munkle (47)in #novato • 6 years agoAre Novato Flyers Blaming Israel, "Jews" for 9/11 Anti-Semitic?A flyer posted widely in Novato, California with the headline "Are Jews Responsible for 9/11?" has caused an outcry in that city and beyond. But although the headline is…munkle (47)in #iran • 6 years agoJapan Suggests Israel or U.S. Could be Behind Tanker Attack, as President of Company Calls Pentagon Report FakeA source within the government of Japan has suggested that Israel, as well as the US itself, could be behind an attack on a Japanese tanker, according to the Japanese daily Japan…munkle (47)in #news • 6 years agoPresident of Tanker Company Says Ship Not Hit by Mine, but "Flying Object." Conspiracy Theorists Were RightThe New York Times has reported that the president of the Japanese tanker company which was attacked recently has called the US claim that the ship was attacked with mines…munkle (47)in #election • 6 years agoProof US Elections Are Rigged, Why Anti-Globalists Like Trump or Sanders Can Never Win AgainAlthough commonly viewed as polar opposites, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders do share one position in common: opposition to national sovereignty-shredding trade agreements like…munkle (47)in #omar • 6 years agoLaw of Moses Says Girls Must Marry Their Rapists, So Can Devout Jews Uphold Constitution and US Laws?The question has been asked, can an elected US Representative who happens to be Muslim be faithful to an oath to uphold the US Constitution? That is because some insist that…munkle (47)in #truth • 6 years agoEvidence of Israeli Involvement in 9/11Why Would Israel Want 9/11? A History of Regional Policy Goals As a U.S. Attorney agrees to present evidence of the demolition of the World Trade Center by explosives to a…munkle (47)in #jfk • 6 years agoShooting Re-Creation Proves Oswald was Not Lone Gunman in JFK MurderA Discovery Channel re-creation of the head shot to JFK winds up proving the official story is false, despite supposedly proving it is true. Notice the bulk of brain tissue flies…munkle (47)in #blue • 6 years agoDemocrat "Blue Wave" House Victories in Question, Elections OpaqueIn bizarre behavior which can only be indicative of election fraud, polls in 2018 midterm races proved nearly perfectly predictive in one set of races but entirely wrong in…munkle (47)in #truth • 7 years agoHey 9/11 Suckers! Jet Fuel is Only Kerosene!Yes, the opposite of a Truther must be a sucker, a sucker for the official fairy tale that zillions of gallons of JET FUEL (caps as a bludgeon for emotional American minds)…munkle (47)in #rfk • 7 years agoRobert F. Kennedy Jr. Says "Rogue CIA" May Have Killed JFK, Is Pedo Deep State Going Down?Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It's a hell of a time to be alive. RFK Jr. saying his uncle the president was killed by "rogue CIA," on the Charlie Rose Show, falling in the media with…munkle (47)in #pizzagate • 7 years agoPedo Deep State is Going Down. Where Are These Thousand Missing Kids a Year?Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It's a hell of a time to be alive. RFK Jr. saying his uncle the president was killed by "rogue CIA," on the Charlie Rose Show, falling in the media with…munkle (47)in #operationbackyardbrawl • 7 years agoWhat a Real Homeless Camp Near Tucson Looks Like; No Rape Trees, No Kid Prisons#OperationBackyardBrawl visited a homeless camp in the Arizona desert to show people what a normal one looked like, not the suspected child sex trafficking camp with was recently…munkle (47)in #election • 7 years agoDemocracy Under Attack as Florida Election Chief Illegally, with Impunity, Destroys Paper Ballots in Congressional RaceIn a congressional race pitting an entrenched Democrat representing the innermost sanctum of the Democratic party against a maverick primary challenger, a Florida election…munkle (47)in #santa • 7 years ago"Assault Weapons" Ban Would Not Have Stopped Santa Fe Mass ShootingThe national campaign to ban high-capacity magazine, semi-automatic rifles, loosely known as "assault weapons," took pause in the mass shooting in Santa Fe, Texas last Friday…munkle (47)in #roy • 7 years agoRoy Moore Supporters Too Dumb to Understand Ballot Images Which Could Help Candidate WinPerhaps lucky for Jones supporters, as Roy Moore supporters continue to bray about busloads of illegal Mexicans and Blacks voting in the Alabama senate race, they miss the simple…munkle (47)in #ufo • 7 years agoIs the NWO's Alien-UFO Invasion False Flag Here?It was one of those "HUH?" double-take moments for sure. Major media reporting, for the first time without a hint of ridicule or mockery, that a Navy pilot had sighted a "Tic…munkle (47)in #las • 7 years agoMultiple Shooters in Las Vegas Witnesses Testimony CompilationIn the words of the witnesses themselves. Yes there were multiple shooters.munkle (47)in #lasvegas • 7 years agoFourth Las Vegas Witness Unequivocally Described Shooters From Within Venue (Deceased)A Las Vegas concert-goer and witness, who is now deceased from a prior illness, posted onto Facebook before she died a detailed and riveting account of her experience which is…munkle (47)in #lasvegas • 7 years agoExits at Las Vegas Concert Were Blocked Prior to Shooting, Creating Kill ZoneWitnesses at last week's Las Vegas shooting, including one who was wounded, are saying that many emergency exits which would normally be open as required by strict laws on…munkle (47)in #lasvegas • 7 years agoUp-Close Video Taken by Las Vegas Taxi Driver Suggests Multiple Shooters, One on Fourth FloorAn up-close video taken by a taxi driver who was in the driveway of the Mandalay Bay as the shooting started shows distinct muzzle flashes coming from the fourth floor of the…