PostsCommentsPayoutsnikalaich (59)in #curie • last yearRock stories. "Boycott the phonogram" / Рок-истории. "Бойкот фонограммы"Рок-это прежде всего "живая" музыка. Всё должно быть "по чесноку". Звучание инструментов и вокал не столь важны,как общее настроение и единение исполнителей со слушателями Но иногдаnikalaich (59)in #journalism • 2 years agoПроверкатестnikalaich (59)in Music • 3 years agoSongs of war and peace. "Translate me through the Maidan" / "Переведи меня через майдан" [eng/rus]It's good to be a journalist, writer or poet. You write yourself posts with a bunch of words, and no one throws reproaches that "there is not enough text." But what about the…nikalaich (59)in Team Ukraine • 3 years ago"Наше советское детство". Часть 1. ЛичноеКогда то и Никалаич был маленький, и "тоже ездил в пионерский лагерь")). Но это было очень давно и совсем в другой стране. В которой я и родился без малого 56 лет…nikalaich (59)in Deep Dives • 3 years agoMagic Putin statistics / Статистика — что дышло: куда повернул, туда и вышло [ENG/RUS]I’ll make a reservation right away that my numbers are approximate, from memory, I won’t even rummage through the statistical data (whoever wants it himself - google will help…nikalaich (59)in Informationwar • 3 years agoIf the rats are running from the ship.../ Если крысы бегут с корабля...[ENG/RUS]There is a law in the sea, it is as old as the Earth Opened somewhere, If the rats run from the ship To be a ship in trouble . … (A. Makarevich) Yes, in the Russian…nikalaich (59)in GEMS • 3 years ago"The beauty and elegance of Japanese mode of life"Once upon a time, James Clavell's novel "Shogun" introduced me to the wonderful world of Japanese culture, refined, restrained, poetic. And with the life of the Japanese, with…nikalaich (59)in Informationwar • 3 years agoI didn't know my grandfathers, one was killed by Stalin, the other by Hitler...How was it in Lord of the Rings? "The world has changed" ... Alas, forever ... The next hundreds of years in Ukraine (sorry for "na", but I'm so used to it, I don't want to…nikalaich (59)in Team Ukraine • 3 years agoБедаНесколько раз я приступал к написанию сего поста, но слишком сложная тема , слишком жёсткие реалии... Стыдно... Стыдно за то. что я россиянин, за то что бессилен что либо…nikalaich (59)in Informationwar • 3 years agoPutin has been waiting in hell for a long timeWaiting for his colleagues in the "workshop", war criminals Milosevic, Hussein, Gaddafi, Bin Laden. news politics ukraine informationwar life By the totality of his deeds, he…nikalaich (59)in WE ARE MOVING • 3 years ago"Year of the Tiger". Chronicles of the Verkhoturye Museum-Reserve (VGIAMZ)From December 21 to January 23, the Verkhotursky Museum-Reserve hosted a traditional New Year's exhibition, the theme of which, this year, is based on children's feature…nikalaich (59)in GEMS • 3 years agoURAL DOLLS. Chronicles of the Verkhoturye Museum-Reserve (VGIAMZ)/ УРАЛЬСКИЕ КУКЛЫ. Хроники Верхотурского музея-заповедника (ВГИАМЗ) [eng/rus]"Brides of Russia" and "Dolls of the Ural peoples" - exhibitions that took place last autumn in the halls of the Museum-Reserve. Irina Evgenievna Panasova, the head and…nikalaich (59)in GEMS • 3 years ago"What I have to say." On the situation in Ukraine /" То, что я должен сказать". К ситуации на Украине [eng/rus]will make a reservation right away. I often receive claims from the poorly educated part of the Ukrainian people that, they say, it is necessary to write "In Ukraine" ... But…nikalaich (59)in Hive Pets • 3 years agoCats in the paintings. "Solid Cats"/"Сплошная котовасия" [ENG/RUS]On February 17, 2022, our Verkhotursky Museum-Reserve opened the exhibition "Complete Kotovasia", where the "cat theme" is presented in a wide variety of objects. The author of…nikalaich (59)in RU° [closed] • 3 years agoКак Никалаич в Крыму шпионов ловил18 июня 1984 года Никалаич заступил на первое боевое дежурство по объекту ДПРМ-"Юг" (дальний приводной радиомаяк , направление взлета 45 градусов) отдельного батальона связи…nikalaich (59)in RU° [closed] • 3 years agoДворы нашего детстваА ведь хорошее было время, правильное. Жили мы тогда с соседями если не "большой семьей", то "дружным коллективом" точно. Дворы наши были центром "общественной жизни". В…nikalaich (59)in Informationwar • 3 years agoEnd of Memorial. Long live the Gulag???On December 28, 2021, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation ruled to liquidate the international historical, educational, charitable and human rights society Memorial…nikalaich (59)in GEMS • 3 years agoWhat are the puppets talking about?Exhibition of dolls from the collection of L. Tatarinova in the Verkhoturye State Historical and Architectural Museum Reserve (VGIAMZ). The director of the museum is my…nikalaich (59)in Hive Pets • 3 years agoTikhon. cat/ Тихон. Кот [eng/rus]The story of his appearance in our family in 2004, life, the fight against the disease and victory over it, and how it overtook 10 years later ... And more about good and bad…nikalaich (59)in Hive Pets • 3 years agoA friend in need is a friend indeed / Друзья познаются в беде [eng/rus]Until 1992, I was a pure "cat person", there were no dogs. But, having moved to a new spacious apartment in a new house, with a fenced-off "dressing room" (the garbage chute was…