这个天然小氧吧开了花就更好看了。我说别听卖的人瞎说,真正的氧吧是保护好大自然,这些只是家庭的一个点缀。朋友说有时安慰安慰自己也是好的。我说那也是,不过看看也不错。shintia rebloggedffcrossculture (75)in #cn • 7 years ago萍蓬草萍蓬草,又称黄金莲、萍蓬莲。睡莲科萍蓬草属植物,目前,约有25种,最为著名的是我国台湾的萍蓬草。 我也是第一次见到,问了好多人都说是睡莲,可我总觉得不是。借杭州植物园水生植物活动,听了老师的解说才知道这是萍蓬草。…shintia (44)in #kr • 7 years agoHow to get steem power fasterSteem Power is the most important factor in the world of steemit, and also a very valuable asset in the world of steemit. Therefore, the steemians should really focus on this one…shintia rebloggedffcrossculture (75)in #cn • 7 years ago遇到一只晚年《贵宾犬》在小区闲转,遇一只已16岁的贵宾犬。贵宾犬又称贵妇犬、卷毛犬,在法国被视为国犬。是一种水猎犬,以水中捕猎而著称。 此犬性情活泼、敏捷和聪明,极易近人,是一种忠实的犬种,深得一些宠物狗爱好者的喜爱。…shintia (44)in #story • 7 years agoLife is full of twistsLove it takes patience ... Until where do we have to be patient waiting for our love ??? That day, I was with him committed to keeping our love .. I became the happiest woman ...…shintia rebloggedsenseicat (72)in #life • 7 years agoWho Is Your Most Influential Teacher @senseicatI am posing this question to the Steemit community because when I think about my past educational experience, I remember a few standout teachers. My favorite teacher in 5th…shintia rebloggedsenseicat (72)in #life • 7 years agoWhat Would Happen If Teachers' Taught Students Without Grades @senseicatI spent a few years volunteering in grade school classrooms with different teachers. I know that teachers are under pressure with the limited amount of funding, lack of…shintia rebloggedsenseicat (72)in #life • 7 years agoPet Carrier Entertainment @senseicatEveryone has heard of the expression, "curious at a cat" and you can see that my kitties earned that title. Today, I went to purchase a new pet carrier and it was like…