A Rainy Pokemon Go Community Day in Los Angeles!

in #blog6 years ago

Greetings from Los Angeles, Pokemon Go Trainers!

The Totodiles were all over the place on Saturday! Even the Shiny ones!

Here are the hatches, catches and evolutions!

Starting with this shot. I left the house and was soon surrounded by Totodile. So I began catching them all! Then what happened about 7 or so catches into the day was this...

The Shiny Totodile!


I ended the event with over 100 candy and 2 Shiny Totodiles. My Shinies were not that powerful, but had decent stats so I ultimately evolved the better Shiny up all the way.


I had tons of candy so I went on through and gave him the full treatment!


He isn't the strongest one, but that's ok! Because...


I did manage to snag this one, which I will evolve up at a later time. I think he's going to be a big one.


I got enough candy so I gave an evolution to my best current Numel giving me this. Not my best Camerupt but a decent one. :-)


Here was my chance to evolve a Sentret.


This latest Sandshrew/Sandslash Evolution has given me my strongest Sandslash to date!


I participated in a raid too, and I get this one as a reward! Well, I still had to catch it.

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I hatched a few days back and in that time I've gotten enough candy to send it through a full evolution process!


to this...


then to this!

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I don't see many grass types, so this was a nice addition!

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It's always funny to find a fishy swimming around in the middle of a sidewalk. LOL

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Here is the second random sidewalk swimmer I caught.


This Grass/Flying type was an evolution from a Hoppip!


I see Growlithes around these parts often, so I was finally able to get really close to evolving something to be over 2500. Almost there! Look at this beast!


Hathching another Electrike gave me the chance to evolve my very first Manectric!


Arons began to show up near my home so after a few days, I was able to make this happen with an evolution! What a little tank!


I see very few Staryu or Starmie where I go apparently, so when I saw a chance to evolve one of my only two Staryus I went for it. This one is all the way back from 2016!


Here is a recent catch of my first Chimchar.

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Here is a recent hatch of my first Makuhita.


My first Piplup catch!

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My first Alolan Meowth!


Over the holiday I caught SO MANY Snovers. But I was just shy of getting enough candy for an Evo. Well, I took for a walk as my buddy and now I have this big boy. I want to call him Obama. lol


One of the gyms I battled in and put a pokemon in apparently became a dog pound, as everyone else tossed on a dog-like pokemon as well! That is my scary Houndoom in the middle. :-)


This was a big update! See you all soon! And follow me for more real life Pokemon adventures and of course, my art!


Friend me on Pokemon Go with my Trainer Code! 0692 3648 3677