saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoMaking traditional handmade art and creativity #صنع التقليدية اليدوية فن و إبداعThere is hardly any popular or modern market in any of the Moroccan cities of shops specializing in the sale of traditional Moroccan shoes known as «Alblgah» ... يكاد يخلو سوق…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoزخرفه الرياضةو القصور # Decorated sports and palacesIslamic decoration artists have replaced the diagnosis by developing patterns of Islamic geometric patterns over the centuries. The designs of Islamic art dominated the use of…saidelbouchri (52)in #marocco • 7 years agoThe meaning of the word Kasbah # ممعنة كلمة القصبةمعنى كلمة ممعنة كلمة ممعنة كلمة القصبة, تعريف كلمة القصبة في قام المعاني الفوري مجال البحث مصطلحات المعجم الوسيط ،اللغة العربية المعاصر ضمن قاموس عربي . The meaning of the…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoKnown for its red and gold paint # المعروف بالطلاء الأحمر والذهبيTombak bronze, known for it's flame red-gold patina, was noticed after and desired through the centuries for its dazzling color and unique resemblance to pure polished gold.…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoPottery is one of the oldest crafts in Morocco@ صناعة الفخار من أقدم الحرف يدوية بالمغربPottery is one of the oldest known human crafts. Pottery is based on mud; clay is converted into a hard material in the kiln. There are two types of clay used in the pottery…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoMoroccan Crab is the water legs#الكراب المغربية هو ساقي الماءThe Crab with the Moroccan dialect or water legs calls for "Behold, the water of the water is a drink for me." "Coolest Acheshan" Inoub Inoub, This is how you hear the karab…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoAtai marocain avec explication traditionnelleاتاي المغربي مع الشرجم التقلديsaidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoSpong marocain avec du thé #سفنج المغربي بالشايEst un des tartes préparées par les familles du Maghreb en Tunisie, en Algérie, au Maroc, et il y a ceux qui l'appellent ponce le nom d'une lumière et l'origine du mot éponge…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoLangue arabe traditionnelle# قليدية الصيلة مغاربيةLa langue est une chaussure traditionnelle maghrébine, en cuir et souvent accompagnée du reste des vêtements traditionnels marocains. C'est la graine d'un article sur un sujet…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoThe season of roses in the city of Qal'at Mgouna#موسم الورود بمدينة قلعة مكونةSource phpto Every year, the "Rose Festival" or the "Rose Season" takes place in three days in Morocco at the end of the second week of May. Many ceremonies are held to…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoالزربية المغربية الاصيلة فن و الابداع# L'art du tapis marocain et la créativitéLes tapis marocains, en particulier les amazighs, sont riches en couleurs vives et colorées, en formes géométriques et en symboles avec une charge culturelle et nationale…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoA traditional oven in Marrakech # فرن تقليدي في مدينة مراكشSource photo Today, everything has changed, and the appearance of the people who gather in Ferran, waiting for the hot bread to come out, has almost disappeared. واليوم…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoAnciennes cheville berbères # الخلخال البربري القديمAutrefois portées quotidiennement par les femmes kabyles les ou les chevillets quand elles sont de taille moyenne plus répandue chez les femmes berbères du Maroc ou encore les…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoلازالة وسائل النقل عبر الحيوانات في المغرب # Retirer les moyens de transport à travers les animaux au Maroc· Transport is one of the most important innovations that invented animals: animals are the first means of transportation used by humans, · تعتبر وسائل النقل من أهم…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years ago # فانتازيا في المغرب fantasiaIn MoroccoFantasia, also known as cavalry, barbarianism, tropism and barbarism, are called equestrian displays, simulating military attacks, practiced in the Arab Maghreb countries in…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoLa vie est le chameau du désert # الحياة الجمل الصحراويL'espérance de vie moyenne du chameau est de 30 à 40 ans. La longueur totale du chameau est de 1,85 m au niveau des épaules et de 2,15 m au niveau de la bosse. La bosse s'élève à…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoاسواق الخضار شعبية بالمغرب#Marchés de légumes populaires au MarocLe marché est un endroit populaire de la plus haute importance au Maroc, c'est un lieu de shopping où vous pouvez trouver presque tout ce que vous voulez. يعد السوق مكانًا…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoالماعز المتسلقة للشجر في المغرب # Goat Goat Tree in MoroccoGoat is one of the species of ants. It is a strong animal that can tolerate living in different environments. It lives in the high mountains and in the plains and even in oases…saidelbouchri (52)in #morocco • 7 years agoGame #Fortnite#Fortnite has been able to generate $ 25 million in revenues since it was launched in March on the #iOS platform only. According to the Sesnor Tower Research Foundation The…saidelbouchri rebloggedgreenman (65)in #life • 7 years agoremovedremoved