PostsCommentsPayoutsmscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoSerial novels: a cigarette half dessert (9)Here Wen Yujuan is still worried about how to stab this window paper to introduce the object to Lin Qiao. There, Chen Cheng, who knows that Lin Qiao broke up, has started to…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoSerial novels: a cigarette half dessert (8)After Monday's work, Lin Qiao and Cheng Lei went to Starbucks, where they often went to love. They used to spend a lot of time there. There has been a lot of boredom before…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoSerial novels: a cigarette half dessert (7)Cheng Lei has not been connected to Lin Qiao for a week. In the meantime, Lin Qiao seemed unable to think of his appearance. During the period, she hesitated whether she…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoSerial novels: a cigarette half dessert (6)Lemon is two years younger than he is. He has not graduated from school for a year, but he worked as a teacher in a technical secondary school. Her parents did not come home in…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoSerial novels: a cigarette half dessert (5)That day, after the family dinner, Cheng Lei sent Lin Qiao to his home and saw the soap opera that he had chased every day on the sofa. Cheng Lei laid down on the sofa and…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoSerial novels: a cigarette half dessert (4)The Cheng Lei family is a semi old unit room with two rooms and one hall. The decoration is still in the style of the 90s of last century. The balcony was stacked without…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoA serial novel, "a cigarette half a heart" 003Came back to take a day off, tidy up things for a day, Lin Qiao gave Cheng Lei a call on the third day. The two of them started dating from junior year. Second years later, Lin…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoA romance novel, "a cigarette half a heart" 002The second day was a sunny day. Lin Qiao wore a plain dress and changed his makeup. Yesterday, I forgot to ask the company several times to work. By experience, she rushed to…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoThe return of a serial novel, "a cigarette half a point of heart" 001Qingcheng airport. A long haired girl was dragging a huge red suitcase through the crowded crowd. She dragged the box to the steps outside the exit, lifting her hand and…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago感恩节前夕的香港游:美食篇之二米其林一星何洪记 走了一天的路,到了晚上八九点,又有点饥肠辘辘。 好友说还这次还没吃到正宗的港式夜茶, 于是我们又去了附近希慎广场里的高赞餐厅何洪记。 何洪记是米其林一星餐厅, 我们去的当儿客人非常之多。 多到服务生的服务态度也和我们大西安的服务水准有一拼: 远远看见你招手,急忙头一低,腰一扭,…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago《红海行动》 :战争片里终于有不给人添堵的女性角色了我爱看电影。 看得多了,就能注意到一些导演和编剧喜欢使用的套路。 比如战争片里总喜欢丢出来一个上蹿下跳的女的,弄出点感情戏来,甚至连感情戏都没有,纯粹用皮相来插科打诨,自以为是张弛有度。…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago香港的高速生活香港是个生活节奏非常快的城市.如果把香港拟人化的话,他应该是一个让人压力非常大的急性子。 车快、人快、讲话快、做事快。所有的设施、所有的习惯都在为效率服务。 香港的公共交通系统尤为发达,体现在两点: 一是地下铁。港铁的路线,基本覆盖全港。地铁站内完善的各类商铺,基本解决了长年在地铁穿梭的香港人的日常生活的临时需求。…mscat (27)in #photogragh • 7 years agoA trip to the Imperial Palace in 2008In the summer of 2008, I went to Beijing for a test, and I went to the Imperial Palace with my family. I took some photos with my cell phone and shared it with you. The cell…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago一只叫点点的小猫咪这个小家伙名叫点点,2017年5月5日出生。它的妈妈是流浪猫,很聪明。知道去好心的给她喂饭的家人生孩子,一窝六只,一半是纯白色,一半是黄花梨。 去领养的那天,本想要只小黄花梨,但是它躲。于是就挑中了它的小兄弟,一只四仰八叉傻乎乎睡觉的小白猫。 长大后,这个小白猫长得和他妈妈一模一样。 我给它看它妈妈的视频,它也没有反应。…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years agoThe new year's night scene in the ancient city of Xi'an古城西安的过年夜景The Lunar New Year is close to the end,Upload a few beautiful night pictures as a memento 农历新年已经快要接近尾声,上传几张漂亮的夜景照片作为纪念mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago《杀破狼:贪狼》:一部仍有诚意的佳作《杀破狼贪狼》的故事线十分清晰: 丧妻的中年男子李志忠,与女儿相依为命; 因为女儿的恋爱问题,李志忠采取了激烈的方式处理,导致父女失和。 女儿独自前往泰国散心,不幸被黑道劫持,她年轻健康的心脏成为市长秘书和黑道的交易对象。 由此牵出泰国当地黑道、警界、政界勾结的人体器官买卖黑幕。 而最终女儿由失踪确认被杀,独狼彻底变为孤狼。…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years agoHongkong tour on the eve of Thanksgiving: good foodOn the eve of Thanksgiving, I came to Hongkong with my friends. This is the third time to visit Hong Kong, because we are like people, and known as the "world delicacy capital"…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago《唐诗三百首》经常于临睡前,就着橘色的台灯细细翻其中一本中华书局出版的《唐诗三百首》。 诗词这个东西,就像品茶一样,有心情有闲趣时,随便揪上一小撮在茶杯里泡开,就是难得雅意。 做学生的时候老师让背唐诗,味同嚼蜡。 现在没人管你看什么书,却偏有太多打动我的心。 喜欢这本小书的一个原因,是每当翻开这本泛黄泛得不象样的书,看见字迹还是方正的繁…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago娱乐圈摇钱树郑爽:我只管摇,你爱看不看我平时很少看郑爽这波流量明星的作品,这次是借了章子怡在微博上的热度,才完整地看完了郑爽表演的《我的父亲母亲》片段。 看完后,我感觉郑爽小姐很成功,她成功地扮演了《我的父亲母亲》中的傻姑一角。 什么?你说《我的父亲母亲》里没有桃花岛? 我看,演艺圈里,也没有郑爽。她只是娱乐圈里的摇钱树。…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago熊孩子现象:一群高龄儿童的自我补偿首先,我要说,在网上掀起关于熊孩子现象的口诛笔伐时,我从来都不站在熊孩子那边: 因为无数次被熊扯头发、毁东西,听着熊刺破耳膜般的尖声惊叫已经让我无数次升起炸平学校的冲动: 小孩一周上五天学,周六还要补课,你们都教了些什么玩意? 请谢谢对不起不教吗?公共场合不要随地便溺不要大声喧哗不教吗?…