(Harry's Happy Hive Journey)
You can join Hive in about 5 minutes...
…but you’ll probably feel lost & confused. This guide answers the questions you may have as you take your first steps into the world of Hive. You can jump to a section using the Table Of Contents above*, but reading the guide fully is worth it.
I had a rough time learning Hive, so I made this to help others. (Also, it explains deep things in a friendly way, so there’s probably value in here for Hive veterans as well.)
Ready? Let’s go!
*This guide in an easier to read format here: jryze.me/hive
Do you like doodles, Harry?
“Weird question, I know. But I’m asking for a reason. Because my crypto guide showed how a blockchain is like an account-book tracking any (digital) transaction. Sure, most of us use it to track only ‘crypto’ transactions…
But what if we had an ‘account book’ that tracked all social transactions?”
“Yo… you high bro?” Harry's eyes widened.
“No, man, think about it…
Every like, comment, & post you make is a 'digital transaction.'”
It’s you investing your time & attention in a ‘product’ (someone’s post, for example.)”
“I guess. It’s mostly just me clicking around.”
“Exactly. Your ‘clicking’ around is consumerism. It’s you, consuming a product. When you consume something online, that is a transaction. Straight up.”
“So for years, nobody really respected you for it. You didn’t get sh-t for investing your attention. Only the social platforms got rich from it. Same thing goes for content-creation. A post you make on most social platforms can go unnoticed and unrewarded. These social transactions can feel like a waste of your energy, right?”
“Oh, for sure. I’ve wasted energy posting, and I’ve wasted energy swiping.”
“Right. But what if a social platform rewarded you for every like, comment, & share?
What if they rewarded every consumer & creator on the platform in crypto? How great would it be if you were valued for every social transaction you made?”
“Sounds like a dream, homes. Never gonna happen. It’s not like Reddit will pay you to click that upvote button. Or Instagram will pay you to click that heart. Or WordPress will pay you to post a blog. These platforms simply won’t do it.”
“I know. But Hive will.”
"Why Hive?" Harry asked.
“Because social’s got everyone by the balls.
Traditional social platforms know your attention is their product. So they all fight to keep you addicted to their apps. They do this because whoever has the most data is the ‘sexiest’ to advertisers. And whichever social is sexiest to advertisers, becomes the richest. These social giants ‘steal’ people’s attention and sell it. But this has gone on for years, and people are getting fed up.”
“True say. And don’t get me started on their algorithms. They used to give me good recommendations, now they just decide what news I see.”
“And don’t get it twisted, I love all these social platforms, and use them. I don’t judge them or wish them any harm.
I’m just outlining how people are feeling about social in general lately.”
“Man, I hear that. I’ve actually felt all those things. I’m pretty pissed at social lately.” I could hear an edge creep into Harry’s voice. Time to change the topic to something brighter.
"Let's talk on Hive's benefits", I said.
“Well it sounds like I get financially rewarded just to click around and do what I’m doing all day?”
“Yes, you do. But there’s more.
Because Hive has no CEO, there’s no ‘god’ deciding what you can and can’t post. No one’s out there randomly shadow-banning people they don’t like.
Because every ounce of your data is stored on a blockchain, encrypted by your un-hackable key, only you own your data. Only you can delete it. Only you can edit it. Only you can sell your data to advertisers, or whoever. It’s yours.
Because the Hive blockchain tracks every social interaction, it is possible to reward every interaction. (Well, in crypto.)
You can read more about this stuff in my ‘Hive’s Invisible, Just Like Me’ post.
The takeaway here is that Hive solves most of the pain-points people are feeling from traditional social media.
That’s why all the Hive-hype, Harry.”
I relaxed my jaw and shoulders. Apparently I was more fired up than I thought. I laughed at myself internally. I just wanted to get my friend on Hive, lol.
"Alright, I'm psyched, how do I start?"
“That’s kind of a loaded question bro.”
“How come?”
“Because a noob like you doesn’t just ‘start’ with Hive.”
“I don’t?”
“I mean, you can I guess, but anyone I’ve seen try it just gets frustrated and bounces.”
“It’s Hive’s fault, to be honest. No new platform is perfect, and for all it’s amazing traits, a big issue with Hive is that it’s not user-friendly.”
“Ah, I see.”
“I’m serious, it’s brutal. Like, not easy… at all.”
“So Hive’s user-unfriendly?”
“Yeah, but it’s worth learning. In fact, it’s not just ‘unfriendly’, it’s user-enemy, or anti-user, at least for the average person. Which is a shame, because it really is revolutionary. I want people to benefit from it. I know it can help them. I know it can send a message to Facebook, Twitter, and the rest. But only if people can actually use it. And to be honest, I don’t see the average person being able to use it. It feels like a chemical engineering test or performing brain-surgery just to sign up.”
“Can’t I just Google it?”
“Hahah, I wish. Googling it will turn up a few decent guides. And I’ve read some great materials that help beginners get started on Hive, and they’re great. But none of them have covered it simply enough for you, trust me. Or they do, but there’s always some stumbling block that’s unaddressed, or key info left out. This means you try to join, encounter a ‘seemingly unbeatable’ obstacle in your Hive journey, and give up. So until the devs make it easier, I’ll walk you through it myself.”
“Wow, this feels like personal tutoring.”
“It is! It’s your lucky day, I’m giving you a total beginner’s A-to-Z guide to Hive…
…You’ll go from Hive sign-up to Hive superstar!”
"Isn't it like joining any site?
Like I’m asking, isn’t it just like every other social platform? I just sign-up with my email and password, add a photo, and voila, right?”
“Not exactly.” I say, “Because Hive isn’t ‘one thing.’ Hive is, um… at least two things.
Using Hive means using:
- The Hive.io blockchain, and
- Also an app to access Hive’s social media (such as PeakD or Ecency).
Just like using the internet is two things:
- Your internet service provider and
- A web-browser (such as Chrome or Explorer)
“OK, I get it. Just like I need AT&T before I use Chrome, I join Hive.io before choosing an app to browse their social media platform, right?”
“Yes! But unlike AT&T, Hive is free! So head over to signup.hive.io, let’s go!”
“OK, I’m there. I found the sign-up button. Er, buttons. There’s another one. Wait… there’s one more. And another. WTF?”
“Oh, yeah, I should’ve mentioned.
Turns out Hive has like 9 different ways to sign-up. It’s cray.”
“Why?” Harry squinted.
“Sigh. It’ll all make sense, soon. Just get your Hive.io account and bear with me on this, ok? “
“Fine. But which button do I press? There’s Ecency Signup, 3Speak Signup, HiveOnBoard Signup–“
“That one! That one’s fine. HiveOnBoard. It’s fast and they’ll verify you by phone. Click it.”
“K, I clicked it and it’s warning me that I need to install the ‘Hive Keychain Browser Extension’ first. Uh, dude…
...why do I need a Hive Keychain extension?"
“Because signing up for the Hive.io blockchain isn’t just an operating system.
It’s also like getting a bank account at the same time.
If you want to earn by scrolling your Hive feed, you’ll need an account, which Hive calls a ‘wallet.’ And just like a bank doesn’t give you a wallet in real life, Hive doesn’t give you one either. You create your own using a free ‘wallet service.’ The ‘Hive Keychain Browser Extension’ is my favorite Hive wallet service, because it also keeps track of your Hive usernames, passwords, etc., which makes logging in and earning crypto on Hive easy.”
“So you’re telling me I’ve got to open a new browser window, install this Hive Keychain thing, set it up properly, then come back and reload the HiveOnBoard sign-up page, which is really just a service helping me get my Hive.io account?”
Although now that you say it out loud, it sounds pretty silly for a sign-up process.
And, uh, there’s a few apps that refuse Keychain, and require another sign-in app, HiveSigner.com instead. But don’t worry about that, you can cross that bridge later, the Keychain Extension does most of what you need.”
“Sheesh. Whatever… it’s just a chrome extension, I got this.”
Harry Googled it and clicked the first result, then clicked “Add To Chrome” and voila, Keychain installed. He made sure to setup his usual easy-to-remember password on it. It was nice. It gave me a breather to stop explaining. Eventually he made it back to HiveOnBoard.com and refreshed the page.
"Now I choose a username and password?"
“Sort of. You choose a username, and Hive.io will create your account. It will also give you a master hive.io account password. This password will be ridiculously long and unreadable.”
“Do I have to type it in?”
“Not if you setup the Hive Keychain properly.”
“I thought I did!”
“Well, you got it installed and ‘ready-for-import’, but once your Hive.io account is finally created, you’ll have to…
Import your username and password into Hive Keychain, once.
Then you probably won’t need to type them often again.”
“Sounds good.”
“Yeah, but there’s more. Hive.io gives you more than a username & password.”
"What else does Hive give me?"
“You get 4 ‘Private Keys,’ which are kind of like keys in real life. The right key lets people get into the right room, or operate the right vehicle.”
“Wait, there’s rooms and vehicles on Hive? I thought it was social media.”
“Haha, no I just mean that your 4 keys can be used to access different ‘tools’ of your account. This way if someone steals one of your keys, they may only have posting privileges. If they steal another key, they may get wallet privileges.”
“So it’s like my own social media ‘house.’ I have many keys on my Hive keychain, & lend keys to who I want.”
“Yes, great metaphor! As the ‘owner’ of all the keys, you’ll probably hold onto the important ones like the vault-key where you keep your last will & testament. But you may let your kids borrow the car keys sometimes. Because you have separate keys, you feel secure knowing that people can only use the parts of your data that you allow them too. Imagine if you just carried one ‘skeleton key’ around, you couldn’t lend it to anyone to do stuff for you without worrying. Because they could just steal that and take your whole online identity.”
“Hmm… so it’s a security thing?”
“Yeah, most of this stuff is. Hive and the crypto world in general are obsessed with security. I guess it’s good, but it does make teaching crypto tricky.”
"What are these 4 keys exactly?"
“They’re the owner key, active key, posting key, and memo key. They’ll look something like this:
Owner Key: 5KA3mcNgaHrtabqRjjZJ7uiet67vgPhVvNNYMRmh3B3ccojTEg5
Active Key: 5KJsx5CzBzAwbpFjoNzWN4FBSeTy6X3GRkp19GG3de7deo6fNko
Posting Key: 5Jp1f6pf5Y1Q1AuFstK86NkBZkhK5ViAmUaM65ZeAjfwAYqynfx
Memo Key: 5KWg94DPBXSWiVVMpj9VM7tAjYeLLGh6GWYCnoCwpFhbnSBGwCt
(And remember that you have a Hive.io master password too, that looks like this: YvwBqeGEH6yuChjxLaJLXtY9Heat6kav, and gives you access to all your other keys. )
I know you’ll ask what each key does, so I’ll explain:
Owner Key: It’s like the key to a house-safe, where you keep all identity documents and bank-codes. It lets anyone who has it change your password, recover your account, even alter your keys. (Top Tier Access)
Active Key: This is like your house-key. It lets anyone who has it get in a do a bunch of stuff in the house. In Hive it lets you transfer funds, buy influence-points, even vote on the future of Hive, since as soon as you sign-up, you’re now a part-owner. (Second Tier Access)
Posting Key: This is like the key to your media-room, or living-room. It lets anyone who has it post, comment, vote, share, follow, manage profile, etc. (Third Tier Access)
Memo Key: This is like the key to your mailbox. It lets anyone who has it send/read/receive encrypted messages as if they were you. (Fourth Tier Access)
“Cool, so on Hive, I use different keys for different levels of security. And if I’m getting it right…
I don’t want to give out anything higher than the posting key, right?”
“For the most part yes. There are some apps (like ‘HiveSigner’) where you’ll want to give them your Active Key, but mainly you’ll give the Posting Key so apps and plugins can do cool stuff for you, without giving them access to your wallet.”
“Whew, aight. Got it. So I signed up as ‘@HarryDresdenIsTheBest, what do I do with my keys?
"You backup your 4 Keys & Hive.io main password!"
“Wait, you mean write all five of those crazy-long codes down?”
“Basically, yes. Store them however you want, I’m gonna trust you know how to back something up safely. Whatever you do, a backup is the main thing. And extra important is that your backup is very safe.
Because no one on earth can recover your account if you lose your keys.
It’s like owning the worlds most secure safe, no one’s getting in if the sole owner forgets the code. And you might have a lot of money in there. So treat your backup with respect. Besides, these keys are also how you operate any app on the Hive.io blockchain, including it’s social media apps.”
“Ugh. Fine, if it’s to keep my cash safe, I guess it’s worth. But can’t I just use my normal password, ‘Har0ldDresd3n’?“
“That’s what the keychain extension is for.
You set that up with your normal password, right?”
“For sure.”
“Ok, so once you’re done with this HiveOnBoard sign-up service, and you have a proper Hive.io account, complete with your 4 keys plus long Master Password… you go back to your Chrome extension (hiding in the little ‘puzzle piece’ icon in the top-right of Chrome), and ‘import’ your keys. That way, from now on, all you need to do is unlock your Keychain with your normal, easy-to-remember password, and…
Your keychain will automatically enter those keys for you wherever they’re needed on Hive.”
“I get it. But I still have to backup my keys in case I move to other devices, other browsers, or Hive Keychain stops working or something, right?”
“Yes! Your keys are insanely important, back ’em up! The cliche ‘Not your keys? Not your crypto!’ is true. Once that’s done, click ‘Create Hive Account’ and you’re part of Hive!”
Harry clicks the fuchsia-colored button with glee.
"Note: keychain can pop up asking for 'authorization', Harry."
“It totally did!”
“Don’t worry, the keychain just wants permission to start ‘opening locks’ for you. It wants to automatically sign you in to Hive.io and perform digital transactions for you like ‘commenting’ and ‘posting’. It just needs permission first.”
“So I should grant it authority?”
“Yeah, but to do that you have to:
- Enter the (‘easy-to-remember’) password you chose when you first installed Keychain.
- Then you have to click Keychain’s ‘Import’ button.
- Enter your Hive username and Posting Key. Once done, it will import your keys, and Keychain will have them from now on.”
"Woo! So now I can post?"
“Unfortunately not. You now have an account on the Hive blockchain, Hive.io. Remember, it’s like signing up to an internet service provider like AT&T. You also have your very own Hive Wallet for storing crypto-currency. That’s like having an account at a bank. But just having internet and a bank account isn’t enough. Now, you have to actually ‘go’ to the social platform that’s running on Hive.”
“Let me guess, it’s another seven-thousand steps, right?”
“Naw, it’s way easy.
Just go to peakD.com & let your keychain sign you in.
You may have to click ‘confirm’ or something.”
Harry did so. “I’m there!”
“See? Now that everything is setup, you can use any Hive.io app, such as PeakD’s Hive Browser app, and your Hive Keychain will sign you into it.”
“Oh wow, I’m in! Did it auto-select dark mode? This looks cool!”
“Yeah, I knew you’d like it.”
"So what do I do first?"
“Whatever you want. Some people like to explore, vibe out the platform, see what people are up to first. They might lurk for a while, or test out small actions like voting, re-blogging, or commenting. Others love to create first. They don’t care about all that other stuff, they just want to make an ‘introduction’ post and make themselves known on the platform. Some do a combination of both.”
“Hmm, I want to do both.”
“Sure, but choose one to start with, you can’t do two things at once bro.”
“OK, I choose create. Let’s post!”
“Sounds good. And don’t worry, I’ll teach you all the ‘content consumption’ stuff later. We’ll explore how to earn with your clicks.”
Harry flicked his mouse over to the little ‘pencil’ icon, and I knew he was about to start writing, but I realized I hadn’t explained ‘resource credits’ to him. Dammit, that’s pretty important. I don’t want to crush his excitement with yet another explanation, but he’s gonna have a rough time if I don’t.
"Wait! Let me explain 'resource credits!'"
“Chill homes, we good. What are resource credits?”
“Well, you know how the Hive.io blockchain tracks every digital transaction made, down to the shortest comment, or tiniest upvote?”
“Well, tracking all that stuff takes a lot of computing power. And like everything in the world, all those computing resources and electricity cost money. So, there has to be some way to stop a spam-bot from jumping on the platform, upvoting everything, and eating up all the resources. It would crash Hive and there’d be no computing power left for anyone else.”
“Makes sense. Smart way to handle abusers!”
“Yes, it is!”
"So Hive invented resource credits?"
“Yeah, Hivians (or Hivers?) call them ‘RC’, and every account has a certain amount of them to spend. When they do any kind of action (posts, likes, comments… the only thing that doesn’t cost resource credits viewing/reading stuff), it automatically spends their RC. When their RC hits zero, they have no more actions until it recharges. This way people take proper actions and don’t spam.”
“I guess not. OK, so how much resource credits do I have?”
“Basically none. For all Hive knows, you might be a bot that signed up. You might be looking to spam. If you try to do anything right now, with zero credits on your account, Hive Keychain will just popup and give you a weird error. Hive ain’t handing out resource credits to bots, right?”
“Yeah, but, hold up. If I need RC to do stuff, and I start with zero RC… how do I ever do anything? You know this is dumb right? Other socials make sign-up easy, & let me post freely.”
“Yes, but those places don’t pay you. Money is involved here.
Things have to be a little more secure, and handled a bit differently. And don’t worry, RC is easy to get. Stay with me.”
“OK, but I’m sayin’, most people would bounce if –after all this– they can’t even post. I would’ve been gone without you explaining this stuff.”
“I know, I know. So let’s get you some RC so you can start crushing this platform. But I’m gonna throw yet another new term at you, OK?”
“Sigh. What is it this time?”
“Hive power.”
"Why do I need to know about Hive Power?"
“For so many reasons which I’ll explain later. For now you just need to know because Hive Power helps you get resource credits.”
Harry rolled his eyes. “Seriously? Fine, I’ll bite. What’s Hive Power?”
“Well, Hive Power and resource credits are tied together.”
“Great, but I didn’t ask ‘why,’ I want to know what it is!”
“My bad. Hive Power is basically clout, or influence. The more Hive Power you have, the more influence you have on the platform. Your votes & comments ‘mean more’ and your shares ‘reach more.’ And most importantly for you, dear Harry, you can physically ‘do more’ because…
Your resource credits are proportional to your HP.
And before you ask, yes, Hivians abbreviate everything.”
“So what you’re telling me is, that since I’m new, I have no Hive Power (or influence) yet. Which means I have no resource credits. Which means I can’t do sh-t.
How do I get Hive Power?”
“The easiest way is to be gifted some Hive Power, so that’s the method I’ll teach you.”
“Hmm, but I’ll need Hive Power all through my Hive journey right? Shouldn’t I know the other ways?”
“Fine, I’ll list them real quick. To get Hive Power…
- You can earn HP by interacting. Posting, commenting, voting, and re-blogging all earn resource credits (but new users can’t do this.)
- You can wait for HP. Resource credits recharge daily. It takes about 5 days to fully charge.
- You can be delegated (loaned) or gifted HP. We’ll talk about this later.
- You can earn HP through dApps. We’ll talk on this later as well.
- You can buy HIVE (from exchanges) into your wallet, then convert it into Hive Power, which gives you resource credits.”
“Holy, nevermind, lol, can you just ‘gift’ me some?”
“I could delegate you some, but it’s basically money, in crypto form. I can’t go around giving everyone new Hiver my money to fool around with, you know?”
“But I’m your amigo!”
“Yes, so I probably will delegate you some eventually. But this guide should teach you to be self-sufficient. If I hook you up, then you’ll be relying on me for more.
I’d rather teach you how to get your own Hive Power and/or resource credits. It’s easy.”
“Ok, how?”
"Use this site to be gifted Hive Power & resource credits."
My phone had giftgiver.site loaded up, and I was waving it in Harry’s face, but he just stared at me, confused.
“I’ll explain. You can gift yourself resource credits instantly. Just…
- Go to giftgiver.site/faucet
- Enter your Hive.io username
- Verify with the ‘captcha’
- Click submit, and there you go.
You'll then have a tiny bit of resource credits to get you started.”
I waited patiently for Harry to visit the site and submit.
“So now I have HP & RC, can I finally use this platform?”
“Yes. And if you comment and post reasonably well, you’ll get rewarded for that with even more RC. But even if your posts suck, you can always head back to that giftgiver.site when you run out to get a bit more.”
“Psssh, please bro, my posts are god-tier.” Harry stuck his tongue out. “Anyway, thanks. So now can I click that little pencil icon and start writing?”
“Yes, please do.”
Harry clicked and was met with the editing page. It had a text editor on the left, (complete with bold, italics, and ‘upload image’ buttons.) On the right, it had a preview pane and a ‘publish’ button.
Harry wrote a witty intro post.
Harry wrote up a witty little intro and tagged it as #introduceyourself, but still had more questions.
“How do I resize this image I added?”
“Unfortunately, this isn’t beginner friendly. I’d skip it.”
"But I want to resize my image, it's way too big."
“Seriously, it’s too hard, I’m not explaining it.
You need to be comfortable with URLs, HTML code, pixel-dimensions, etc. If you know HTML, maybe you can figure it out from this example of a re-sized Hive Image.”
<img src="https://images.hive.blog/100x50/https://files.peakd.com/file/peakd-hive/bashadow/jdaoftGk-DSC_9461macroresizedupload.jpg" />"
Harry shot me a smug look and said “It looks like you just add ‘images.hive.blog/WidthxHeight/’ to the beginning of your image URL.”
“Oh, so now you’re teaching me? Seriously, good luck. Until Hive makes it more noob-friendly, I’m not touching this subject. People will have to suffer with big images in their posts.”
"Fine, show me how to quote someone in my post?"
“Type a ‘greater-than’ (>) symbol at the start of the line, in front of your quote.”
> "this will be a quote because of the greater-than symbol." - J-Ryze.
"What are these weird symbols in my post?"
“You’ll see symbols like , #, and _ being added to your posts, because that is how Hive detects bolds, headings, italics, and so on. If you highlight a sentence click the ‘bold’ button, for example, Hive’s editor will put an asterisk () at either end of the sentence.”
*italics* , **bold** , ## heading2 , etc.
“Can’t I just use HTML? We learned it in school.”
“I noticed, show off. Yes, you can use HTML as well, Hive does support it.”
"Can I create a link to other sites?"
“Yeah, use square-brackets around your link text [], and parentheses for your link address ().
[Display Text](https://linkaddress.com)
The above will create a link displaying the words 'Display Text', that takes a user to linkaddress.com.
"How about add bullet points?"
“Yes, use a hyphen (-), followed by a space, then your text.
- Bullet one
- Bullet two
- Bullet three
- Etc.
Make Your Post Easier To Read.”There’s plenty more you can do, columns, numbered-lists, and so on, but I’ll link you a guide to all of that by @brutalisti here:
“Thanks, now my post looks sweet. I’m launching it!”
"Fine, just don't plagiarize even a single part of it!"
“I wasn’t! Why are you yelling at me?”
“Because, Hivers are batsh-t insane about plagiarism.”
“Will they harm me for it?”
“I wouldn’t put it past some of them.”
“Point is…
Hiver’s will downvote you into oblivion for plagiarism or spam, and they are very active about discovering it, so don’t even try getting away with it. Just post normally, like a decent human. And credit anyone and anything you use or borrow from.”
“Got it.”
"What actually happens when I click publish?"
“What do you mean?”
“Well, Hive is different–“
“(ahem,) ‘better’–“
“–different in so many ways. I assume this part is different too, right?”
“You’re right. Smart man, Harry. Let me ask you, what do you think you just did when you clicked ‘Publish?'”
“Um, I posted on PeakD, which is Hive’s social media?”
“No you didn’t.”
“I didn’t?”
"You posted on Hive.io, using PeakD as a front-end."
“A front-end?”
“Yes. Remember that Hive.io is a giant account-book (or operating system.) You have an account on it, and that’s where everything happens. PeakD is just a pretty interface used to access it.
You use PeakD to make a post, but you’re not posting on PeakD.
PeakD doesn’t store any of your data (nor does Hive.Blog, or Ecency) because it’s just a front-end too.
They’re like browsers you use to surf Hive. Or like skins or plugins in other apps. You can use many decentralized apps (dapps) to browse Hive’s social media. Hive.Blog is the original app, but PeakD has overtaken it in popularity. Whichever one you use, it’s still just storing your social interactions on the Hive.io blockchain. Since we started talking, what you’ve actually done is:
Created an account on Hive.io (‘blockchain’), then logged into it using your Keychain, and finally posted on Hive.io. Only, instead of using the Hive.Blog ‘browser’ to do it, you used the sweet dark-mode interface of PeakD.”
“¡Pinche! amigo, ok, ok, I think I get it. I could’ve used the default Hive.Blog skin to post instead, right?”
“Bingo! The same way Windows has themes and plugins that make it look and feel different, Hive.io does too.
Just know that Hive calls these things… dApps."
"Can you quickly explain dapps, then?"
“Sure. For example, PeakD is my favorite dApp for beginners, but we’ll get into other ones down the road.”
“Is it pronounced ‘dee-apps’ or ‘dah-apps?'”
“I say ‘dee-apps’, but it’s your choice. I’ve seen it spelled with a small ‘d,’ other times a capital ‘D,’ and sometimes even a capital ‘A.’ It’s another fancy new word the crypto community has coined. We’ll explore them more once you’re familiar with Hive.”
“So couldn’t I have got my ‘bank account’ at Hive.io, then headed right to Hive.Blog to start posting? That’s the ‘official’ skin right? That way I could skip the Keychain, PeakD, and all this dApps stuff, right?”
“Kind of.
You can’t skip the keychain, ’cause to use a social platform that pays for everything you do on it, you have to have a Hive Wallet.
And though technically you could skip PeakD, you’d be mad if we did.
Firstly because it’s a much better experience, and more importantly, because Hive.io is an operating system that runs many powerful dApps. These dApps are essential, so you’ll need to get used to them. I figured we’d make your first dApp PeakD, since it makes posting and browsing Hive’s social media so much nicer.”
“Hmm, thanks J. You went the extra mile to teach this and dig deeper, all so I didn’t end up lost and confused out in the crypto-social-world.”
“I think I’m blushing. That’s the nicest Hive-Focused thing anyone’s said to me. Thank you! But let’s keep going. Surely you don’t just want to learn how to post, then bounce, right?”
“Right! I posted. So now I’m thinking ‘show me the money!’ The coolest part of everything you’ve told me is that I get paid for doing ‘normal social media’ things. What do I do to get my hands on that cash?”
“Hold your horses, partner. People are already replying to your post, probably because you added that ‘#introduceyourself’ tag. You sure you wanna ignore ’em to chase money that’s already on it’s way?”
“Good point, let’s tackle commenting then!”
“Good choice, Harry. One thing: I know I said we wouldn’t talk payment yet, but let me explain rewards to you before we get into commenting, ok?
"Understand rewards before consuming, Harry."
“Uh-huh. So enlighten me.”
“OK. In real money, you can’t get smaller than a cent, right?”
“I mean… I could “guinsoo-knife” a penny in half I guess.”
“Sure, and no one would take it.
Crypto is different though. Many rewards are given out as a percent of a coin. Because you’re doing so many clicks and stuff on social, it’d be nuts if they were all worth a cent each.
And since rewards are given in a cryptocurrency, they have to be worth 0.001 of a token, or something.”
“Got it.”
“So it costs others some of their Resource Credits to comment on your post. And it will cost you some RC to reply.”
“I think I understand. And since they each count as ‘posts,’ to Hive.io, they start earning RC/HP back for the people who make them and those who interact with them, right?”
“Exactly! Although it’s ‘potentially’ earning.”
“Wait, I thought you said everything earns? Whatchu mean ‘potentially’, mang?”
“Well, weak-a$$ comments don’t earn. If you say ‘great post’, it’s very unlikely to earn rewards.”
“How come?”
“Because rewards are only paid out once they cross the ‘dust threshold.'”
"What the f--k is the 'dust threshold?'"
“It’s the earnings-bar Hive sets. Your ‘digital interaction’ (post, comment, etc.) has to cross this bar before Hive starts paying out.”
“How high is this earnings bar?”
“Two cents.”
“Hahaha, good one!”
“Wait, you’re not joking?”
“Nope. It really is two cents. Think about it. If you make a post or a comment, people can vote on it. So they start voting, and your post starts earning. But remember, rewards are earned in tiny pieces, as a percent of a token. So, lame comments like ‘great post’ won’t earn enough ‘pieces of a token’ to even cross a single cent, let alone the $0.02 threshold.”
“Hmm. So everyone’s posts, comments, and votes all earn. But only decent content gets engaged with enough to pass the dust-threshold and begin paying out. The rest sit there at less than two cents, paying out nothing.”
“Yep, and those non-earners are called ‘dust votes!’ We’ll explore rewards more when we talk ‘earnings.’ For now, I’ll just say, very good summary, Harry. You learn fast.”
“I mean, dude, you’re teaching this better than every f--king human on the planet.”
“Please, my ego’s already big enough, I don’t wanna go back to my ‘cocky a$$hole’ years.”
“Okay, okay. Heh. So what’s next? Why did I need to know all this before replying to comments?”
"Because... look at the comments on your post, my friend."
“OMG, I have 3 comments already! Is this for real?”
“Yeah, Hive’s pretty new. There’s thousands of people using it, but not nearly the same as the hundreds of millions who use Facebook or Instagram. This means you get the benefit of standing out in a world that hasn’t buried you in noise… yet. This also means people can get overly focused on votes and comments. Hivers sometimes seem to all be fighting over the sparse attention available, and since money is involved, they can get a bit carried away. S’all good though. You benefit from 3 comments in 3 minutes now, but it may not stay this way.”
“Aight, so do I reply? Do my replies cost resource credits?”
“They do, you’re really getting this. When I first started posting I used up all my RC replying to comments and then couldn’t do anything for days.”
“So, are you telling me not to reply?”
“Look, it’s like this: Comments are treated as ‘mini-posts’ by Hive.io. It stores them the same way on the blockchain. Imagine if you left a really long comment? You’d want that to count and earn, similar to a post, right?”
“Right, so Hive.io rewards people who interact with comments, the same way it rewards people who interact with posts. So by all means, reply to your followers, but understand that this isn’t like other social media where you can just write ‘great post!’ all the time. Each comment matters, and each comment has the potential of getting upvoted or downvoted… which can actually affect people’s cashflow, yours included.”
“Now I’m scared!”
“Don’t be, man. I’m not telling you this to scare you, I’m telling you this so you understand what people are doing when they comment on your post. Yes, they’re engaging with you. But they’re also contributing their own ‘posts’ in the thread beneath yours, and they may deserve those ‘posts’ (their comments) to be upvoted.”
“Right, so I literally have the power to reward them with my replies.”
“Yes, and it's more that your upvotes reward them, your replies are mini-posts you may earn on.”
“Oh god, please don’t tell me upvotes are some special thing too…”
“They are. And they have to be, because people are earning through them. It can’t just be some random ‘click like’ and hit the explore-page sh-t. It has to make sense (and cents).”
Voting (Votes Are Money!)
"Fine, explain voting before I comment too."
“Ay! What’s with the attitude? Are you not interested in earning crypto by voting? Because it took me insane effort to understand all this, and even more to explain it this simply. I’m happy to stop and go grab a beer, just say the word.”
“No, no, my bad. I just– it’s just a lot to take in at once.”
“Well, no one’s forcing you to digest it all now. We can always stop and pick up our conversation later. You can learn Hive bit by bit.”
“No, it’s fine, please continue. I want to know what I’m doing so I can succeed here.”
“That’s better. Hmph.” I folded my arms in a huff.
Seeing my posture, Harry took a big breath and sighed. “So… uh… voting?”
“Yes, right! Voting. Voting is a pretty big topic with Hivers. It seems everyone has something to say about it. The reason is that every vote is money. Money can be wasted. Money can be abused. Money can be invested poorly, or wisely. Same goes for votes. Three different people told me three different approaches to voting when I first joined Hive. The conflicting views were nuts. It took me way too long to figure it out.”
“Can you give me it in a nutshell?”
"Yes, but first I'll cover 'reputation' score."
“Are. You. Kidding. Me?”
“More terminology. I know. Look, I didn’t make all this stuff. If I was in charge it’d be better, but I’m not. I’m with you. I’m not blind. I can clearly see how over-complicated it is, and we both know I could simplify it.”
“The dream.”
“Anyway, reputation score is one way Hive, and Hivers, can understand your value on the platform. A brand new bot who just spams the platform will have a crappy reputation score. A founder of the platform who’s contributed thousands of quality posts and comments for years… will have a great reputation score.”
“What’s my rep score?”
“If you’re on PeakD, it’s next to your name. It goes up when people vote on your stuff. Getting downvoted can hurt your rep and make your posts less visible. Every new user starts off with a reputation score of 25, so that’s what yours is at. Maybe a tad higher because you got three upvotes already.”
"Ah, so voting directly affects rep score."
“Exactly. Which is why I had to explain it first.”
“OK, so should I like… upvote the people who commented on my post? Or should I reply to them? Or should I do both?”
“Good questions. And the answer is: it depends. Remember, everything you do spends your resource credits. Which means, everything you do better be ‘worth it’ to you. Let’s say you read a comment. You like it, but not enough to reply. You could upvote it, right?”
“Yeah, I do that all the time on reddit. I be spamming votes like crazy yo.”
“Yeah, but on Hive, upvotes are money. You have to be a bit smarter about it.
Make sure it’s really worth it if you’re going to upvote.
Same for commenting. Same for replying. Make sure it’s worth spending your resource credits.”
“How do I know if voting, commenting, or replying is worth it? I don’t want to waste my resource credits…”
“Yeah, that was a big question for me when I first started. Still might be. A good rule of thumb is: if you’re a newbie, don’t upvote comments. Period. As a newbie with little Hive Power / Resource Credits , it isn’t worth it.”
“Why not?”
“Well, it has to do with ‘vote mana’, ‘voting power’, and ‘voting weight.'” I knew Harry was going to spaz out because I was introducing even more new terms. “Please don’t get pissed, I’ll explain these terms too.”
Harry ground his teeth as if they were crushed glass. “Dude. I am seriously trying here. I’ve taken SATs with less to remember.”
“Bear with me, man. I’ma do my best.”
“Fine, shoot.”
"What are Vote Mana & Vote Power?"
“No one has unlimited votes on Hive. Your votes will run out. Which means that every vote matters. Which means you’ll want to put some actual thought into your voting.”
“Sounds fair. How do I know how much votes I have?”
“You check your ‘Voting Mana.’ It’s like an ‘energy-meter’ in a video-game. You start out with 100% voting mana, but it drops a bit for each vote you make.”
“What happens when my voting ‘mana bar’ reaches zero?”
“Then you can’t vote, but don’t worry, Hive recharges your voting mana by a good chunk (20%) daily.”
“Cool! I wanna see my current bar, it should be 100% full since I haven’t voted yet, right?”
“Yep! Only thing is, your voting mana can only be seen on external sites. Check out
“I love it! Hey, there’s a downvote bar too!”
“Yeah, it’s pretty similar, slight differences. Oh, and sometimes this Voting Mana is also referred to as your ‘voting power’, don’t let it confuse you.”
“OK, so mana, power, whatever… when people talk about it, they really just mean how many votes I have available, yes?”
“Basically. They call it ‘power’ because as your voting mana decreases, your votes have less ‘impact’ and ‘influence.’ They pretty much earn you less money if you burn them all up and drop your mana bar low.”
“Hmm. K. You said they recharge though, so I should be able to use like 10 votes a day and just have my voting mana refilled the next day, right?”
“Yep, this is what many users do, so they don’t drop their mana low, and they don’t really lose voting power.”
"Cool, I get it. So what's Vote Weight?"
“Ah, you remembered that eh? Vote weight decides how much ‘money’ you’ll invest in your vote.”
“Do I control it?”
“Yes, if you’re using PeakD as your social dApp (skin), you do. When you press the ‘vote’ button, PeakD will display a ‘slider’ that goes from 0% to 100%. Wherever you set that slide decides how much ‘weight’ your vote on that post (or comment) will have. It also decides how much money that vote will earn or be worth. Slide it to 100% and that vote is worth a good amount. Slide it to 0% and the vote is worth no money.”
“So at zero, it becomes a ‘like’ on Instagram… worthless.”
“Haha, you joke, but that’s basically what happens, yes. The vote earns you (and the person you vote on) zero cryptocurrency. A 0% vote-weighted vote earns no HIVE tokens at all. But at the same time, it also doesn’t hit your mana bar very hard.”
“So if I make my votes a lower vote-weight, they’ll be worth a bit less, but I’ll be able to get more votes out of my mana bar, am I summarizing this correctly?”
“You are. And I’m glad, because explaining voting on Hive has been, um, tricky, at best.”
Harry and I high-fived with a resounding ‘smack!’ It seemed like he was really getting it, and maybe his introduction to Hive wouldn’t be the chaotic nightmare mine was. Still we had more to go. And I still hadn’t told him whether or not to reply to his comments or upvote them.
“Okay, but you still haven’t told me whether to reply or upvote or what here. I’m staring at my post with 3 people who commented. I could be engaging with them by now! I could’ve given them an instant reply on another platform.”
“You can reply instantly here too, I just wanted to make sure you understood what you were doing with your resource credits.”
“My Hive Privileges, you mean.”
“Heh, pretty much.”
“Well, thank you then. But please… for the love of god… can I reply?”
“You tell me. Did you understand how posts, comments, replies, upvotes, and resource credits affect everything on Hive? Did you understand how your choices with them affect your reputation score, your Hive Power, and your influence? Because if you did, you’ll know how to proceed in a way that suits you.”
“C’mon man. Maybe I forgot some of the stuff. It’s too much to take in. Aren’t there people who join Hive and don’t learn all this stuff?”
“Yep, and they have a rough time of things. In fact, they often create an account, post once, and leave.”
"Because their ignorance of Hive Etiquette attracts haters."
“I haven’t seen any so far.”
“Well, maybe not, but their ignorance results in less success on Hive, a less comfortable experience, and yes, maybe even some ‘haters.'”
“Haters, please. So dramatic.”
“Well I mean, they obviously don’t see themselves as haters. They're often doing a good thing, defending Hive and making sure people ‘vote properly’, etc. I just call them 'haters' for ease of explaining.
I mean you may have unpleasant interactions with other Hivians.”
“So you’re telling me if I joined without learning all this I would’ve had unpleasant interactions?”
“Someone likely would’ve, yes. Or at the very least you’d be ‘firmly corrected’ for not knowing. Users on Hive can get… overly passionate…about improper voting etiquette. They see it as an attack on Hive and the community, even themselves.”
“Gimme an example?”
“Sure. I joined Hive and in my first few posts, I was told to only use 10% weighted votes on comments. I was also told not to vote on comments at all because I’m new. It was also suggested I be a good Hivian and ‘always upvote’ comments that I find sincere. I literally clicked vote, and somehow people noticed what I was doing…
…and all three had a ‘correction’ to make.
And I’m grateful they took the time to correct me. I thanked each of them. But in my head I was like… ‘I was new, and had already learned more than any other new Hiver in less time, and getting multiple correction still didn’t feel good enough.'”
“Yep. And here’s another…
...Apparently you're 'forced' to vote."
“Wait, that sounds terrible! Who’s forcing who to do what now?”
“Well, not exactly, and it's quite minor. But the idea is that since your voting mana recharges daily, you basically have about 10 ‘free’ votes to use each day, because they’ll just be restocked for you. So if you don’t use these 10 ‘free votes’, you’re wasting a chance to put ‘free money’ into Hive, by voting on the content of others. So others may see you as ‘hurting’ their content by your unused ‘free’ daily voting power.”
“So they see it like being miserly with your votes, locking them up in a vault, when they could be flowing to others.”
“Yeah, remember, your votes can earn… for everyone. Just as you like to get upvotes, others do too. And since you have ‘free votes’ daily, you’re kind of ‘forced’ to use them by social pressure.”
“But nothing will happen to me if I don’t, right?”
“Well, nothing from the Hive system, but you know cancel-culture. Who’s to say people won’t start mass downvoting you, killing your reputation score, and making your posts invisible on Hive?”
“Dude! That’s dark AF. That’s like a crypto-based cancel-culture mob! I’m bouncing from this platform!”
“Wait wait wait! Chill. I was just joking around.
I mean, technically that’s possible, but you’d have to be a giant jerk for everyone to hate you like that.
Nothing major’s gonna happen if you don’t use your daily votes.”
“Swear. But my point is, your life on Hive will go easy if you understand the culture.”
“Yeah, same goes for any new ‘world.’ Try moving to Colombia without knowing the culture, right?
“You said it. If someone is new to Reddit, and they aren’t aware of how anti-self-promotion Reddit is, they may just share a link like they do on any other platform and be banned from a sub on their first day on Reddit. If someone is new to IG, and they’re unaware of how conservative Instagram is about nudity, they may post an implied nude and be instantly banned on their first day.”
“Got it. So if a newbie like me is unaware of Hive’s focus on voting, I may get banned on my first day?”
“Nope! That’s the beauty of Hive… your stuff is yours. There’s no governing body who can ban you, as far as I know. But there can still be negative results from ignorance. That was my whole point.
Know the etiquette of whatever platform you’re joining, right?”
“Understood. Any other culture shock I should avoid?”
“The big players at Hive (aka ‘whales’) are pretty sensitive to community contribution. If you seem like you’re here just looking to get paid or cash out, things may go poorly for you. I was scared to even use the word ‘paid’ in this guide.”
“Good to know, I’m here to contribute, just excited is all. I think I get all the etiquette.”
“Let’s see…
Due to Hive's post-size limits, I'll stop PART 1 of this guide here. You can read the entire thing on this (beautifully formatted) webpage: jryze.me/hive or return here for a link to PART 2 once it's posted. (EDIT: Here's the link to part two!)
Thus ends...
...for now!
Wow, that's great, somehow I've missed that while it was fresh and apparently I didn't vote for it. Here's how I'm going to fix that.
This comment is with 100% beneficiary set to @ryzeonline so it can collect rewards for you for few more days.
Wow! That is such a kind gesture, really means a lot man. I get the impression you do a ton of amazing things for Hive and all of us hivers (coding, witnessing, and more I imagine), and I deeply appreciate you swinging by my guide and leaving a beneficiary comment.
I'm truly touched and honored. Thank you so much. 🙏
Great work. 😉
Thanks so much! It's a 'small' contribution compared to your amazing marketing efforts, but hopefully it synergizes well and makes onboarding newbies at least a bit easier. :)
Go Hive! :)
Wow, I just bumped on this guide as @ecoinstant shared it in a Discord server. This is awesome! I decided to share part 1 & part 2 on Listnerds. As a thank you I wanted to send you a Listnerds tip, but it looks like you aren't really active anymore by looking at your posts. If you are, please let me know by leaving a comment, then I will send you the tip :)
Listnerds is the first blockchain based mailer and it's actually an awesome content discovery tool for most members. I see you produce awesome content, so I'm also inviting you to join my team in case you are interested. Please reach out to me by a comment so I can guide you through it.
Thanks so much for your comment and the kind words, I really appreciate it, and I'm honored you shared the guide on Listnerds.
I love hearing about blockchain innovations, and Listnerds being a blockchain-based mailer sounds great!
I'm mostly focused on web 2.0 platforms currently, but I'm grateful for the invite and will keep you in mind the next time I'm focused on web3 platforms and apps. :) Wishing you a great day! 🙏
I had a peek at your website and I already saw you are a busy bee!
Nevertheless, I sent you a 50 Listnerds tip as a token of my appreciation:
My invite remains, don't hesitate to reach out once you want to know more about Listnerds.
Have a great day!
That's so kind and generous of you, I really appreciate it. (Apologies for my late response, but it's because I have indeed been a 'busy bee' off-platform, lol.)
Wishing you lots of success with Listnerds! #KeepRyzing 🙏
No worries, I already noticed that. It's fine and keep on Buzzing! :) even if off-platform!
This old and good. You did a hell of a job, I must say of writing this up. I have to congratulate you.
Although it is probably already out of date because of ever changing rules of the blockchain. I could imagine you would write a similar post which is relevant to the new rules.
I would also add nuance to this statement:
You should say: "what if social platform occasionally rewarded you for
everylikes, and comments, and shares?"You don't get any reward whatsoever for "shares". I will probably not get any reward for this comment and for most people posts are not rewarded at the beginning of their use. Unless they gain followers with stake or self vote everything, they'll get nothing at the beginning. It sets an unrealistic expectation to tell them you get paid for every post and comment. They feel like they wasted their time and there are no rewards at all, at least for them.
They come, they post, they see no rewards on the first day of use and they leave. It takes time to attract followers and votes.
If they come from another social media site and get nothing, and get this nuanced message that you may occasionally get rewarded with crypto then they don't get the disappointment in the first day that drives them away.
I on-boarded @johnmacmahon ten days ago. I hope he reads your post. He initially couldn't do anything. He seemed very active. I don't think he'll get anything for his shares.
Thanks for the kind words, and it's still fairly relevant since Hive's blockchain and onboarding hasn't changed too much in the last 8 months or so, as far as I know, but if it's out-of-date, so be it. :)
You're correct about the nuance but this piece already broke Hive's character-limit by covering a tremendous amount of nuances, so I've left some others to comments like yours. On top of that, it's meant to encourage people to try Hive, so certain points are exaggerated intentionally. What it loses in nuance it gains in moving people to action, like I did in my massively upvoted Hive Marketing Video.
As well, scaring some people away because they're expecting instant rewards isn't a bad thing, it's called churn-rate and every project has it, it is something to be embraced. I've addressed this issue in-depth in the 100s of comments on my Hive Marketing Post. Anyone with a business or marketing background usually understands churn-rate, conversion-rate, and user-retention well, anyone without that background usually does not.
Wishing lots of success to John McMahon and anyone else who onboards to Hive, and wishing you a great day! 🙏
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~~~ embed:1468448949128282113 twitter metadata:ZGFvbW9pcmFpfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL2Rhb21vaXJhaS9zdGF0dXMvMTQ2ODQ0ODk0OTEyODI4MjExM3w= ~~~
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
Love this initiative! 🙏
@ryzeonline thank you so much for this excellent post. I was introduced to Hive by my friend a couple of months ago. At that time, It was so confusing when I kept seeing my friend posts from Ecency, PeakD, and then she mentioned about HIVE. I had been reluctant to join as I couldn't find any useful step-by-step guides from how to sign up, what to expect and what to do after that. As a marketer, I also participate in designing the onboarding process. Everything our team does, we have to make sure it's easy and clear for new members. So at that time, I thought might be this ecosystem isn't as good as my friend said. Until I read your post last week, I can finally stop questioning stuff. I don't like what giant tech companies are doing and what you explained about Hive is really interesting so I made a decision to join and learn cool stuff. One again, thank you so much for spending your time to create these materials, I really appreciate it. Cheers, Dora
My pleasure @dora381 , thank you for your wonderful comment! And yes, I had a similar confused experience when I joined, and had to figure it out from bits and pieces from different guides. I love your focus on ease & clarity in onboarding. I'm glad you've decided to join us, and wish you lots of joy and success here on hive! Thanks again for sharing! 🙏
(P.S. As a marketer, you may be interested in some of my Hive Marketing posts, and as someone who doesn't like what Big Tech is doing, you may enjoy my posts on power and censorship.)
Thank you for your recommendation. I just added them to my reading list. I almost finish part 2 of this guide. Yesterday I saw your article about "Original Peakd vs The Ryze version on the C/UI/UX community. Super interesting & relevant to me at the moment. I will read it first as I am working on a project to redesign our website so hopefully will learn something from your ideas.
My pleasure, no obligation, it's just in case you're interested. :) Yes, there's quite a bit of UX/UI tips that can be learned from that post, and even more from my interview with PeakD's founder regarding their UI design.
Wishing you lots of success with your website redesign! 🙏
Thank you. Much appreciated. Enjoy your weekend.
I like your analogies. I'm making a guide similar to yours. Your is probably better and I should probably just give up now...lol...I may borrow some of your analogies, though
@liftslikealady and @thelastmelon you may want to read this. It will help answer some of the questions you've been asking that I've answered in a different way. Multiple perspectives will increase your understanding!
I'm glad you like my analogies, and by all means, the more guides out there the better, multiple perspectives rock, I'm looking forward to what you create! Thanks for your comment, #KeepRyzing :) 🙏
For sure! Thanks, I will.check.this out forthwith!
Great intro. I have been on here awhile lurking and playing splinterlands always a bit confused by the blogging side of things. This all brought it together nicely. Going to read part 2 now and recommend this guide to anyone starting out.
Thanks so much, I'm very glad it helped you! Yes, I was confused as well, that's why I wrote this up, haha. I trust you'll enjoy part two, and you might enjoy my How To Win At Splinterlands guide too: https://peakd.com/hive-13323/@ryzeonline/a-fun-guide-to-playing-and-winning-splinterlands-even-though-i-havent-played-it - either way, thanks for the kind words and the tip, and wishing you a great day! 🙏
You may want to change this to 'got the link from a trusted source', google is hardly that, anymore.
No need in taking chances that the first result hasn't paid google to steal some keys.
lol, oh man... that's a good point, not sure if I want to get into a discussion of Google's reliability near the front of this guide though. HAhaha, oh man, what a world we live in.
Perhaps there's a way I can work it in, or at least a warning. Ty ty.
I've been asking why we seo for google when we could seo for ddg, right?
Very interesting take on question. I wonder, if more people SEO for ddg, will that allow it to surpass / outcompete Google in search?
If google is putting their thumb on the scale we might as well get out from under it sooner rather than later, iyam.
Well, to ddg we go then! :)
That's pretty epic! I like that you admit to the issues with Hive. It's not perfect, but it has potential. Has this post been added to a curated collection? We need a good set of posts to show to newbies.
I keep learning even after years here. I only found out that peakd has voting mana indicators that appear when you put your mouse under your name in the top right.
Did you mention that we only earn for a week? Of course we can tip with various tokens too.
Glad you like it! Yep, I'm happy to admit issues, even my guide has some, lol, no point denying reality, right?
Good question. I'm not sure if it's been added to a curated collection, or how to get that accomplished. Either way, I do agree that as a newbie, I wished someone sent me to a 'good set of posts' for newbies first thing.
I learned so much writing this guide, and I'm still learning. See, I didn't know about PeakD's indicators either, perhaps I shall amend the guide :)
Yes, the week-long earnings (plus tips) are mentioned in Part 2, but very good detail to mention / double-check, thank you.
Excellent, not easy to collate the many facets of Hive. This method makes it easier to understand, lots of work as you learn moving forward one day at a time. Seasoned Hiver's will also pick up ideas they may have missed.
Keep going and well done @ryzeonline best way of learning is in teaching, sharing knowledge as you find it.
Thanks so much @joanstewart ! It was an interesting task to collate all this, and I'm thrilled if it makes Hive easier to understand. Yes, I keep learning as I go and I'd be honored if seasoned Hivers pick something up from this.
Teaching is my preferred method of learning, so we're on the same page :)
P.S. Thanks for the LUV! 🙏
Keep it up there are so many twists and turns to learn here, every person finds something new, or forgotten 😄
You said it, so true! 😁
@lio.ness & @khing.khong & @mountainman & @awakening.soul, i suggest you all read this (what looks like) an excellent guide to Hive (only glanced through it so far myself.
I appreciate you tagging new Hivers to possibly benefit from the guide. A really kind thing to do, imho.
Thank you! 👍😀🙏
i am here to serve brother. i appreciate your work.
The feelings mutual! 🙏
muchas gracias! me ha ayudado mucho leer esta guía. Ahora entiendo mucho mejor como funciona Hive y he podido solucionar en mi cabeza muchos pequeños detalles a la hora de registrarme, publicar, el sentido de votar o comentar y me ha quedado mas claro el funcionamiento de este intrincado ecosistema que promete mucho y que gracias a ti puedo disfrutar desde hoy mismo (escribo en español ya que no se otro idioma y no confío en el traductor) MIL GRACIAS
Un placer, me alegro de que te haya servido de ayuda. Sí, Hive es un ecosistema intrincado, pero puede ser muy divertido, espero que lo disfrutes. Mi compañera @cynshineonline habla español así que te entiendo perfectamente. ¡Te deseo un gran día! 🙏
Aquí está la guía en español. ¿Puede ser mejor para usted? Me alegro de que te haya resultado útil de cualquier manera. Apreciamos que la hayas leído y encontrado valor.
Con amor,
View or trade
Hey @ryzeonline, here is a little bit of from @manniman for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.For the love of Buddha, Ganesh, Jesus, Allah, St June and all the deities! Please Have this post visible in a tab named 'Help' or Introduction. I have been looking everywhere for information like this. You deserve a comment, vote. If all newbies accidentally used up all their resource credits here at least it would be 100% worth it. So come on Hive, hook this man up with a production team to make a video for all newcomers :)
All jokes aside, your content is amazingly helpful. Thank you for the effort you put into it
Haha, I love your idea. Since Hive is community-run, it's up to other devs, coders, and hivers with more power/authority/programming-access than I to pin it or tab it, but I'm grateful for your kind words/vote. And I'm something of a one-man production team and made this video-teaser for Hive Newcomers last week, if you're interested: https://peakd.com/hive-189306/@ryzeonline/hives-most-effective-but-controversial-marketing-video-so-far :)
I love jokes and I wish you a fantastic day and a great time here on hive! 🙏
How much Power do you recharge each day?
You can see how much you recharge a day at hiveblocks.com/username. So for you the link would be:
Hope that helps! 😁
Awesome, thank you!
First day on the platform and just trying to figure things out you post was very helpful!
My pleasure, glad it was helpful! 😀
OMG This is amazing. You added more doodles, You answered questions for me (hello re-sizing wtf. good thing I know some code but holy!)
GREAT job on this first part (I already know the second half will be amazing too)!
I'm so grateful and happy to see You finished. You've put a lot of love into this and I am thrilled to see the end result.
Voting mana, Dapps, Reward credits....all things I didn't know about. And the rest I learned while editing for You lol.
I've learned a ton with this project. Thank You @ryzeonline ❤️
I did add more doodles and answered more questions.
Thanks for the kind words, help, support, encouragement, proof reads, ideas and more.
I'm glad you learned about voting mana, dapps, and resource credits, they're actually pretty worth knowing about :) <3
This is truly a beginner's guide as I have gained more knowledge reading through it.
I'm so glad you gained something from it, and I believe it will help many beginners to Hive. Thank you! :)
Thanks ryzeonline,
Thanks Although, I've been using hive through #Splinterlands, I've kinda been stumbling along and just getting by. Every now and then getting suck with the dreaded "low RC" messages which I didn't have a clue about, besides the numerous keys, the #keysigner, all of which I kinda stumbled upon accidentally. If I had only seen your post sooner, I would have saved myself a world of Hurt lol. I hope more people come across your post and benefit from it as I did. Hats off to you for your amazing love for all things hive.
I hear you on all that, I had similar issues, which prompted me to write this guide, lol. I'm glad you found it eventually, and it has gotten shared by many hivers who help it to reach others, so I hope that continues. :) Thanks for all the kind words, I appreciate it. (P.S. You might enjoy my Splinterlands guide: 'A Fun Guide To Playing (& Winning) Splinterlands (Even Though I Haven’t Played It)') Wishing you a great day! 🙏
Thank you so much for taking out your time to make this amazing guide, infact "manual" to Hive newbies like me. I just joined in 3 days ago and the whole thing looked very confusing at first but reading your post and that of others who care enough to give us worthwhile guides like this, I'm already beginning to learn so much already.God bless you.
My pleasure, I felt similarly when I first joined, haha, and I'm glad my "manual" was helpful to you. #godbless #keepryzing :) 🙏
Hey @ryzeonline , could I modify this image a bit and use it in a few posts for Hive purposes?
Yes, go ahead, and thanks for asking! :) 🙏
Thanks a lot 😁
I wish I had found this guide a week ago when I first found Hive. So much to learn, it's so complicated. But thank you for your easy to understand, and fun, guide. I will take a look at part 2.
I know the feeling (it's why I wrote it, lol), and I'm glad you found it, regardless of timing, thanks so much, and wishing you a wonderful time with part 2, and on Hive in general. 🙏
I read it and found it very helpful. I've pointed other people to it too.
I felt the same way, which is why I wrote this, and I'm glad you found it at all, better late than never, right? :) Wishing you lots of enjoyment with part 2! :D
Ryze!!! We need a spanish version of this. I read somewhere somebody was working on it.. is it so?
(1/1) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><
HiveBuzz.me NFT for Peace
Cyn and Jacky made it earlier:
Hope that helps! :) 🙏
cool thks!
Thank you so much for making this post! I know I'm late to seeing it, but it has really helped me understand what is happening on Hive. I'm a student at OSU and I created a Hive account for one of the classes I'm taking in order to learn about the blockchain. I was really confused about how comments and upvoting and downvoting worked, but this guide helped me understand how important each action on Hive is and the weight it carries. Thank you for supporting newbies like me!
My pleasure, thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad my guide was able to help an OSU student, and I wish you a great time here on the blockchain. Actions do indeed carry weight here (at least for now. ;D) Have a great day! 🙏
Thanks so much, this is really useful! One clarification:
I signed up with the ecency wallet, and I am guessing this feature was added after your post was created and hence your section on wallet creation doesn't apply to me? i.e., ecency automatically set up a wallet and I don't have to worry about it? Correct? Thanks again!
I'm glad you found it useful, and great clarification to ask for.
I don't know for sure, but I believe you're correct. Signing up with Inji, HiveOnBoard, or Ecency should all be a fairly similar process, resulting in you ending up with a Hive Wallet, ready-to-go on the Hive Blockchain... but I haven't explored the sign-up process in awhile, so I can't say for sure.
Whenever people have questions about Ecency I refer them either to the founder of Ecency, @good-karma , or to @dandays since he's a good guy who's fairly experienced with Ecency/Hive. Hope that helps! :) 🙏
Dang man, helluva reward you got on that one. I just skimmed it again looking for dudes specific wallet question and you really earned it on that one. Well deserving.
Ayyy, thanks man, considering I had less than 50 followers at the time, I definitely feel blessed. And huge props to you for going the extra mile to help the dude out with his wallet question, you're a good soul. :) I read your latest post (the one with the repeated 'hypnotize' image) but I think I need to re-read 'cause I didn't seem to grasp it properly, lol. Anyway, wishing you and Pura an epic day! 🙏
such as Ecency (peakd, liketu, etc) has their own built in wallet service that runs on the Hive blockchain. By registering an account, you've registered a wallet.That is correct @kiwidre. Each Hive front end
You can trust each of their wallet services 100% too. I do all of this from Ecency and have never experienced a wallet issue. Hope this helps.
I spend so much time on google to seek answer to my question , here all the answers are summed up and cleared out the environment, thanks a lot for your post
I also spent so much time on Google to answer my questions, that's why I wrote this guide. I'm glad it helped you, wishing you a great time on Hive! 🙏
Greate post for newbies like me, there is a lot to sink in. Worth having this page bookmarked to review a few concepts. Great work.
Yes, there's a lot of nuances to Hive, and I'm glad this guide is helpful to you. Wishing you a wonderful time on Hive! 🙏
Thanks for this guide bro!!
My pleasure, glad you appreciate it! :) 🙏
Can I translate is to Brazilian Portuguese here on peakd?
Yes, I encourage people to translate. @jackyvergara & @cynshineonline already translated the entire thing into Español: https://peakd.com/hive/@cynshineonline/hive-guia-completa-para-principiantes-con-divertidos-garabatos-pt-1 , I'd be honored if you translated it into Brazilian Portuguese. 🙏
When I see the comments, this looks like a pretty "old" guide already... Must ahve cost you a lot of time and effort to assemble this! Congratulations for posting this. I'm now learning by reading for a few days and started now learning by doing (after reading your work and while I'll be reading the second part). Thank you so much for this introduction!
Thank you! It's about 6 months old, and it took a ton of time & effort, thank you for noticing and I appreciate your kind words. Reading and doing is a great approach, you'll get the hang of everything in no time. #KeepRyzing ! :) 🙏
Thanks a lot! I just started with Splinterlands and am starting to learn about Hive! This really is a completely new world to me. But you are super helpful!
Still I have so much to learn. But this post is so helpful to every new Hiver like me and I hope many others will read it and learn all the things to do or not to do. Thank you!
My pleasure, glad you found it helpful, it is a new world.
You might also enjoy this How To Win At Splinterlands Guide I wrote. Either way, wishing you a fantastic day! 🙏
Wow. As I am only about a week into Hive, I found this both extremely entertaining as well as helpful.
In some respects, it reminds me of Steemit.
I would argue, however, that this platform (at a newbies glance) is just a wee-bit more user friendly.
Reading part 2 next, and thanks for taking the time to post this. It's fantastic!
Thanks for the kind words, I poured a lot of live into it.
Hive is a Steemit-fork that a bunch of Steemians got together to create when they were dissatisfied with Steemit's direction, and it's designed to be 'better' than Steemit, so it makes sense one would remind you of the other. :)
I trust you'll get more value from part two, and I have other posts that help newbie Hivers start gaining views and traction as well if you're interested. Either way, wishing you a great day! 🙏
just finished most of part 2. A big thanks to you and all the others that assisted you. I'll check our more of your stuff later, but these two articles are solid gold imo.
Thank you again, and I'm sure we will bump into each other again at some point :)
Have a good one!
My pleasure, so glad you appreciate it. Looking forward to seeing you around, have a good one! 🙏
Thank you so much for this guide. I started on Hive because of Splinterlands, so I'm still trying to understand how things work here.
I was searching for information about resource credits and found your post, that is actually a full course on Hive. It was such a great help.
Thank you!
My pleasure, glad you liked the guide. Hive can be lot to take in, and I had resource credit issues when I first started, it was part of what inspired me to write this, lol.
I also have a How To Win At Splinterlands Guide and a Crypto Dictionary if you're interested.
Either way, wishing you a great day! 🙏
I love it. Brand new to HIVE myself and the whole system. I can wholeheartedly agree its not the most user friendly to navigate at the beginning but once you get into it there is no stopping you. I love it so far and guides like this which break it down into the PARTY IS JUST STARTING should be everywhere on all the Dapps. Loving it so far, cant wait to get more into ti. Thanks so much for the guide
I'm so glad you like it and thanks for this wonderful comment. I've been on Hive just over 4 months, and I love it so far too. Wishing you lots of joy and success here! #PartyOn 🙏
There is so much to learn, and really I just want to play Splinterlands, buy and trade card and have a bit of fun.
Reading this has been a lot of help though. Initially I thought I could just sign up to everything and wing it but that didn't work out as well as I'd hoped.
Whilst I prefer to learn through experience I will be recommending these posts to friends who also want to play as it's worth understanding Hive, crypto, wallets and blockchain to a reasonable depth first.
It is lots to learn, and I've never gotten further than the title-screen in Splinterlands, but I'm glad my guide was helpful to you. Most of what I've written here I learned through (rough) experience, and I agree it's worth learning crypto, wallets, blockchain, etc. Thanks for your comment! 🙏
This is brilliant stuff Jay! I wish I'd known about this post when I joined in early June this year. I'm going to have to reblog to keep a record of it on my blog for sharing with personal friends and other newbies in the future. I have a couple of friends who are interested in blogging but need to understand more about Hive blockchain before they dip their feet in the water so to speak, and after every other sentence I muttered to them about Hive, I just got blank looks and the words, "that sounds complex", or "that sounds like hard work"...lols. I think your beginner's guide is simply awesome and should be compulsory reading for all newbies.
Thanks so much @samsmith1971 ! This is the guide I wished I had when I joined too. A lot of people have reblogged it for similar reasons, I guess because things tend to get buried on Hive and never surface again otherwise, lol.
Yes I wanted to introduce friends, but every explanation intimidated them, which is a big part of why I wrote it. (It's also why I wrote stuff like 5 Often Overlooked Details To Get Votes & Follows too.) Anyway, thanks again! 🙏
And here's the 100% vote you would have got from me had I seen it when it was first published. thank you for your amazing efforts🙏
Aw, that's super classy of you, thank you for your amazing comments! 🙏
Really not sure what happened to my previous vote, so let's try that again shall we :-)
Pity that I can't vote for this anymore (glad to have read part 2 or else I would've wasted my votes). I reblogged this in hope of reaching out to more people. Not that I have any following though lol.
Thanks so much for the kind words and support! Every share matters! There could be a human being struggling with Hive right now, who comes across your profile and finds the guide. Very appreciated! Wishing you lots of joy and success on Hive and a great day! 🙏
P.S. If you're interested in building a following my post: 5 Often Overlooked Details To Get Votes & Follows may be worth a look.
Thank you so, so much for this. I was just thinking if I'd need to onboard new people now I wouldn't even know where to sart. This is an epic and comprehensive guide and most importantly - an honest one.
Thank you for the epic work that you have put into this! Much appreciated.
Aw, good vibes, feelin' the love.
I had a similar thought, "how on earth am I going to onboard someone here?" lol, that's why I wrote this thing up.
So glad those qualities shone through, I aimed for epic, comprehensive, and honest! Woooo!
Your beautiful comment, hugs, bitmoji/avatar, and coffee are all very appreciated. Wishing you a great day!
Excellent publication. Since I started reading I laughed because I felt very identified. It is admirable the way you develop the content making it seem like we are face to face and not through a screen/keyboard. I love the simplicity with which you make the explanations and above all I value them because I am relatively new and reading it I just understood some things that I had already seen, but that I had been confused or did not understand. You use comparisons with everyday facts to explain some things about Hive and that makes it even easier to understand. I sincerely thank you for taking the time to make this guide and I am sure that many like me will thank you as well. Congratulations and you deserve not 20 points but 1000!
Thank you very much, @sindetalles !
I'm so happy to hear you got some laughs, felt identified, and received some new understandings. I wanted it to feel friendly, easy, and face-to-face, so I'm glad those traits were felt and that my everyday comparisons resonated with you.
I sincerely thank YOU for your wonderfully thoughtful comment, and I appreciate the kind wishes and good vibes.
This is epic! It has been a long time I have seen such an epic article like this with lots of infographics. Well done.
Thanks so much , @pitboy ! Your guides helped me SO much in understanding Hive, and they inspired me to make this, each one of your is epic too.
I'm very glad you enjoyed the infographics, and I deeply appreciate the follow. Thank you sir :)
Much appreciated!
Just a tip! Maybe you don't know this. Every time you're editing your content, everyone (who was tagged in the post) is getting a notification. So better not edit your post if you're tagging people and do all the corrections before posting.
Oh. My. God.
I had no idea.
Huge apologies to everyone I've tagged (and accidentally spam-mentioned now.)
Thank you for telling me this.
And I should probably include something about this in the guide, but now I'm scared to edit it!
It's totally fine with me. But not everyone likes this, that's why I am telling you. But this is not a big issue as you are new to this platform.
You are an extraordinary blogger, still new to some terms of Hive blog. You'll learn every day! :)
Well, that's a bit reassuring, thank you.
Still, this is very important for me to know, and for other beginners to hive etiquette. I was editing the guide for accuracy and to apply the tips hive veterans were leaving, never my intention to blow up people's notifications. :)
I think a better a question to ask is whether or not these types of notifications should exist if users mostly find them annoying or irrelevant? Alternatively, there should be a filter settings to choose what activities you want to be notified about. Can that be done @jarvie / @asgarth?
We can filter some notifications, but @jarvie is right and this will not work very well if not implemented in Hivemind.
I think it should be done on Hivemind side because most everyone would rather not get notified for as low as a .02 vote. So best to move that up.
Excellent point, really appreciate you mentioning this and tagging the wonderful PeakD team :)
@projectmamabg This is how you Hive!
Hehe, I'm honored you think so. :)
I totally do! I am loving and hating you at the same time :D Loving is cause you made best post ever and you are great example how effort gets rewarded. Hating is because I thought I am a successful newbie on hive, and after your posts I feel so mediocre :D Keep good work, bro, you are now example for a lot of nebies here.
lol, love & hate haha I'll take it! :D
I just checked out your profile and I love your formatting guide, would you mind if I edited my guide and linked to it? It's much better than my tiny section on post-formatting.
Either way, thanks for the thoughtful comments and good vibes! 😁
Of course, I will be flattered if you use it. Thank for the good Vibes too!
Added the link, and tagged you. Thank you!
I wish I had read this guide/tutorial/FAQ/intro a few weeks back when I "helped" a friend get onboard Hive. Would've saved me a lot of time and so much effort. lol.
Looking forward to reading Part - 2. Fantastic blog post, man. This will be re-blogged and given much !LUV and !PIZZA to boot. :)
Haha, I know the feeling, I wish I had written it when I helped a friend onbaord too, and that feeling led me to writing it.
Part 2 covers rewards, payouts, Hive etiquette and more, hope you enjoy!
Many people are reblogging, commenting, and upvoting it and I feel very blessed for that. Thank you for the pizza too!
It's an answer to very real problems we all face when having to explain to friends we wish to onboard. Somebody's bound to write this mini-manual, you beat everyone else to it. haha.
I will surely read Part 2. Yeah, pizza and all these other HE tipping tokens are a great way to show appreciation.
And I get it about not upvoting every comment or reply but I really do it as a small pat on the back for the experience, engagement if you will. I don't really have a big stash of HP so it isn't that much anyway.
Yes! My hope is that anytime someone has to 'explain hive' to a friend, they can just link this guide saving lots of time & energy :)
I'd love to hear what you think of part 2. I added a very small section on Hive Engine and it's tokens. I'm just learning about it myself.
Yeah, it was my mistake teaching people not to do that, so I added a line about "feeling free" to upvote just as a small pat on the back, @meesterboom clarified this for me almost immediately after I posted the guide, and I believe we're all in agreement about this now.
I will be trying out your beginner's guide soon. I think one of my invites will be coming onboard.
We will see about Part 2. I'm a little flustered with schedules and whatnot, but maybe tomorrow. Hive Engine is a cool part of the platform. I really like it.
Thanks again. Keep safe, man.
Yay! I'm glad this guide will get tested on a truly 'brand new' beginner. If they give any feedback, I'd love to hear it, but either way, I really hope it helps them.
Understood, part two covers earnings, payouts, fiat, hive etiquette and more, but there's no rush to read it, it'll be there whenever you're feeling ready and inspired to check it out.
Thanks to you too, keep safe, and thanks for the Pizza! :)
wow, I just joined Hive yesterday and I've been so confused but this post just summarized everything in a very fun picture explanation. Thanks a lot, this is exactly what I needed. Who else felt this way?
Welcome to Hive! And I'm happy my post was able to clear away some confusion :)
I believe many people have felt this way, myself included :) But specifically @cynshineonline 🙏
Hi @ryzeonline! How are doing?
I have a question, I'm a sort of a teacher in my country, I give classes about programming, basic economics and communication to people in the poor neighbourhoods(I live in there to) in my city(São Paulo - Brasil), and I'm calling some people to use HIVe, but not everybody knows how to read in English, and the apps for translation doesn't work well some times, so they are a bit lost in how to use the platform.
I'm intending to do a series of tutorials in Portuguese, and I stumble in your beautiful work.
And the question is, can I translate it? Or at least use as a inspiration(quoting and mentioning, obviously)?
My writing in English is not so good yet, but I understand well and I worked with translations in the past(I even try to participate to the davinci initiative in the past...).
If not, ok, I will do what I already started to do!
And again, this a beautiful work! Thanks for the attention!!
Hi @paulo.sar ! I'm great, and you?
@katerinaramm has asked to translate it into Greek and I said sure! @jackyvergara & @cynshineonline have already begun translating it into Spanish.
I love teachers (I am one myself), and I'd be honored if you taught this guide to others in Portugese!
P.S. Your English seems great from here, keep #ryzing :) 🙏
Hello @ ryzeonline, thanks for sharing your doodles, very useful
My pleasure, glad you like and thanks for taking the time to comment! 🙏
It is not a pleasure for me too, I identify myself because I have a little problem out there and I think your scribbles will help me, then I check! I wish you a happy night
That's wonderful, the scribbles will be here for anyone who wants them, you included. Wishing you the same! 😁
That's one heck of a write up there, nicely done!
!LUV 1
Thanks so much, glad you appreciate it! :)
Hi @ryzeonline, you were just shared some LUV thanks to @amphlux. Holding 10 LUV in your wallet enables you to give up to 3 LUV per day, for free. See the LUV in your wallet at https://hive-engine.com or learn about LUV at https://peakd.com/@luvshares https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmUptF5k64xBvsQ9B6MjZo1dc2JwvXTWjWJAnyMCtWZxqM
Well this seems pretty cool, thank you!
I'm a newb and was given my hive account by a friend who thought I should have one. Thankyou so much for this tutorial, I've learned not to leave short comments plus a vote (which I was doing). I've learned more from reading this than all the hours I've been scrabbling about on hive. Looking forward to part 2 but my brain needs a rest.
My pleasure, and I'm glad you got something from it!
Really nice of your friend to hook you up with an account, and I'm really glad you're here interacting and contributing good vibes to the Hive community.
Hah, my brain needed a rest while writing it too :D
Small Note: You can leave short comments + a vote, it's just not super-optimal. Ultimately, even an 'empty' vote is still valuable because the thought counts, and it's your HP/RC after all, no one can tell you how to use it.
Way to put in the work! This will really be helpful for people who are new or unfamiliar with how things function around here. Great job compiling all of this stuff.
Thank you kindly! I'm hoping it reaches the newbies, and with so many people upvoting and reblogging, it seems likely it will!
I appreciate the support and kind words!