Curating the Internet: Business, leadership, and management micro-summaries for October 9, 2019

in #rsslog5 years ago
Authored by @remlaps

Drexel University settles with Justice Department over use of grant funds in strip clubs; Larry Sanger needs volunteers to launch his "Encyclosphere"; Barclays predicts winners & losers in video rivalries; Research says men exaggerate their importance, and women downplay theirs; and a Steem essay describing a visit to New York's Strawberry Fields

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  1. Drexel professor spent $189K in research funds at strip clubs, authorities say - Drexel University is paying $189,062 to settle with the US Attorney's office in Philadelphia, after allegations that Drexel's Professor Chikaodinaka D. Nwankpa spent grant money at Cheerleaders and Club Risque, both of which are strip clubs in Philadelphia. The grants came from, "the Department of the Navy, Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation", and the funds were intended to go into research on energy and naval technology. Nwankpa was placed on administrative leave during the investigation, and has since resigned. The university says they have put internal and external controls in place to audit the use of grant money, and have instituted a training program.

  2. Want to help build an open encyclopedia network—an "Encyclosphere"? - Wikipedia co-founder, Larry Sanger, argues that wikipedia has become an unapproachable, unaccountable, fiercely controlling oligarchy, and issues a call for volunteers for an upcoming decentralized "encyclosphere" project, a decentralized ecosystem that's intended to be a knowledge commons. Key features include the ability to rate and discuss articles, as well as the ability to create numerous articles on a single topic. Among others, volunteer roles that he'd like to fill include social media managers, publicity, writers, developers, and legal advisers.

  3. Wall Street analysts predict the winners and losers of streaming TV's next phase, from Netflix to Comcast - Winners - According to analysts from Barclays, data providers like Comcast are positioned to benefit from upcoming streaming gains. In video bundles, they expect Comcast and Netflix to come out on top. Companies who are expected to struggle in the bundling space include legacy network incumbents like Disney and Warner Media, and especially mid-tier companies like Discovery, CBS, and Viacom.

  4. Men exaggerate their importance at work, while women do the exact opposite - According to a new study from Harvard Business School and Wharton researchers, on the job performance of men and women is basically equivalent, but women consistently self-report their successes at a level of about 15 points (out of 100) below the self-reports of men. The research is based on participation in the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery by about 900 workers. Among possible explanations, the researchers say it might be that women think self-promotion is inappropriate or that they are fearful of a backlash for boasting. The researchers also point to prior research which found that men are inclined to inflate their own performance. The researchers argue that a tendency for women to downplay their accomplishments could have serious ripple effects in women's careers, such as contributing to the the gender gaps around education and salary.

  5. STEEM Strawberry Fields: Everything is Real, and Nothing to Get Hung AboutStrawberry Fields - In this essay, @martiawilson tells us about the first time she saw the Beatles and about her visit to New York's "", an area of space that was set aside by the city after John Lennon's death. The post also contains photos from the visit. (A 10% beneficiary setting has been applied to this post for @martiawilson.)

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