Post card from Mexico, Rosarito Beach

in #photography11 months ago

I never do it, but why not to share the technical aspects with some of you, while sharing postcard from Rosarito.

Beach Mexico_1.273.1.jpg

Clearing and sorting

As I mentioned in another post, every single watch of the footage I took during the fest takes me around 6-8 hours to go through. I finally managed to clear the first part of the 4-hour footage and reduced the time to 55 minutes - happy times.

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You might ask what happened with the rest of the footage? Well, let me explain it:

If one clip lets say has a 10-second recording time, there is usually the first 1 second that is unusable – this is usually setting up the shot. Then afterwards there is a camera movement and the planned shoot, which is around 2-4 seconds in one direction and the same in the other direction. Finally, there is the process of setting down the shot, 'stop recording,' which is another second.

So, technically, I want to use only the nice, clean movement for the video, which most of the time is 2-4 seconds. This means that 20% to 40% of the footage is something I can use.

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Also it means that after the initial clearing of the footage, I throw away around three-quarters of it as waste, and that footage isn't anything fance other than re-takes or other unusable due to technical aspects.

Anyway, as I go through it, I'm trying to pick out those important clips to make a good video. I also select those nice still images,
which might not make it into the final video, but they will still give you some memories, and, of course, I'm happy to share them with you.

Next update on editing and the process I go through I'll post soon. But now hey - it's happy time 240 minutes down to 55 minutes...

Here is your postcard from beautiful, yet chaotic Rosarito Beach , Mexico - where @hivefest took the place

Beach Mexico_1.273.1.jpg

Beach Mexico_1.277.1.jpg

Beach Mexico_1.280.1.jpg