sayedmahmud rebloggedthewritersblock (65)in #blood • 3 years agoBloodBLOOD Ritual symbol of vitality. In many cultures, the blood is believed to contain some of the divine energy or, more generally, the spirit of the individual. According to some ancient traditions, bloodsayedmahmud (47)in #law • 2 years agoJohannes Kepler - Kepler's lawKepler's law photo by wikipedia The Austrian astronomer Johannes Kepler was deeply convinced that the revolution of the planets around the Sun is subject to certain and…sayedmahmud (47)in Space • 2 years agoFixed star Algol Algol Credit - This star is part of the constellation Perseus the Hero, which is visible from late autumn to early spring. To locate Algol, look north to…sayedmahmud (47)in #hymn • 2 years agoHymn to Hendursaga... On this very day, as evening approaches, the first is (like) a fox that drags/shuffles its tail, the second being sniffs like a domestic dog, the third, like a raven…sayedmahmud (47)in #magical • 2 years agoMagic and fixed star (Vivienne Robson)By littlepaperforest ANDROMEDA bestows conjugal love and reconciliation by loving shchih. The EAGLE brings new honors, but retains the old ones. ARROW helps preserve chastity. ARGO guarantees safety onsayedmahmud (47)in #bull • 2 years agoSimbol 🔥💧🌅🌒 bull🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂🐂 Бык символ земли и плодородия. В Иранской мифологичной традиции Ахриман убил предвечного быка Гайомарта , и из его останков появилось все живое, растения, деревья и животные, а такsayedmahmud rebloggedhivebuzz (74)in Hive Power • 3 years agoNew badge - LEO Power Up Day - September 15, 2022The next Leo Hive Power Up Day will take place on the 15th of September. Participate in to get your new LEO badges.sayedmahmud rebloggedocd (84)in OCD • 5 years agoOriginal Content Decentralized Hive statementHello dear Steemians, it's very sad that it has come to this where this will be the last time we'll call you that but with the actions of the recent buyer of and a…sayedmahmud (47)in #sixstars • 3 years agoSix starsIt happened long ago. Six of the stars forming the constellation, the Pleiades once lived on the earth as damsels of Luwang community. They were intimate friends, inseparable…sayedmahmud (47)in #witch • 3 years agoWitchthe “witch” of classical literature is a fascinating figure: sometimes beautiful, sometimes horrible, but always compelling. 1 In this article, I shall show that an analysis…sayedmahmud (47)in #aries • 3 years agoAries♈️ ARIES It is an analogue of such symbols as the lamb, the golden fleece, the head of a lamb, the horns of a ram, denoting both the creative and destructive spirit. In the…sayedmahmud rebloggedahmedrazakhan2 (28)in #vavilon • 3 years agoVavilonMoon- Sin (EN.ZU) Sun - Shamas (UTU) Jupiter- Marduk (SAG.ME.GAR) Venus- Ishtar (MUL.DILBAT I !star belit matati6) Mercury- Nebo/Ningishzida/ Ninurta (SIHTU) Saturn- Ninurta…sayedmahmud rebloggedoumessias (42)in #see • 3 years agoBanbaBanba Fertility goddess. Celtic (Irish). One of the aspects of the MORRIGAN. A name of the “Sover- eignty of Ireland” to whom the king was married in symbolic ceremony. Also a…