PostsCommentsPayoutsmunzir (47)in #steempayco • 7 years agoPromosi steempaycoApa kabar semuanya,semoga selalu bahagia . pagi ini saya akan membahas tentang steempayco dan saya akan memperkenalkan pada anda steempayco itu apa dan kinerjanya bagaimana,…munzir (47)in #cook • 7 years agocook Greetings, today I was given the opportunity to cook the beulangong quail, Kuwah kind of meat curry and jackfruit with traditional ingredients that will be divided to break the…munzir (47)in #musik • 7 years agomusicians vs cameramenMusicians, that's the name for me and my friends at that time, it's really amazing and of course very prestigious. being a musician is indeed an incredible gift, where we can…munzir (47)in #farmers • 7 years agofarmersThe fate of onion farmers At the time of harvest season that is done simultaneously sometimes make the price of red onion plummeted. Therefore it is necessary to plant the…munzir (47)in #fotograpfer • 7 years agoairport rembeleHi ...Friends of Steemit? I would like to share information about Rembele Airport, hopefully yes The airport, named Rembele, was built in 2000, completed in 2003 and started…munzir (47)in #travel • 7 years agoLiputan Bandara Rembeleselamat malam sahabat stemian, malam ini saya ingin berbagi pengalaman peliputan Bandara Rembele, Kabupaten Bener Meriah, Propinsi Aceh Dalam peliputan kali ini saya…munzir (47)in #aceh • 7 years agoSmile please /TersenyumlahSmile Once again I ask smile for me To bring me dreams Until after tomorrow #Indonesia Tersenyumlah Sekali lagi kupinta senyumlah untukku Agar kubawa mimpi Sampai…munzir (47)in #aceh • 7 years agoSyair SederhanaSimple verse You are the one I can not understand you that I can never understand dragging on the time I spent on you I thought deep in anxietymunzir (47)in #aceh • 7 years agoyang terlupakan, sebait puisiYang terlupakan dulu, dulu sekali aku kau puji, kau sanjungi bahkan tersangat amat kau butuhkan. kini, munzir (47)in #aceh • 7 years agoMengintip Fajar di Gayo luesGayo Lues adalah sebuah Kabupaten yang terletak didaerah pegunungan ini sangat sejuk dan Indah, disini sangat cocok dijadikan lokasi wisata untuk keluarga. berikut Lokasi…munzir (47)in #aceh • 7 years agoThe Jack sang Videomakerini adalah teman saya, namanya muzakkir mujandreng, dia adalah seorang videomeker handal, karyanya sudah diakui oleh kawan-kawan wartawan Aceh Timur, Terutama kawan-kawan di PWI…munzir (47)in #aceh • 7 years agoMobil Pustaka KelilingAnggota DPR-RI komisi X Muslim SHI MM menyerahkan bantuan mobil Pustaka Keliling kepada Pemkab Aceh Utara, di pendopo Bupati Aceh Utara. Mobil yang sudah dimodifikasi secara…munzir (47)in #aceh • 7 years agoRumah RehabIn accordance with the In- duction of East Aceh Regent Hasballah M thayeb, every Gampong should help rehabilitate the poor's homes, and now the program has been implemented in…munzir (47)in #homesteading • 7 years agoBridal escorted by Elephantmorning spirit of steemit friends, here I want to introduce my friend named Ali, he is an environmental worker, precisely the protector of wildlife, when he married his friends…munzir (47)in #animal • 7 years ago training of sheep breedingIMG_7748.JPG]( Training of sheep breeding in a modern way. The training shares information on how to raise sheep with modern techniques, so that the trainees will understand…munzir (47)in #colorchallenge • 7 years agoColorChallenge Red Monday: A Red Car One Million MemoriesHi Steemian today I want to share a story about a forgotten red Old Car. It used to be a red car of this pride of my Kampung residents, and almost all newlyweds in my village…munzir (47)in #videography • 7 years agoBallads of Shepherd Boys/Balada Anak GembalaBallads of Shepherd Boys. this song tells the story of "turning" the village into a metropolitan city. this change also affects the lives of the shepherd's children, so they are…munzir (47)in #fotografi • 7 years agoAlgojoDSC0111.JPG]( The executioner is the execution team when the sentence of Islamic law is executed, the executioner in charge of flogging the perpetrator who has been convicted.…munzir (47)in #fotografi • 7 years agoDeer meat is still sold freely in Aceh/Daging Rusa masih dijual bebas di AcehIMG_20180114_210139[1].jpg]( Despite the prohibition of hunting and killing the Deer, But in Aceh there are still many people who sell Deer meat freely. even the venison menu…munzir (47)in #videography • 7 years agomurid berprestasi MAN INSA CENDIKIAMAN INSA CENDIKIA students are doing a new breakthrough by creating a fire fighting robot. if the government is willing to support creative students like this, we believe…