richq11 rebloggedstevescoins (69)in #cancer • 3 years agoRevising and detailling "who wants my toys when i die?"pay 2600, get 3600 nowrichq11 (75)in #proofofbrain • 4 years agoThe Trevails of Julian Assange: A Brief Overview and More Bad NewsMore bad news for Assange, it appears that his extradition is inevitable barring a massive p[ublic outcryrichq11 (75)in #hive • 4 years agoThe Night Gods III (Sequel) Chap XIV -- Dreams of My FathersA fictional account of the evil that pervades the ruling classes set in a post-Covid, post-war worldrichq11 (75)in #hive • 4 years agoThe Forgotten Man: The Extraordinary Rendition of Julian AssangeJulian Assange is still being held in prison and psychologically tortured even though he's been charged with no crime in the UKrichq11 (75)in #hive • 4 years agoBruno -- A Lament for a Loyal FriendA eulogy for a good good boyrichq11 rebloggedlukewearechange (79)in #biden • 4 years agoTHIS is The Great Reset!We break down misinformation about global shutdowns being needed every two years to meet Paris Climate Agreement.richq11 rebloggedlighteye (76)in Deep Dives • 4 years agoUSA: Falling Apart…Signs of the downfall of the American empire are now obvious to everyone. The process can no longer be stopped…richq11 (75)in #hive • 4 years agoThe Night Gods III (Sequel) Introduction and Prologue} [Auth Note] It’s time to resurrect the Night Gods and finally get this finished up and published along with Ray. I’m revamping the story, contemporizing it to include…richq11 rebloggeddeepdives (67)El Profundoin Deep Dives • 5 years agoCONTEST EXTENDED - Now 600 HIVE in Prizes! | Deep Dives 19 | Confirmed Conspiracy TheoriesContest Extension Deep Dives 19Countdown terminated on Sep 21, 2020, 9:59 AMrichq11 rebloggeddeepdives (67)El Profundoin Deep Dives • 5 years agoDeep Dives 19 | Confirmed Conspiracy Theories | 200 HIVE in PrizesDeep Dives 19 - Confirmed Conspiracy Theories Recently, @deepdives and some members of the community have faced criticism surrounding the promotion of "conspiracy…richq11 (75)in #hive • 5 years agoThe Teacher’s Union: Who Really Controls the Dept. of Education?} When the US Dept. of Education was formed in 1979 under the Carter administration, it was not to improve the quality of education in America, but to centralize the…richq11 (75)in #lovetheclouds • 5 years ago#Lovetheclouds ContestThis my entry to the #Lovethe clouds contest. These are Mamalia clouds I snapped just after a storm last year. From what I hear they're fairly rare, they're the first I've ever seen.richq11 rebloggedtobetada (76)in Love The Clouds • 5 years agoWelcome To The 'Love The Clouds' Contest! #84 -- 100% Hive Prize Pool!⛅🌦🌧🌦🌧🌨☁🌩🌦⛅🌧☁🌤🌥🌪🌧🌨🌩⛅🌦☁🌤🌥🌤⛅🌤⛅🌦⛅ ⛅🌦🌧🌦🌧🌨☁🌩🌦⛅🌧☁🌤🌥🌪🌧🌨🌩⛅🌦☁🌤🌥🌤⛅🌤⛅🌦⛅ Exciting new update... The 'Love The Clouds' Community is…richq11 rebloggedtitusfrost (76)in #arrestwexner • 5 years ago#ArrestWexner, #FuckBillGates, #DirtyDersh, Biden Curse and 5G Meets Corona Chan MRNA Wizard Potion#ArrestWexner, #FuckBillGates, #DirtyDersh, Biden Curse and 5G Meets Corona Chan MRNA Wizard Potion Dlive Replay: Enjoy My YouTube Video: Oh Wait You Can't…richq11 rebloggedthoughts-in-time (67)in #downvotes • 5 years agoMonitor Flags w/Disruptive Blockchain TechThank you, mystery dev. | ReBlog if you agree!richq11 rebloggedstevescoins (69)in #news • 5 years agoThe Not-Quite-The-Ministry-of-Truth-News, 7/10/2020 - His name was Seth Rich and today is the 4th anniversary of his murderA quick run down of the news that leftists, globalists, and their Narrative Broadcasting Companies will not bring you. Mother murdered for saying "All Lives Matter" The…richq11 rebloggedoluwoleolaide (70)in COVID-19 • 5 years agoTears for the fallen...A poem for the souls lost to Covid19richq11 (75)in #hive • 5 years agoOperation Mockingbird: The CIA, Journalism, and the Control of Public OpinionAre CIA + MSM Partners in Crime? By Richard J. Quitliano Editorialist & NewsHawk ZENITH NEWS® WASHINGTON, DC (@ZENINEWS) — To understand how Operation Mockingbird…richq11 rebloggeddeepdives (67)El Profundoin Deep Dives • 5 years agoDeep Dives 18 | The Wikileaks ArchiveResearch Challengerichq11 (75)in #deepdives • 5 years agoCountdown To Tyranny: COVID-19 and the NWOIt was during the 1990s that the sellout escalated. Bill “Everything is For Sale” Clinton was president and China gained MFN (Most favored nation) status worldwide. Clinton’s…