polkallen (57)in #cn • 3 years ago老板不发薪资你却依旧干活刚开始封城的时候,听得最多就是:官员不作为导致疫情扩散导致封城。如今封了2个月百姓的思维变成了:有利益集团故意散播病毒,不想让疫情结束。 他们总能找各种借口,从来不会从自己身上找原因。正所谓「雪崩时没有一片雪花是无辜的」,一个城市封锁也没有一个居民是没有责任的,换言之就是大多数的居民无条件的服从而导致的。…polkallen (57)in #shanghai • 3 years ago封城-气愤的上海大爷气愤的上海大爷 大爷是东北的叫法,在上海浦西的话叫「啊呀」,浦东的话叫「大大」,这些称呼确实很绕啊。这个视频另外一个人用的是浦东的方言,而浦东感染最严重的地方是北蔡镇,所以我猜测这位大爷就是北蔡的。 我也有位北蔡的爷爷,去年去世了,去世的那几天我也去了一次,原来人走的时候是没有知觉了,也感受不到什么疼痛之类的,只是本能大口呼吸着。哎,扯远了~ 视频里这位爷爷,你们自己看吧~polkallen (57)in #shanghai • 3 years agoContinue the lockdownRecently, I have been locked at home every day, and I have nothing to write if I don’t go to work. Hey. . . The community was supposed to be unblocked today, but apparently…polkallen (57)in #java • 3 years agoSchool mailboxes are usefulThe software for eating has expired. At the beginning, all java programmers used eclise, and there was a free version. Later, the idea gradually became popular, is it really…polkallen (57)in #unregisteredtaxi • 3 years agounregistered taxiI parked my car on the side of the road and waited for a colleague Suddenly a stranger knocked on the car window I lowered the window in confusion Are you going to Pujiang…