PostsCommentsPayoutsoriyabaik (37)in #estem • 6 years agoKebersamaan bersama sahabatCerita hari ini, petualangan ke gunung salak bersama sahabat2 sejati ..oriyabaik (37)in #esteem • 6 years agoMalam qurban di AcehInilah suasana malam gurban di Aceh Semua orang menyaksikan langsung, orang sedang menyembelih seekor sapi...oriyabaik (37)in #esteem • 6 years agoLagi nongkrong di warung kopi bersama kawan2..oriyabaik (37)in #estem • 6 years agoSuasana malam inioriyabaik (37)in #estem • 6 years agoSuasana malam inioriyabaik (37)in #estem • 6 years agoLagi liburanoriyabaik (37)in #esteem • 6 years agoNama-nama rasulInilah nama nama rasul dalam agama Islam..oriyabaik (37)in #esteem • 6 years agoPisang ayamPisang ayam lagi di siap kan, untuk persiapan tuk acara maulid nabi Muhammad SAW....oriyabaik (37)in #esteem • 7 years agoHEBOH!! Ular Berkepala empat!Wah sobat!!! sungguh menakjupkan hewan ini .....percaya atau tidak fenomena ular kobra berkepala 4' lagi2 ditemukan di India. Dan konon kabarnya para penduduk di purana(India)…oriyabaik (37)in #esteem • 7 years agoUstadz Abdul Somad ke AcehInsya Allah Ustadz Abdul Somad (UAS) akan hadir kembali ke Aceh. Kali ini atas undangan dari Pak Ulis (Mukhlis Azhar) dan Bank Aceh via Marhaban SHI MA/IKAPDA,” kata Fadhil…oriyabaik (37)in #esteem • 7 years agofor BOY If our parents die ...........Get down in the grave and welcome His body ...........! Open the lid of the coffin (the mortuary), lift the body of our father. Let us rotate the corpse of our father facing…oriyabaik (37)in #esteem • 7 years agoWirosablengWirosableng lagi galauoriyabaik (37)in #esteem • 7 years agoMoney Not Brought Dead, But Dead Need Money!Money is not everything in life and money is not a top priority either. A very fitting phrase and tertitip moral message in it. But accept, interpret the word wise or the wisdom…oriyabaik (37)in #esteem • 7 years agoWhat causes a person to bite the mosquito more easily?In fact, there are indeed people who are more attractive to be used as food for mosquitoes. It mainly deals with the components and aromas that are removed from one's body.…oriyabaik (37)in #esteem • 7 years agoHand HostsWomen generally want to look beautiful in front of their partners. Inai or Hennamerupakan accessories that can make women look more beautiful and make gemes. Hosts are usually…oriyabaik (37)in #esteem • 7 years agofish cleaning glassfish again relaxed, because his aqua rium again in the netoriyabaik (37)in #esteem • 7 years agoModel 2019 ke depanoriyabaik (37)in #esteem • 7 years agoBelimbingin #esteem • 7 years agopemain bola yang baru keluar.oriyabaik (37)in #esteem • 7 years agoAne NGASKUS while waiting for SOMAY MIDDLE NIGHTAne ngaskus while waiting somay at midnight gan. Why his name somay midnight krn emang nih somay somebody pass by midnight around 11-12 pm. (Calm gan ane already check his…