PostsCommentsPayoutspiona (15)in #raspberrypi • 7 years agoRE: Raspberry Pi: The BasicsJetzt auch in Englüsch ... Wann kommt eine Esperanto-variante? XDpiona (15)in #dtube • 7 years agoRE: hgpaOW_q5Z4Because they are a bunch of amateurs. They trust too much in IPFS, but tbh, IPFS is pretty much shit.piona (15)in #dtube • 7 years agoRE: D.Tube: Richtig upvotenWie siehts mit downvotes aus?piona (15)in #android • 7 years agoRE: Android: Tor installierenTor auf ein NSA-Gerät installieren ... wie bekloppt is ditte?piona (15)in #ipfs • 7 years agoRE: Raspberry Pi: IPFS-Node installieren (GUI-Version)In diesem Video nur ganz kurz ...piona (15)in #youtube • 7 years agoRE: Crypto-Miner auf YouTubeDie NSA-Wanze einfach wegwerfen.piona (15)in #sempervideo • 7 years agoRE: Linux: Chrome-OS LookDASS!!!!!!!!!! Lernt doch, verflucht nochmal, das DASS richtig anzuwenden!piona (15)in #sempervideo • 7 years agoRE: IPFS - Die Theorieimpliziert es gäbe heutzutage noch Schwedinnen.piona (15)in #sempervideo • 7 years agoRE: IPFS - Die Theorienicht dasspiona (15)in #sempervideo • 7 years agoRE: IPFS - Die TheorieLearn German!piona (15)in #sempervideo • 7 years agoRE: Windows: Apache installierenWarum sollte man apache auf Windows installiern? Wer macht sowas?piona (15)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoRE: DTUBE - Crypto 101: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About BitcoinSo, the "10 Things You Didn’t Know About"-cancer from youtube comes to dTube. Thats one of the reason dTube is fucked before it even begins.piona (15)in #deutsch • 7 years agoRE: Die Vulgäre Analyse - Tarik Tesfu leugnet halbherzig Rassist zu sein, fälscht hunderte Kommentare die ihm Recht geben - [MIRROR]Lebt der Typ überhaupt noch?piona (15)in #sempervideo • 7 years agoRE: YouTube verliert KontrolleYoutube verliert überhaupt nicht die Kontrolle. Es hat lediglich nur einige interne Probleme, die mit der Gesellschaftlichen verwandlungen einhergehen. dTube wird sich früher…piona (15)in #vegan • 7 years agoRE: Why I Take A B12 Injection & Recommend It to Everyone | DTUBE VideoAre you a doctor or a fucking faggot who just read some bullshit somewhere? Recommending stuff without naming serious sources. 0/10 I wonder when another cocksucker like you…piona (15)in #dtube • 7 years agoRE: DTube - YouTube's Days Are Numbered - D.Tube Is THE Blockchain Solution To Censorship! (interview with the creator of DTube) Holly shit! These d-tube faggots are sucking their own cocks, and do not realize, that this shit is even worse than youtube. this shameles bagging for likes is as pathetic as…piona (15)in #dtube • 7 years agoRE: Welcome to Stockholm - the Capital of Scandinavia... but when you look closer, you realize, that this country became a shithole. Everywhere sandniggers and monkeys from Somalia, who are responsible for any kind of crime. Rape…piona (15)in #bitcoin • 7 years agoRE: Illuminati Banksters Manipulating the BitCoin Market with Bitcoin Futures?da fuq are you talking about? bitcoin crashed because it is useless. some hypster cocksuckers noticed about btc and jumped up the train because "cool" and shit. And since than…piona (15)in #flache • 7 years agoRE: Wie blöd sind Flat-Earther eigentlich?Flat-Earthing is not a crime! XDpiona (15)in #food • 7 years agoRE: Amazing Daily Life VLOG #85 : How to Cook Soup Soya Cheese with Tomato - Soup Soya Cheese RecipesWhere is the kitchen?