saraswati rebloggedfaisal08 (44)in #meme • 7 years agoMom last nightHii best friend steemit Meet again with me I still want to share the work of the nation in terms of meme young young creatures in the form of criticizing and satirizing…saraswati rebloggedrenej (41)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoLightening Network, Banks monopolize transfer feesYes you read the title correct, lightening network is nothing more than the banking system finally hitting the Cryptoworld. I will try to write this article as simple as…saraswati rebloggedrubig (38)in #gedichte • 7 years agoFlüchtigToter Pfad ins Unterholz. Am Ende ein Schatz oder besser noch die Spuren eines Fuchses. Ihm setzen wir nach. Immer. bange. hoffend. Doch er kommt nicht der…saraswati (68)in #deutsch • 8 years agoSteem, Anarchie und das Nullsummenspiel[deutsch] // [ english ] Ein kleiner Gedankenexkurs in Wirtschaft, Märkte, Nullsummendenken, Positivsummendenken, Anarchie und was zum Teufel das mit Steem zu tun hat.…saraswati (49)in #deutsch • 8 years agoKönnen Narben krank machen?Tagtäglich kommt es zu kleineren oder größeren Irritationen unserer Gesundheit. Bakterien, Viren, Wettereinflüsse, Ärger, Stress, viele schädliche Dinge können uns beeinflussen…saraswati rebloggeddoitvoluntarily (80)in #meditation • 8 years agoMeditation Is A Booming BusinessFor much of the work that we do today, the most valuable asset that we have is our mind, and to keep it performing efficiently, many successfully people take to practicing…saraswati (49)in #deutsch • 8 years agoWinterurlaub auf HiddenseeWinterurlaub auf Hiddensee Da wir nach einem anstrengenden Arbeitsjahr doch etwas ruhebedürftig waren, fiel die Wahl für den Silvesterurlaub auf Hiddensee, die autofreie Insel…precfila rebloggedoriginalworks (69)in #crypto • 6 years ago1100 STEEM ~ Sponsored Writing Contest: NativeWelcome to the @OriginalWorks sponsored writing contest! Accepted Languages: English. Start Time: ~9 PM EST, Saturday End Time: CLOSED. Special Twitter 0.5 STEEM…precfila (34)in #cryptocurrent • 6 years agoNativeNative is a stage that gives structures to clients to make an arrangement of basic leadership devices and novel digital money for their particular networks. This cryptographic…precfila rebloggedoriginalworks (69)in #crypto • 7 years ago1150 STEEM ~ Sponsored Writing Contest: XayaWelcome to the @OriginalWorks sponsored writing contest! Status: CLOSED (Continuing to accept late entries.) Accepted Languages: English. Start Time: ~9 PM ET…precfila (34)in #cryptocurrent • 6 years agoXAYA: New Generation Blockchain Technology for GamingThe gaming business is continually developing, ending up increasingly progressed as innovation itself additionally creates. This grows the potential outcomes and encounters for…precfila rebloggedoriginalworks (69)in #crypto • 7 years ago1125 STEEM ~ Sponsored Writing Contest: BeamWelcome to the @OriginalWorks sponsored writing contest! Status: CLOSED. Accepted Languages: English Start Time: ~8 PM ET, Friday End Time: ~8 PM ET, Monday…precfila (34)in #cryptocurrent • 7 years agoBeamBeam is a global payments acceptance platform for the 21st century with built-in support for smart contracts. Totally mysterious and private All things considered, most…precfila rebloggedoriginalworks (69)in #crypto • 7 years ago980 STEEM ~ Sponsored Writing Contest: KinesisWelcome to the @OriginalWorks sponsored writing contest! Status: CLOSED. (Note: We understand that some users expected a Saturday start date! Late submissions will be treated…precfila (34)in #cryptocurrent • 7 years agoWhat is Kinesis?Kinesis is about acknowledge dreams. What number of books are never again composed, what number of web recordings are never again recorded and what number of stunning…precfila rebloggedoriginalworks (69)in #crypto • 7 years ago910 STEEM ~ Sponsored Writing Contest: CaspianWelcome to the @OriginalWorks sponsored writing contest! Status: CLOSED. Accepted Languages: English August 2018 11th ~ 14th Start Time: ~8 PM ET, Saturday End…precfila (34)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCaspian: Exchange groundcaspian . is the mind offspring of the combination between two tech organizations who are mammoths in the exchanging and digital money enterprises, "Tora Trading Services Ltd.…precfila (34)in #graphic • 7 years agoGraphics design for caspianCaspian isn't proposed to aggravate the current propelled asset space or to fight with existing exchanges. Its inspiration is to support acquiring of electronic asset instruments…precfila (34)in #graphic • 7 years agoMediaworks contestGraft With the usage of Graft RTA, crypto can completely be more powerful in our everyday life, as clients and shippers require not sit tight too ache for approval and…precfila rebloggedoriginalworks (69)in #crypto • 7 years ago680 STEEM ~ Sponsored Writing Contest: GRAFTWelcome to the @OriginalWorks sponsored writing contest! Status: CLOSED. Accepted Languages: English Start Time: ~11:50 PM ET, Saturday End Time: ~11:50 PM ET…