muslina (47)in #indonesia • 7 years agoMARYAM TELADAN BAGI MUSLIMAHMARYAM TELADAN BAGI MUSLIMAH Maryam adalah wanita terbaik sepanjang masa. Wanita terbaik dalam kurun sejarah wanita, dari Hawa hingga kelak yang terakhir, entah siapa.…muslina (47)in #indonesia • 7 years agoBilingual : A cozy and beautiful place || Tempat yang nyaman dan indahWant to Have a Beautiful and Comfortable Place Sabang is one of the most beautiful islands in Indonesia and the most beautiful in Aceh, 1 year ago we had a vacation to…muslina (47)in #indonesia • 7 years agoCinta / LoveLove is a feeling born from the heart. It is not a text that we can read then perolehi love rather than readings. Love is a feeling in the heart. If he loves someone, it will…muslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoBEST SENSE STAYSBEST SENSE STAYS ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has praised the dates as the (best) meal, he sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said: ㅤ نعم سحور المؤمن التمر ㅤ…muslina (47)in #neoxianfan • 7 years agoDILIGENT READ AL-QUR'AN DURING RAMADHAN🌺 DILIGENT READ AL-QUR'AN DURING RAMADHAN 💐 Ramadan is the Shah of the Qur'an (The Moon of the Qur'an). So among the practice that is highly recommended in the month of…muslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoCan Married in Ramadan?Can Married in Ramadan? ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Is there a provision in Islam that forbids her to marry and talk about marriage in the month of Ramadan? ㅤ ㅤ ● Question: ㅤ If there is a…muslina (47)in #promo-steem • 7 years agoBe the best!! On Steem and OtherBe the best!! Let's make we are the best on Steemit and Anything. ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Ambition to be the best is a nature in the human chest, it would be wonderful if this…muslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoThe Soul of Woe and Woe* The Soul of Woe and Woe * "One's soul must be in one of two circumstances; survived or wretched. The soul is said to be wretched when he is wounded, complained…muslina (47)in #islam • 7 years agoMany Rewards In Fasting◾Many Rewards In Fasting ◾ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Sahl bin Mu'adz narrated from his father he said: In fact there is a man asked the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam…muslina (47)in #neoxianfan • 7 years agoDakwah Saadah Ba'alawi Not "Wandering" Ordinary. [ Vote @neoxian as our Witness ]🌴Dakwah Saadah Ba'alawi Not "Wandering" Ordinary Our noble teachers from Hadramaut Yemen include, Prof. al-Habib Abdullah Baharun, Sulthonul Ilm al-Habib Salim Asyatiri…muslina (47)in #neoxianfan • 7 years agoAL-WAHN ... LOVE THE WORLD AND HATE OFF♻️ AL-WAHN ... LOVE THE WORLD AND HATE OFF It really includes ignorance when a man moors the world. His heart was preoccupied with long dreams as if he would live here for…muslina (47)in #neoxianfan • 7 years agoBehind Nisfu Sha'ban Night / Dibalik Malam Nisfu Sya'ban🌹 * Behind Nisfu Sha'ban Night * 🌹 •• ● ══❁══ ◎ ✾ ☆ ﷽ ☆ ✾ ◎ ══❁══ ● •• 🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂🍂 🌕Naturday nisfu sya'ban is a very noble night. What is it that makes that…muslina rebloggedrijalaronaceh (63)in #dlive • 7 years agoAwesome Birthday Party From @rijalaronacehThis is my birthday Party.. I Hope you all like this. I wish blessing god always for you and we are successful always in Dlive. Make Happy life with Dlive My video is at DLivemuslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoSyariat Islam Is About Iman (Thank @neoxian)Let's we choose @neoxian as our Witness Syariat Islam Is About Iman THE ISLAMIC SHARIAT IS THE FAITH OF FAITH AND WILLING "Sir from today I do not want to…muslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoJangan Melihat Aurat Lelaki / Do not Look at Male's Aurat [ Thank To @neoxian ]Hello All Stemians, Let's join us to Vote @neoxian as our Witness. English Language Do not Look at Male's Aurat The author explains haramnya law to see Women who…muslina rebloggedpengenkaya (53)in #neoxian • 7 years agomy heartfelt apologies to the excellent witnesses @neoxian.based on the post my witness @neoxian which contains the "embarrassing list" or the list of highly needed people, the mistakes we made to @neoxian with this post I…muslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoSiapa dia ?📚 WHO IS HE? ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Apabila rapat, dia menjaga anda ㅤ Apabila pergi, dia sentiasa mengingati anda ㅤ Apabila anda salah, dia lelaki anda ㅤ Apabila anda cuai, dia…muslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoCan not See Ajnabiyah WomenSource Can not See Ajnabiyah Women 📖 Reference : THE BOOK OF GOD'S UQUUDUL LUJAIN ويحرم على الرجل ولو مجبوبا وخصيا وعنينا ومخنثا وهما نظره إلى أجنبية مشتهاة حتى…muslina (47)in #neoxian • 7 years agoImportant Advice from Luqman Al-Hakim || @muslina, i am Voter for @neoxian, let's follow me ||Hello All..I am @muslina, a Stemians who chose @neoxian as a witness and I always support any program that @neoxian run So All of you..Follow me to choose and Vote…muslina (47)in #islam • 7 years agoINILAH ❶❶ WASIAT BERMANFAAT LUQMAN AL-HAKIM YANG ALLAH CERITAKAN DIDALAM AL-QURANﺑِﺴْــــــــــﻢِ ﺍﻟﻠﻪِ ﺍﻟﺮَّﺣْﻤَﻦِ ﺍﻟﺮَّﺣِـــــﻴﻢ INILAH ❶❶ WASIAT BERMANFAAT LUQMAN AL-HAKIM YANG ALLAH CERITAKAN DIDALAM AL-QURAN ❶ Tidak Menyekutukan Allah Azza wa Jalla…