kane-vs (25)in #banat • 6 years agoAikido juniors Moj mladi aikido ucenik Luka 😊 Posted using Partiko Androidmoses01 (35)in #playing • 7 years agoPlay timeThe kids are runing and playing at the cool of the evening as the sun is going downmoses01 (35)in #profitable • 7 years agoWords of wisdomWhen someone tells you it is finished for you is that the end ? No only God has the final say Micah 7:8 says do not rejoice over me my enemy when i fall i will arise when i sit…moses01 (35)in #cantonment • 7 years agoPastors are humans tooA pastor stood up to teach in a church the first thing he ask the church to do was to go round and ask someone how was your day, everyone went around asking shaking and patting…moses01 (35)in #inspirational • 7 years agoHoly spiritThe spirit of God is the wprking and the moving power of the most high he is trasformer and the renewer of mans heart be fill and be renew now in Jesus name Amenmoses01 (35)in #covenant • 7 years agoJust smileI am in the rainbow covenant of grace in good health,long life,safty,fulfillment and rest without infirmities. It is Gods word for me Gen 8:20-22,Heb 8:6-13moses01 (35)in #playing • 7 years agoPlay timeAll work and no play make jack a door boy there must be a time for play as through friends as never before have funmoses01 (35)in #carton • 7 years agoHereosThe idomitable men made by man to pratice inventries and dangerous war before going into it securelymoses01 (35)in #introduceyourself • 7 years agoTresuresWhat are you looking at , at things of this world or things above in heaven the bible say where your tresure is there your mind is therefore i advice you let your focus be on heaven.moses01 (35)in #introduceyourself • 7 years agoIncuturrationYou must be who you are trian them up in their culture and build them up with their people why they are still young.moses01 (35)in #intorduceyourself • 7 years agoWonderful dayThere have not been any day like this it is an inrevasible day of life which can ny no means change a day of birthmoses01 (35)in #intorduceyourself • 7 years agoIs a birth dayToday is my birthday it is the lords doing to selebrate another plus one today 4th spril 2018 I give God all the glory in Jesus name amenmoses01 (35)in #intorduceyourself • 7 years agoShe is s motherIt was spoken by God through the prophets and through Angel and it come to pass because God canot liemoses01 (35)in #intorduceyourself • 7 years agoJoy of EastherJesus is the reason for the season he came from heaven to earth to show us the way from the earth to the cross he paid our dept from the cross to the grave today up from the…moses01 (35)in #intorduceyourself • 7 years agoPerfect loveThe real love that comes from the heart becauce it is one it can never fail, hold to each othermoses01 (35)in #intorduceyourself • 7 years agoSuper herosThe indomitable heros fighting in super and technology desplaying the inventry of men what science can do using the super manmoses01 (35)in #intorduceyourself • 7 years agoLove beyondGod demoatrated his love for mankind by giving his only son Jesus christ that we should also follow. Evun the wave of the sea can also show it above the sea levelmoses01 (35)in #intorduceyourself • 7 years agoReality of lifeThe truth of life is you must follow it the way it geos it has no optionmoses01 (35)in #intorduceyourself • 7 years agoWonderful work of GodIt is real i saw it from afar but now in my hand a trasperent fish what a wonerful God he ismoses01 (35)in #intorduceyourself • 7 years agoArt workThis is art work the indomitable heros call the antman