okgoogle rebloggedchiefmappster (63)in #beatbattle • 8 years agoBeat Battle League Week Two Official Thread50 SBD and 205 Whaleshares are up for the taking, and after last week's epic entries, Steemit music producers and beat makers are definitely bringing the fire this week with…okgoogle rebloggedrhondak (68)in #curation • 8 years agoThe SFT Is Now A Streemian CuratorOne step at a time--we're finally making headway with The SFT, and it's thrilling to see this wonderful new project develop. I've been part of the Fiction Workshop from the…okgoogle rebloggedallasyummyfood (74)in #steemit • 8 years agoSTEEMIT LESSONS ( ALL PARTS IN ONE POST) - FOR BEGINNERSHello my Stoodies! I have been getting so many messages and questions about everything regarding on "how to" on Steemit. As some of you are my new followers, you might have…okgoogle rebloggedbestmz (64)in #cn • 8 years ago乡野藏巨富,寂寥显狮容--访沧州千古双狮“沧州狮子,景州塔,赵州石桥,东光铁菩萨” 并称河北四宝,另有一说是“沧州狮子,定州塔,赵州石桥,正定铜菩萨”,无论哪种说法都离不了公元953年五代后周时期巨大的沧州铁狮。 提起铁狮子,沧州有古今两个,一个是偏僻乡间的千年古狮,一个是市区狮城公园重金打造的城市标志新铁狮子。…okgoogle rebloggedjamtaylor (71)in #photography • 8 years agoLarge Brown Land Crab In BarbadosCame across this creature yesterday just inland from the sea. We call them 'Swampies' as they prefer to live in-land in.. yeah.. swampy areas. They usually get pretty big...okgoogle rebloggeds3rg3 (67)in #steemit • 8 years agoEffort vs effort think about itYesterday we celebrated my daughter's birthday. She became 8 years old. And of course we had invited friends, family and acquaintances. My wife and I do not celebrate our own…okgoogle rebloggedcryptoinvestor (55)in #investing • 8 years agoCRYPTO-DAILY THE NUMBERS: BITCOIN LEADS MARKET TO ALL TIME HIGH CROSSES $120BILLION CAP #0023Market Overview. Bitcoin hits all-time high again trading above $3,400 leading the market to an all time high of $120Billion a 6.21% rise gaining $7.06Billion to close(GMT+9)…okgoogle rebloggeddavebrewer (59)in #news • 8 years agoCumbaya !!! China, Russia and USA all hold hands and sing in harmony.The US-drafted proposal passed the Security Council 15-0, securing support from North Korean allies China and Russia. The UN Security Council has voted unanimously to…okgoogle rebloggedura-soul (77)in #politics • 8 years agoThe Whistleblowers (Series): #20 - Donald Trump's Biographer Comes Clean On Lying About Trump's Character For Money: "Trump Is A Habitual Liar, Has A Memory Of A Goldfish & Is Only Interested In His Own Image, In 'Winning' & Self Aggrandizement".Many whistleblowers expose wrongdoing, fraud and corruption that could effect our collective security and wellbeing. The case of Tony Schwartz is no different, however, in his…okgoogle rebloggedlichtblick (77)in #colorchallenge • 8 years ago📷 #ColorChallenge MondayRed "Awesome Red Flower " By @lichtblick 😊🌹Hallo liebe Steemians, Hello dear Steemians Montagsrot Hier ist mein Beitrag zur Farbherausforderung Montagsrot von @kalemandra. Here is my contribution to…okgoogle rebloggedseller (64)in #kr • 8 years ago[경매] 70번째 판매글 - 러브잇 마늘 슬라이스 닭가슴살(수정) - 2017.8.7 -안녕하세요 @seller입니다. 70번째 판매글은 슬라이스 닭가슴살입니다. 이번 제품은 @ioc님께서 신청하셔서 올리는 제품입니다. 판매글에 보팅을 해주신 분들만 경매 참여가능자로 인정하겠습니다. 보팅에 참여했다 취소 하시는 분들은 경매 대상자에서 영구제명하도록 하겠습니다.…okgoogle rebloggedgirina79 (70)in #kr • 8 years ago세 아이를 후원하기 시작했습니다. 우리 모두가 함께 지원하는 아이들 입니다!!해당 포스팅에서 발생한 수익금은 아이들을 위해 전액 기부됩니다. 펀딩 글을 올리고 나서 많은 분들이 보팅과 기부를 해주시고 많은 관심을 가져주셨습니다. 펀딩 초기에만 해도 단기적인 후원을 생각하고 있었는데 여러분들이 나눠주시는 것을 보면서 보팅만으로도 지속적인 후원이 가능하겠다란 생각을 했습니다. 그래서…okgoogle rebloggedtata1 (68)in #kr • 8 years ago*영종도-을왕리 미덥-신인류를 보다우리 동네 영종도로 스티머님들이 미덥을 하러 오는 날-꿈같은 일이다. 여긴 섬. 비록 다리는 이어졌다지만 건너오려면 차량통과비만도 6천원이 넘는다. 그런데 동화(同化)의 달인 @roychoi님이 선뜻 차량을 맡기로 했고 두루두루 카풀로 운서역에 집결! 홍일점 @romi님이 서울 가좌에서 만나자는걸 인천…okgoogle rebloggedanahilarski (73)in #spanish • 8 years agoMis Padres tienen su retiro de Jubilación y yo tengo mis Ahorros en CriptomonedasNo podemos predecir el futuro sin embargo podemos tomar acción del presente para tener un mejor estilo de vida. La primera vez que hable con mi mamá sobre criptomonedas…okgoogle rebloggednepd (66)in #hairshares • 8 years agoHairshares Progressive Jackpot: Day 16 Update (Donate Your Hair and Win $100+ Of Prizes)Every part of you is valuable, down to the last strand of hair on your head. The Hairshares project is looking to reward people willing to donate their hair to a worthy cause…okgoogle rebloggedsteemsports (80)in #steemsports • 8 years agoNapoli defeat Bayern In GermanySteemSports Presenter: @timoshey SteemSports Editor/Writer: @writingamigo Bayern Munich drew the curtain on their pre season campaign by losing to Napoli by 2 goals to…okgoogle rebloggednomads (52)in #adventure • 8 years agoJoin me as I journey by yacht from Southern Chile to Cuba! - Part 4 “Dolphins Off The Coast Of Chile”It was a bit before midday of Feb 10th, 2016 when we left Antofagasta. We set sail for Arica! It was nice that this next leg was going to be much shorter than the last one. My…okgoogle rebloggedbitrocker2020 (78)in #teammalaysia • 8 years agoKelulut - Natural Jungle Honey from Sabah, Malaysiatravelling with @bitrocker2020 After a month of running events around Malaysia to promote steemit I had to go visit my relatives in Sabah, Malaysia since I was already in…okgoogle rebloggeds292153s (61)in #kr • 8 years ago애들은가라~애들은가안녕하십니까 스티미언여러분. 날이면 날마다 오는 기린이지만 이 멘트를 꼭 써먹고싶군요 자아~ 날이면 날마다 오는게 아니야 달이면달마다 오는것도 아니야~ 어허~ 애덜은가라 애덜은가 오늘은 약좀 팔아보려고 왔습니다. 저는 잔병치레는 없지만 한해에 꼭 두세번은 감기에 호되게 걸립니다. 그걸 잔병치레한다고…okgoogle rebloggedjack8831 (72)in #kr • 8 years agoWho Is @randowhale ?Subtitle : I think we should know how to use voting bot well. This is Salmon. There are lots of discussions going on about voting bot again kr community in Korea. Personally…