PostsCommentsPayoutsragk88 (58)in DBuzz • 2 years agoJust came back from my first RV trip in New Zealand, haven't traveled for quite a ...... while due to pandemic, the scenery look like wallpaper, seems so unreal #travel #newzealand #photography Posted via D.Buzzragk88 (58)in Splinterlands • 2 years agoSHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! PELACOR ARBALESTHere come another week of Weekly Battle Challenge! And the topic for this week is PELACOR ARBALEST. PELACOR ARBALEST is one of my favorite card in chaos pack release, due to his…ragk88 (58)in Splinterlands • 3 years agoWeekly Challenge! MYCELIC SLIPSPAWNHere come another week of Weekly Battle Challenge! And the topic for this week is MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN. MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN is a pretty good card with decent attack and HP introduced…ragk88 (58)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 years ago岁月静好,直到白头岁月静好 目前所有旅途中所拍摄的照片里,最喜欢的一张,摄于国王湖 偶遇的一对老夫妇,安静的坐在湖边,静待时间流逝 很多人决定结婚的理由,都是在一起久了,应该结婚了 却没听人说过,之所以结婚,是因为即使在一起很久了,而我依然很爱他/她 时间已过,初心不改 你我眼里的彼此,依然年少 最好的岁月,无非如此…ragk88 (58)in DBuzz • 3 years ago## Eiffel Tower Taken during 2016, luckily and coincidentally, it was ...Eiffel Tower Taken during 2016, luckily and coincidentally, it was European Cup night final during my visit and France entered the final. Happening city. #photography…ragk88 (58)in Splinterlands • 3 years agoSHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! TENYII STRIKERHere come another week of Weekly Battle Challenge! And the topic for this week is TENYII STRIKER. TENYII STRIKER was introduced during the Chaos pack release, and it's very good…ragk88 (58)in DBuzz • 3 years ago## #dbuzznext Would love to be able to view post by tag based on rece ...#dbuzznext Would love to be able to view post by tag based on recent basis! #dbuzznext Posted via D.Buzzragk88 (58)in DBuzz • 3 years ago## "V" for Venice The city on water. #dbuzzphotochallenge #photograph ..."V" for Venice The city on water. #dbuzzphotochallenge #photography #photofeed #travel #pob #cent #neoxian #palnet #oneup #creativecoin Posted via D.Buzzragk88 (58)in Splinterlands • 3 years agoSHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! DRAGONS!Here come another week of Weekly Battle Challenge! And it's dragon theme again this week. Dragon team has always been one of my favorite element due to their special…ragk88 (58)in DBuzz • 3 years ago## Potion, potion and potions Potion everywhere after update... in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 years ago诗与远方梦想如果不去实践,永远就只是一场梦 前些年,有段时间总会在午夜时分突然从梦中苏醒,然后思想在这段时间总会特别清晰,似乎我的内在一直在想提醒着我一些什么,一些我忘记过的梦。…ragk88 (58)in DBuzz • 3 years ago## "T" for tower Tower from the west and east. #dbuzzphotochallenge#p ..."T" for tower Tower from the west and east. #dbuzzphotochallenge#photography#photofeed#travel#pob#cent#neoxian#palnet#oneup#creativecoin Posted via D.Buzzragk88 (58)in Splinterlands • 3 years agoSHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! SOUL STRANGLERHere come another week of battle challenge, and the weekly topic is SOUL STRANGLER. Soul Strangler is a card with obvious strength and weakness, low mana requirement, high attack…ragk88 cross-posted @ragk88/the-distant-placeragk88 (58)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 years ago书中的远方 / The Distant Place罗马,一个从小就一直从书里看到的远方,每当抵达这些从小就耳闻的地方时,总觉得很不可思议。以前只存在书里与脑海里的东西,如今却屹立在眼前,好不真实。…ragk88 cross-posted @ragk88/the-distant-placeragk88 (58)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 years ago书中的远方 / The Distant Place罗马,一个从小就一直从书里看到的远方,每当抵达这些从小就耳闻的地方时,总觉得很不可思议。以前只存在书里与脑海里的东西,如今却屹立在眼前,好不真实。…ragk88 (58)in DBuzz • 3 years ago## D.Buzz Monday Challenges #wwwday I still remember the old day where ...D.Buzz Monday Challenges I still remember the old day where you cant use the phone and internet together, and the buzzy sounds while connecting to internet with 56k modem. A…ragk88 (58)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 years ago书中的远方 / The Distant Place罗马,一个从小就一直从书里看到的远方,每当抵达这些从小就耳闻的地方时,总觉得很不可思议。以前只存在书里与脑海里的东西,如今却屹立在眼前,好不真实。…ragk88 (58)in DBuzz • 3 years ago## "S" for Statues Some great statues encounter during visit to Japan. ..."S" for Statues Some great statues encounter during visit to Japan. #dbuzzphotochallenge #photography #photofeed #travel #pob #cent #neoxian #palnet #oneup #creativecoin Posted via D.Buzzragk88 (58)in Splinterlands • 3 years agoSHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! PORTAL SPINNERHere come another week of battle challenge. And the weekly topic is PORTAL SPINNER. Portal Spinner is a range attacker which require some luck to perform her best as her attack…ragk88 (58)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 years ago你享受浪费的時間,都不是浪费一路来旅行都很随意,出发前会有一些想去的地方,但抵达后要去哪全凭当下的感觉,遇到真心喜欢的景点,会整天就逗留在那里,甚至第二天再来,有时遇到闲逸且合眼缘的公园,也会在那里闲逛整个下午。看起来很浪费时间,但你享受浪费的时光,从来都不会是浪费的。…