The SWARM Research Report 7/11/18

in #crypto6 years ago



Balazs Deme‏ @BalazsDeme
Lately I’ve been thinking more and more about truly global liquidity pools. Even going as far as having this single pool act as a stablecoin as it would provide for easy crypto-crypto or crypto-fiat exit and entry. It is both a technical & incentives problem.

Technical due to the fact that it would require a cross-chain layer/path that could include and aggregate all the DEXs, regardless of which chain they are running on. At the end of the day this is what might be one of the most intereting aspect of @HerdiusDEX .

The following is required these days for a CEX to work together with a DEX: 1) an API which creates a dev overhead, 2) absorbing the additional costs that comes with the transaction settlement, 3) giving up your comp. advantage for no apparent reason.

Due to the crypto market being inefficient pushing the additional costs on users instead of the DEXs and CEXs might just be the best solution that makes all sides happy. If there is a transaction happening through a bridge/layer involving a CEX and DEX

All fees are paid in all the different intermediary network while the user receives the best price. The fees would be double or triple, but it is still a miniscule amount versus paying the lower fee and having access to a worse price. Costs will eventually be much lower.

We say crypto moves fast, but the best attribute of a crypto company might be the fact to reinvent themselves and apply their existing infrastructure to other problems. A single, niche and small market use case might be troublesome especially factoring in future competition.

For this very reason I think @KyberNetwork is one of the best projects (there are many others) out there realizing what I just described above. It is worth taking a look at their new liquidity pool

Ian Balina @DiaryofaMadeMan
To trolls spreading FUD about me not being hacked. Do your damn research. It's very elementary and all on the damn blockchain. You make your blantant hatred for me very obvious when you ignore basic research & don't know how a smart contract works.

      Andu POTORAC‏ @andupotorac
Mainframe was a SAFT, wallet was supposed to be confirmed in JUNE.
Quarkchain Private Sale was after the hack. On Facebook you mentioned on 22nd of April your intention to participate in the private sale. You kept the tokens >4 days in a hacked wallet.
"Hack" was on April 16th.

Jake aka Korean Jew Trading (not giving away eth)‏ @koreanjewcrypto
Interesting to see people on CT so angry at @DiaryofaMadeMan for allegedly avoiding taxes lol. When did u all become team Uncle Sam

Yeah I suppose it is karma. I guess my observation has more to do with a lot of people who are kinda anti establishment in nature getting riled up

      The Wolf Of All Streets‏ @scottmelker
They're not angry that he avoided taxes - they're angry that he created a farcical public clown show that sucked people in in an effort to cover the tax evasion. Also, he sucks, which makes him a target. I mean, moon lambo music video?

I didn't read it as you being a fan, it's all good. The guy has been rubbing people the wrong way for years, so the crypto community is jumping on the chance to make sure he's force fed a heaping feast of own bad karma. He came after me once when I called him a farce... so...

      Jack White‏ @ManosWhite
On realized gains. He 'got hacked' so he could sell somewhere else presumably without triggering them. Is he even US based? I don't follow the clown.

Gat [Insert Ad Here for 1 or 2 BTC]‏ @CryptoGat
sorry but I have to retweet every $EOS liquidation, it's part of protocol

CryptoMed‏ @CryptoMedicated
Crazy part about it is the fact that $DENT is such a painfully obvious fraud.

      Crypto King Of The North ‏ @CryptoKing_Mart
Out of all the projects you are calling out $DENT. I’ve personally sent data with no issue. So let’s hear your fraudulent claims? Or just more baseless nonsense. I’ll wait

sicarious‏ @Sicarious_
The greatest crime in this Ian Shillina drama (theft? tax fraud?) is that he reuses his ETH addys instead of generating a unique wallet for each ICO.

      Scavenger®‏ @BitMocro
He subscribed to the ICO before the hack... He waited for the tokens and sent it to Binance to make a profit in this bear market.

singing Jailina while typing this BS

Crypto D‏ @KryptOpinions
Keep enjoying your scam projects marketing absolutely nothing. I’m here to stay with @adbanknetwork and the team that works so hard to build a future of innovation

      Lazlo‏ @Lazlo_G
Effective online advertising, transparency, saving $$ millions.
Which company doesn't want that?
Adbank 1.0 will be ready soon.
AI will be ready this year

  • through the API any company can use Adbank platform, tech, tools..
    No conversation needed!
    This team can do it!

tehMoonwalkeR‏ @tehMoonwalker
jumping on $KRL
sticking to their roadmap. - working alpha in August for investors - public product before EOY - upgraded their UX - simple and easy to showcase trading strategies.
thanks to @Coin_Shark @kryll_io

Bitcoin Birch‏ @BitcoinBirch
It won’t take much to move coins who’s primary trading volume is on KuCoin.
$KCS heating up will lead to more volume.
At this point, order books are dead.
If people start buying, there won’t be a lot of sell pressure in the way

      Crypto Krillin [J. Mallet] ॐ‏ @lsdinmycoffee
Huge $KCS buy walls, the ~54k sats resistance is going to be smashed.
Whales can easily afford 100k KCS to trade without fees. And with the new scheme it's auto-compounding daily!

tehMoonwalkeR‏ @tehMoonwalker
loading up on this $VEN dip, similar to $hkn its got some pre rebrand/mainnet/swap confusion and is on sale, I recommend to check out the vechain REDDIT, alot of gold info/discussion
potential income through holding $VEN discussed here:


Brandon Scott Quittem
Have you taken the time to understand $WTC?
This is not another "supply chain coin." There is something much much bigger brewing here.
It requires more effort to understand than the average project, which I believe contributes to it being undervalued.
-Their marketing isn't very good
-Team is mostly Chinese/Korean and don't communicate with the west very well
-Most people don't see the big picture. Instead it get's lumped into $VeChain competition (laughable).
-The bread crumbs are out there, waiting to be pieced together
I believe $WTC is a smart long term project. Massively undervalued. Huge upside potential. And very defensible leading to lower risk than comparably sized projects.
Here's a few reasons why, and I go more in-depth in the full article below:

  1. WTC is a Leader in the Growing IoT Industry — An Industry Estimated to be Worth $9 Trillion by 2020 according to Forbes
    (if they capture 2% of this market, it makes WTC worth $36b marketcap. From $7 today to over $1,000 per token)
  2. Strong Foundation: Multiple Subsidiaries, a Massive Team, and High-Profile Partnerships
  3. Supported by the Chinese Government
  4. Waltonchain to Power the One Belt One Road (OBOR) Initiative? (aka the largest infrastructure project in human history)
    Full explanations in a article here, hot off the press:

Pablo Lujan
Very bullish on this.
I used to work here. They would not put this much effort into building out a group to cater to these type of clients if they didnt see this massively growing.

      Gary Charnis
Def bullish!!

      John W.Octavius
Bullish of Vechain ......great project.

Aiswarya Roy
What are your thoughts on the newest project Skynet?
It's led by research scientists from UC Berkeley, Head of Alibaba, Vice President of Samsung, and Qualcomm Executives.
They're making an infinite sharding IoT blockchain and the world's first blockchain chip. They also say they can deploy billions of IoT chips with their hardware wallets and their network's native currencies, making the network the most adopted network.
It's a quite interesting idea IMO and this could really address adoption of blockchain networks.

Quinten François
They claim to have the world's first blockchain chip. That's wrong. HPB is the first one and already have a mainnet. Apart from that, sounds like a promising project indeed!

Yves C Jean-Louis
Here’s my twenty to fifty year prediction on crypto as a whole. We will have 5 major coins/tokens in use that will be the main ones everyone and their mother knows. There will 50-150 minor coins for other uses but still very huge in terms of people knowing about them. There will be state issued crypto whether they be centralized or decentralized. Most likely the countries right now who have been screwed by major nations financially will be embracing decentralized crypto as a whole. And then there will be virtually a non countable number of other minor cryptos that are more or less variations of the 50-150 minor ones and variations of the major ones as well. We need to stop focusing SO MUCH on how to improve projects we follow religiously because the same people who came up with the idea of cd-books were thinking it was the next big thing. It was only a band aid for a bigger wound. Then iPads came and ebooks and revolutionized what we think about books. 200 years ago, a “band-aid” thinker would think we would have horses with wheels for legs but it wasn’t so. We must think outside the box for the future and not think about present technology or solutions. For all we know one of the most major cryptos in the next twenty years could be in the 1000th rank right now or maybe not even be an ico yet. Haha, what about you guys? What are your thoughts and predictions for the future?

      Olivier Gaillard
I think bitcoin will remain the most valuable coin and reach new highs when people realize that it's the only way to protect their wealth from governments that will seize people's assets to repay their tremendous debt.
Tokens will be used for specific blockchain businesses but only the ones with the right drivers of long term demand will have value.

      Mark Anstead
Probably a majority of the tokens will be essentially bought out- in a sense that their github's and all that will bought out through acquisition. They'll then do some form of a token swap for their native token to implement it into their own ecosystem- essentially allowing for a decentralized buyout. You can choose to keep the token, but it won't end up being worth anything in the LR- just my personal opinion


Aurora (IDEX) Not Giving Away ETH@Aurora_dao
$ZIPT by @zippiehq has been listed on #IDEX
$CET by @DICEsup has been listed on #IDEX

Stocks.Exchange‏ @StocksExchangeR
SE is more than glad to support ANT coin!

OKEx‏ @OKEx_
High-performance Blockchain (HPB) is now listed on OKEx.

MERCATOX‏ @MercatoxCom
OBITAN ​CHAIN (OBTC) market added
Original Crypto Coin (OCC1) market added
Cryptonationz (CNZ) market added​

Cryptopia Exchange‏ @Cryptopia_NZ
We’re happy to announce the listing of OverPowerCoinX $OPCX!
Hi Cryptopians! $SUMO and $RYO are now fully available on the exchange

CoinSpot‏ @coinspotau
TRON (#TRX) and ICON (#ICX) withdrawals have been enabled.


Balina recently received presale tokens into his "hacked" ETH address
by Sizematters96

Ian Balina received Mainframe presale tokens to his "hacked" ETH address

Immediately, these were sent off to Binance. Would love to see how he can talk his way out of this. Expose this scammer asap

Korea: All Exchanges meet the requirements! Expect New Money into the Korean exchanges.
by Tbid

Korean Article English Article

Korea Blockchain Association reviewed 12 Korean exchanges for its operations, security, etc., and have stated that they meet min requirements for self-imposed regulations.

These exchanges include Upbit and Bithumb.

From the article:

"Industry insiders expect that new issuances of commercial bank accounts will begin in the coming days or weeks following this announcement. The new bank accounts will allow exchanges to increase their user base and circulating supply of funds."

For the past 6 months many Koreans could not purchase cryptocurrency due to the denial of commercial bank accounts. We can expect new money to flow into the Korean exchanges again when this clears up.

ICON (ICX) now apparently has the fastest transaction speed on Binance for deposits, according to this source.
by naxypoo

After Binance completed ICX's mainnet swap today, according to anythingcrypto ICX has the fastest deposit time exceeding even Nano. However, I am not exactly sure how accurate this is and don't know the parameters they used to measure this, but regardless, I think ICON has a lot to offer and is a project worth looking into. What do you guys think?

The market cap of crypto, and the fundamentals, have little correlation with each other
by davidahoffman

90% of the conversations found here in r/cryptocurrency, and most other project subreddits are people illustrating their imagined future of the decentralized world ahead of us.

Today, that is all we really have. Bitcoin doesn't really do remittances at the moment. Ethereum has an exchange (IDEX) as its best DApp. Volume on Stellar's Decentralized Exchange for cross-border fiat exchange is .... lacking.

Augur just launched today, and we don't even know for certain if it is the product that we are hoping it is. At least the the valuation of Augur can actually begin now, rather than being just speculation.

The End of Centralized Dark Net Markets: Eden Market (EDEN) Announces the First Decentralized DNM on the Blockchain.
by RokRouMago

Any veteran user of Dark Net Markets knows that every market is at a constant risk of shutdown, either by ruling agencies or by exit scams performed by the market administrators who personally hold all funds in escrow.

Every single most popular and trusted Dark Net market starting all the way from the original Silk Road until Alphabay last July has either been seized by the government or performed an exit scam, stealing users’ money in escrow. There’s no reason to believe this won’t repeat itself with the current most popular markets, as they have not made any changes to solve these vulnerabilities.

The two fundamental issues with current DNMs:
Trust - DNMs require escrow to keep buyers safe from scams by vendors. In traditional DNMs, buyers send funds to the DNM administrators to be held in escrow until either the buyer decides to notify the administrators to release the funds to the vendor. When the market administrators can be trusted, this system works well enough. Unfortunately, this is often not the case. Since DNM administrators are anonymous, they can steal all funds held in escrow without any fear or repercussions. Some notable examples of DNM exit scams in such a fashion are TradeRoute, Outlaw, Nucleus, Black Bank, Evolution, and Sheep marketplaces.


The Future of Ambrosus Blockchain Network
Louis Martin

This year so far, the Ambrosus IoT blockchain based platform have been working effectively and tirelessly to successfully deliver and accomplish one project feat after another. Months of thorough security, third party audits and performance testing have been conducted, with the prime focus to perfect the technology and foundational protocol of the AMB-NET.

Goal being, that Ambrosus will be the ultimate backbone for logistics enterprises to achieve full visibility within their supply chains, optimize efficiencies throughout the process and enhance trust with their partners, distributors and end-consumers.

Moving forward, how they plan to deliver this?

5 Myths About Why Bitcoin Will Drop to Zero

Despite how bitcoin is now worth substantially more than when the cryptocurrency initially attracted attention from investors, naysayers exist that assert it’s only a matter of time before it plummets to zero. Some of the associated myths are particularly pervasive.

  1. Bitcoin Will Struggle to Remain the Dominant Currency

Some analysts say that although bitcoin reigns supreme in the cryptocurrency market now, that won’t be the case forever. They say that as more cryptocurrencies come on the scene, the likelihood rises that a better one will replace bitcoin, resulting in its plunge to zero.

Why That’s a Myth: Even people who aren’t very familiar with cryptocurrencies have heard of bitcoin. That kind of name recognition imparts trust, particularly among those who are ready to dip their toes in the market for the first time.

Tipping the Scales — BRAVO App Launches ICO to Fuel Global Expansion

BRAVO the Phoenix-based traditional payments application has announced a public Token Sale to raise funds, for global expansion, while integrating cryptocurrency payments and blockchain technology in order to reduce transaction costs and latency on the platform.

The BRAVO app already supports tens of thousands of users in the United States who make instant, secure and anonymous payments digitally using fiat currencies. The company is now looking to enter the cryptocurrency market, with a real use-case, to exhibit the incredible potential that blockchain offers to customers, and the entire payment sector.

“It’s a major barrier to the adoption of cryptocurrency, we need more real word applications that people actually use.This is where the BRAVO comes in, the app makes it really easy for anyone to pay or get paid using fiat, and will soon support cryptocurrencies,” explains the CEO, Maria Luna.

Impact Investing and Crypto
m breidenbruecker

I spoke about the relationship between impact investing and crypto projects at an event about impact investing from Luca Rancilio. After the event i had a great conversation with John Denniston who asked me about a bullet point list on my thinking. As a preface: I have no experience in impact investing and am pretty new to the space. Would be great to get feedback from people who have experience

@John Denniston, here it is:

On a very general level: Many of today’s social or environmental problems originate from economic systems that work only for some people but cause or caused massive problems for other people. Classical examples are capitalism, communism, colonialism etc.

Audit of the Bancor hack
Lorne Lantz

As you all may have heard in the news, yesterday was a major hack on the Bancor network, resulting in another market downturn.

The total amount stolen was:
24,984 ETH (~$12.5M)
3,200,000 BNT (~$10M)
229,356,645 NPXS (~$1M)

After the hack, a quote from a Bancor representative was:

“A Bancor wallet got hacked and that wallet has the ability to steal coins out of their own smart contracts. An exchange is not decentralized if it can lose customer funds OR if it can freeze customer funds. Bancor can do BOTH. It’s a false sense of decentralization.”

If this were a bank heist it would take months for details of the heist to be made public, but with the transparency of the blockchain we can audit the hack now by tracing the hackers transactions, and see how Bancor managed to “freeze” the stolen BNT.


Bitcoin is down 4.02% at $6,341.460 with a volume of Ƀ71.0k - $456.2M on the USD pairs.

Ether is down 1.46% against Bitcoin at Ƀ0.06819 per Ether and down 5.42% against the dollar to $432.1 with average volume Ƀ38.3k on the ETH/BTC pair.

Bitcoin Cash is down 0.73% to Ƀ0.1088 with volumes of Ƀ17.6k and down 4.51% against the dollar at $689.43.

Ripple is up 0.27% to Ƀ0.00006999 with volumes of Ƀ9.8k and down 3.84% against the dollar at $0.4433.

Zcash is up 2.62% for the day to Ƀ0.02503 per ZEC and down 1.43% against the dollar to $158.6 with an average volume of Ƀ3.2k for the 24 hour period.

Litecoin is down 1.67% against the dollar for the day at $76.44 and up 2.55% to Ƀ0.01206 on volumes of Ƀ14.9k.

Dash is up 1.33% at Ƀ0.03434 with Ƀ5.5k volume and down 3.12% against the dollar at $217.57.

Iota is up 0.53% to Ƀ0.0001528 on Ƀ1.9k volume.

Ether Classic is down 2.57% to Ƀ0.002536 with volumes of Ƀ12.3k and down 6.36% against the dollar at $16.06.

Monero is down 3.96% against the dollar at $122.8 and down 0.05% against Bitcoin at Ƀ0.01941 on volumes of Ƀ2.7k.

Neo is down 1.87% for the day to Ƀ0.005204 per NEO and down 6.25% against the dollar to $32.83 with an average volume of Ƀ4.3k for the 24 hour period.

Waves is down 2.42% to Ƀ0.0004157 on Ƀ1.3k volume.

Stratis is up 2.61% to Ƀ0.0003737 on Ƀ488.536 volume.

Cardano is down 1.27% to Ƀ0.00002014 on Ƀ2.9k volume.


China Celebrates Killing Its Bitcoin Exchanges as CNY Volume Falls Under 1%

A Closer Look at the Cryptocurrency Gender Divide

Litecoin Prices Climb After Litecoin Foundation Announces Partnership

Opera Launching A Browser With Built-In Crypto Wallet Functionality

3 Crypto Airdrops in Q3 2018 You Should Know About

$3 Million Fund to Create 25 Marketplaces for Kik Messenger's Token

Vyper – the New Ethereum Programming Language that is More Secure and Simple

Two major changes in Ripple leadership

Crypto celeb Ian Balina faces more allegations of scamming

Woman who once bought bitcoins for $300,000 cash in paper bags sent to prison

Best Cryptocurrencies To Invest In – Top Cryptocurrency Coins in 2018

FCoin Exchange Now Compared To Ponzi Scheme

Ripple Claims its 50% Share in India is Inroad to Global Market

“Experts” Fear China Losing 90% Control Over Bitcoin Market, Forgetting Gov’t Ban

U.S. Think Tank, AEI, Argues for Self-Regulation of Cryptocurrencies

SEC opens comments for CBOE SolidX Bitcoin ETF proposal

Sparkster & Credits Announce a Strategic Alliance

The Logic of Layer 2 Scaling

Bitcoin Looks More Like Gold Than a Currency

Opera for Android Introduces Cryptocurrency Wallet In Private Beta


What is a cryptocurrency masternode; are there opportunities for investors?

MyEtherWallet Got Hacked By Google Chrome Store Hackers

Litecoin Teams Up with TokenPay to Purchase a Stake in a German Bank

Bitcoin bull still believes Bitcoin will hit $25,000

Philippines Booming As a Crypto Destination

FCoin Exchange Now Compared To Ponzi Scheme

Korean Lawmakers Hasten to Regulate Cryptocurrency, Legalize ICOs

This is not investment advice, this is information culled from the web today. Please do your own research.