rhinoceros rebloggedroelandp (77)in #hivefest • 4 years agoWrapped HiveFest2020 - Thank you! Stats and a lookback.HiveFest was a blast and I can't thank you enough!rhinoceros rebloggedecency (76)in HiveDevs • 4 years agoEcency - 4 months 10x growthIt is about 4 months since we launched our Ecency website and rebranded our products. It has been one of the most productive months our team had. Many things we build over…rhinoceros (50)in #android • 4 years agoWhy You Didn't Get Any Android Software UpdateAndroid is widely using mobile operating system It has a high market share in mobile operating systems field. Android is an open source so who can their own custom operating…rhinoceros (50)in #vim • 4 years agoReally Vim Code Editor is Good?hello all, in this post is about vim open source code editor software and I explain about vim code editor and it's command's so lets get start. img credits Vim is a…rhinoceros (50)in #infographics • 4 years agoC plus plus infographicsrhinoceros (50)in #socialmedia • 4 years agowhy should we do hive blogging?Everything before doing blog there were only a few centralized platform but now lot of services are there. Some platform don't maintain the privacy and security they are all sell…rhinoceros (50)in #diwali • 4 years agoHappy Diwali 2020image credits HAPPY DIWALI to All My Hive Friendsrhinoceros (50)in #hive • 4 years agoHow to Check Your Hive Transaction HistoryDo you want to check your last transaction or do you want to view your hive account information then you are in correct place. Hive Blocks Hive blocks is a blockchain…rhinoceros (50)in #cpp • 4 years agoBest Useful Sites for C++ ProgrammingI list some best C++ programming websites here it's very useful for your learning C++ Tutorial C++ Tutorial - W3Schools W3Schools is one of the best site for learning…rhinoceros (50)in #hive • 4 years agoFree Hive Account!Hive is a decentralised blockchain and the data was very securely stored in blockchain so none of the people destroy your data. Create your free hive account here 👉 Hive Accountrhinoceros (50)in #dogecoin • 4 years agoWhat is Dogecoin How it's WorkIntroduction In crypto space there are more than 5000 thousands of coins in the market but before the 2015 some coins trending in coinmarketcap front page but now that coins…rhinoceros (50)in #golang • 4 years agoGophercon 2020!image credits In this year golang contact a virtual event meet for due to Covid-19 issuesrhinoceros (50)in #git • 4 years agoWhat is Git and GitHubWhat is Git git is a version-control system created by linus torvalds and developed by junio hamano in 2005. Git is using for group coordinating projects and file changes…rhinoceros (50)in #programming • 4 years agoCpp ProgrammingIntroduction C++ is one of the most popular programming language in the world. C++ developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT & T Bell Lab and in 1979. C++ also called as a hybrid language.rhinoceros rebloggedhiveio (74)in #hiveblockchain • 4 years agoHive and MarketSquare: Building BridgesARK and MarketSquare.IO will be exploring possible integrations utilizing Hive for their own suite of products.rhinoceros (50)in #ipfs • 4 years agoNew Internet is IPFSIPFS is emerging technology at recent times new technologies are changing the centralised power to decentralised. People's they can own their data. Blockchain is biggest…rhinoceros (50)in #google • 4 years agoBecome a Google App Beta TesterHave you tried google app beta test program but all of them are filled then you how to apply a google app beta tester. I explain how to apply your google beta tester program if that app full.rhinoceros (50)in #golang • 5 years agoHow to Install Golang on Your AndroidI explain about how to install golang on your android smartphonerhinoceros (50)in #programmersday • 5 years agoHappy Programmers Day 2020Happy Programmers Day to all my hiveans Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen. Edward V. Berardrhinoceros (50)in #golang • 5 years agoNew Golang UpdateHello all, golang has released a new version of 1.15.2. Last post we cover how to install golang on your linux system