When I was sixteen or seventeen I pierced an additional hole in my left ear. If you ask me why I did it, maybe I could not give you a completely truthful answer. I don't remember the exact reason, but I probably wanted to have a "cool" appearance, as some friends had. In my perception, this also meant wearing three silver hoop earrings and not just two.
As a teenager you just want to be different from the normal, and sometimes do things that your parents would disagree with. However, they said nothing about my behaviour and they had no objections to the way I dressed, so this new hole in my ear didn't particularly bother them.
Those silver hoop earrings accompanied me for around a decade or more when I started wearing other earrings too. Those consisted just of two pieces, so the third hole was sometimes taking a break. The negative consequence of those breaks was that each time it was more difficult to wear again an earring in that third piercing. It started bothering me and sometimes became infected.
Then I was persistent and wore an earring for a long time to get my ear used to it again, but the problem kept coming up again and again. After a couple of years, I gave up and continued wearing just a pair. One earring in each ear.
During all these years I bought many pairs of earrings, however, the majority of the earrings I had were gifts. From family, friends or students. So many, but I didn't bring all of them with me when I moved, just those I used to wear more often. And those that had more meaning... like this pair of red earrings.

They have a special place in this collection as they were my grandma's earrings. I have never worn them but just kept them as a memory.

These small ones were mine when I was a little girl. Like many other parents, my ones also decided to pierce the ears of their babies. It was a tradition, I suppose, but now I have mixed feelings toward it. It is good as I don't remember the pain and the healing process of that action, but on the other side, what if I didn't want to have those holes in my ears? Anyway, I had these earrings with blue zircon, and my sister had similar ones, but in red colour. I keep them as a part of my childhood.

Other than those earrings I wore for years as a child, these black silver earrings were the ones that spent the most time adorning my ears. They are not very light, but I was used to them. I also wore them to concerts and formal occasions, combining them with black clothes.

I have worn these earrings many times for less formal occasions, as well as for work. Although they look bigger, they are not at all heavier than the black ones I just showed.

Tiny and discreet ornament for my ears that had the pleasure of accompanying me to a concert a few years ago for the last time. I lost the back of one of them. 🤐

Very light and comfortable to wear, these black earrings were a gift from my boss. I got several bracelets, pendants, earrings and brooches from her, so we joked that we needed many concerts and gigs to have the opportunity to wear all of the gifts I got.
Unfortunately, even these very light earrings are in sleeping mode now, as I can't wear any of them lately. My ears simply refuse now the earrings. It doesn't matter if it is gold, silver or costume jewellery - my ears hurt and become red.

For the same reason I still haven't tried the newest pair of earrings I got last Christmas. They are sleeping in the box, with a matching pendant waiting for the time I could maybe wear them again. Until then, they just form a collection of earrings with some other ones I didn't take photos of as they would need to be cleaned first. They changed their colour over the years. 😅
I know that this topic is not interesting for the male population of Hive... but who knows :D
Maybe someone gets an idea or inspiration and brings a collection of earrings to this community of collectors. 😉
I, at about 13, opened 2 more piercings in my left ear...luckily they should be closed, plus I never wore earrings there.... bad teenage decisions 🤣.
Esos fueron los que más me gustaron, están muy bonitos.
I have to bring my earrings out of eternal sleep, let's see if I'll bring them over here. Happy Sunday, bue...for you almost Monday.
Con 13 años? What did your parents say hahaha? If you didn't want to wear the earrings then it is good they closed. :))
That would be nice to see 😊
Gracias, happy Monday to you too, as it is probably Monday at your place too by now 😇
My dad nothing to say, he didn't live with me by that time and my mom was pretty permissive in those matters 😊.
I will look for them and make the post
Linda semana 🌼.
Our moms knew that one day flowers on dresses will come, instead of many earrings hahaha 😂
Yes 😆.
Hoy llevé un vestido de 🌼 ;)
Wow!! Flores y más flores 😁.
I've wanted to write about my earring collection for a long time, but until this community came up, I didn't know where to post. Glad to know it's a topic someone else thought of too, hehehe, I just have to take the pictures.
They are cute your earrings, hopefully you can wear them again with no problems. For me, it's my favorite accessory, I never go out without wearing them, and that's why I have too many, of any material you can imagine!
Thanks for sharing, greetings!
Yay, that is cool that your earrings also want to come to show themselves :))
I am looking forward to seeing your collection, @sofathana!!
{It was @avdesing who posted about her ones recently but it was also on my list already so they finally arrived too. 😉}
And there's always something to add to the collection, I'm already thinking about rings and pendants!
Jajaja este GIF es muy adecuado, por el gatito :))
Es igual a mi Cata!😍
I will post them soon! Thanks 😉
Cool 😇
I can't resist earrings either, but unlike you, I never resisted them haha I immediately got infected so I opted to use pressure, but they also left a horrible pain in my ear, so I gave up 😂
The earrings are very nice and elegant, at least you can use them to show them around here ❤️
As teenagers we all wanted to be different and special, what a weird age haha 😂
But you can have a little owl on your shoulder, so it is nicer than wearing earrings haha :D
Thank you, @elbuhito 🤗🦉
I know it is not as simple as this most times, but when I was a teen, one of my cousin's ears were sensitive to her earrings. I had her wash her ear around the pierced hole daily with peroxide and also the posts or wires of here earrings as she took them off each day. By the end of the week, her ears were nearly healed and her earrings no longer made them sore. At that time or in this case, I think the earrings were re-infecting here ears as she never really cleaned the posts/wires.
My Mom's ears react if the posts or wires are not gold. No telling what sort of metals are in the cheaper ones. Here they sell packets of extra backs too, so losing a good one, although sad, is not the end of the wearing.
It's funny how our bodies decide what they will accept and reject. I like your earring collection and the memories that go with some of them.
Oh, that is true. Our bodies know and decide what they want to reject or accept. Gold and silver are usually fine, but not for everyone.
And also there are so many people who can enjoy even custom jewellery and nothing happens... as I used to have them too but now it is impossible 😅
Muy interesante iniciativa la de los zarcillos, yo si que tengo muuchos jajaja así que me uniré a esta colección también jejeje, ya tengo dos en cola entonces, la de los peluches y esta 😃🤭🤭.
Es una pena que tus orejas los estén rechazando, quizás ahora sí tendrás que usar los de tu abuela que son tipo clip jajaja 🤷🏻♀️
Pues sí, ahora tienes ya dos publicaciones para la comunidad jajaja.
Peluches... que llevan zarcillos 😂 imagine that combination :D
🤔😂😂😂😂 oye, tremenda ocurrencia esa jajaja, me pregunto cómo se verán 🤭🤭🤭.
Ya pronto viene el de los peluches 🧸😃
Could it be that with age the body asks for simplicity, or minimalism? Joking... 😅
I can only wear silver earrings and not for a long time. I've always had them very simple (extremely simple). But it turns out that I don't like wearing earrings anymore. And I was also thinking that my hair bothers me. It's too hot here.
Hahaha, that is true, with the age we change and our bodies too 😁
And about hair, it also decided to change slowly its colour, so no earrings are needed, not even the silver ones as the hair is getting that silver touch 😂
I have a lot of grey hair, which I've been getting lately. I'm going to find someone to photograph them. However, I don't plan to use dyes or anything like that. I like it natural.
The last thing I expected to see today was a collection of earrings at Hive, but here we are. My mom likes to wear earrings too. At one point I even thought about buying her some earrings as a gift 😂
Hive is a place full of surprises lol 😂
Earrings, and in a collection - that's the thing 😜
So, did you buy your mom earrings as a gift in the end?
Nah I bought something else 😂
I don't know much about earrings. Never owned a set. Never had a set in my ears ... oops am lying now ... I think I tried one of those clipon earrings once, for the fun of it. Must have been in my childhood... or perhaps even at some after-party at friend's home after a heavy night/weekend partying and not completely on planet Earth anymore 😅
LOL ... did your 3rd hole enjoy the chilling time? I suppose so. Every time angry with you when you decided it needed to hold some metal again.
WTF? Isn't that considered jail time or something?
At those after-party parties earrings are allowed for everyone. Just take care of who and how would pierce your ear haha. Maybe a collector wants to get rid of all the earrings and put them on your ears, so yeah... If I were you, I'd be careful at those parties 😂
As a man I say that it is not that we are not interested, it is that we do not understand that type of things 🤣🤣🤣 But as a man who wears an earring, I do understand sometimes that need to change it, perhaps a new style or something similar.
The saddest thing is that I only have one ear pierced and the earrings come in pairs 🤣🤣
So, you wear one earring :)) That is more than I wear now 😂
That is indeed a sad thing that earrings come in a pair, but look, you can have a friend who would also have one ear pierced so you share one pair of earrings hahaha 😁
My earrings when I was in college are like those.. I like the hook and dangling ones haha.. so old-style .
And so easy to wear those with the hook. But also to lose them 😅
Well, there are some kind of magnetic earrings in the market nowadays. I have seen some women wearing those because their parents were too afraid to make holes in their ears when they were children and now they are afraid to get holes in their ears.
Btw earrings add to the beauty of your looks, right? (And yes, the first one and the one you lost one's back are so beautiful ❤️)
Also with a clip, so who doesn't want to pierce its ear that is a solution.
Earrings for any occasion, elegant or casual can make one's appearance more interesting, but not necessarily. I also feel now fine without them (just because I know my ears would not like me anymore if I decide to torture them with the earrings 😂)
Lol yeah, I remember the holes in my grandma's ears. They became big as she continuously wore earrings in her life..
I can see a lot of ladies having a collection of earrings or for that matter jewelry in general. As for me no earrings 😂 but I have some necklaces and watches but nothing worthy of a collection. However I recently stumbled upon something that qualifies as a collection. I'll have to share soon 😊
Happy Mother's Day to you 😁
Yeah, I can't imagine you with earrings 😂 but hey, what you say about a collection that will be shared soon... that sounds mysterious hahaha. We will see 🤓
Thank you! (we celebrated it last Sunday but I know it is today in your country so thanks once again 😇)
Pretty collection! This one is my favorite bring me like an ancient vibe. 😍
Thank you :))
I loved wearing these 🥰
Oooh nice!
I LOVE earrings and you've got some gorgeous ones in that collection too!
It's actually a very eclectic collection you've got there!
I too did the same- that second piercing in one ear and I can still get earring through it - I think- its been a while..I will have a go tomorrow and let you know how I go!
I finally got a chance to pull out Mum's Jewellry box today and untangle the jumble of mess that it was as I am going to take some of her rings and necklaces to a jeweler tomorrow to determine which ones are real and which ones are fakes and found a whole stash of OLD earrings in there too, like these ones...
And ofcourse, there's more...with Mum, there's always more...🤣
These are very early Mum. Maybe 50s/60's because I mainly remember her wearing gold sleepers most of the time when I was young because her ears used to get infected too..
I also have a feeling that these might be real diamonds, but I could be wrong...
Thank you @chocolatescorpi :)
I will not try with my one, as I know how it would finish... with a painful ear hahaha 😂 But I hope your experiment goes well :D
I see 😂😂😂
Yes probably not a good idea for you!
And I forgot to try today.
I will try to remember tomorrow.
I took a lot of Mums jewelry to a jeweller today so he could tell me what was real and what were fakes and we made 3 piles- worth nothing, worth something and worth a lot...so the worth a lot I will take to a diamond jeweler and pay for a proper evaluation..but atleast now I'm only paying to have the real ones evaluated...🤣..
I will take photos and share and we will see who can guess the fake or the real ones..🤣
That will be an interesting quest for Hivers :))
To guess which ones are the real and which are the fake ones 😁
Yes! It was definitely interesting for me- there was a few that I got wrong!
The pink ones in the first image and these are my favourites... I like the less formal ones hahaha.
The allergy issue maybe you can treat it, if it is an allergy. I love the earrings and you have no idea about the rings! I used to wear a lot of them, now one on each hand, my favourites, I'll let you guess what the reason for one of them is, it refers to one of the mysteries I'm most passionate about!
What a beautiful collection I hope you can wear them again!
I just got back from a walk with my family, I went to a forest.... I didn't wear earrings just in case hahaha
The pink ones - I used to wear them a lot when I had a sweater of the same colour. That earring is broken btw, I don't know if you noticed it from the photo. Here it comes:
I hope the walk was pleasant 😇 we also walked this afternoon, so many Jacaranda trees, purple - like the earrings hahaha
He has yet to be released! It's beautiful !!!!
It was a family walk, drinking mate. That forest I found is not far from where I live and I love the walks there!
Here too the jacaranda trees are beautiful! How colourful!
Nice! I had endless wars with my parents over the number of holes in my ears (a lot more than you, about 11 at one stage). If you still want to wear your earrings, here's a tip: use a lightweight hoop that is most hypoallergenic, like gold or stainless steel, to wear regularly to keep the holes used to having something inside and cover the earring with a light layer of heavy soothing ointment for lips or cuticles before you put them in, daily at first until the irritation subsides. Use it regularly
If I had 11 then I think my parents would also say a word or two hahaha. 😁
Thank you for the tip, that is indeed the way how I should do when I feel to get back to the habit of wearing earrings. Sometimes I just pass a hook from one of the earrings, previously cleaned with alcohol to clean the hole. A few months ago I was thinking about daith piercing, not for fashion but because it showed effective to some people fighting migraine. The healing time of the wound is longer though, so I am still just gathering information and thinking about it...
A cartilage piercing doesn't heal well and closes easily if you don't constantly have something in there and it will also always be irritated on the side that you sleep on. Maybe better to see a good chiropractor instead: a lot of migraine is related to blood flow to the head and muscle tension in the neck is a big culprit in that
Congratulations, you received an ecency upvote through the curator @sahi1. Keep spreading love through ecency
Thank you ✨
I’ve always loved ear piercings and I’ve got five ear piercings on my ears which makes it ten
The earrings are so beautiful
Happy Mother’s Day❤️
Five in each ear? That's a lot 👏
All these things are very beautiful and I like their designs very much and that is the fact that such things are special and made with a lot of effort.
What a beautiful collection, my friend. You love silver earrings as much as I do. Pretty earrings make us look so elegant, it's a very us garment. Have a nice week.🥰❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Mamani, there are more earrings, but for a small collection, these arrived. The silver earrings you wear are nice! - I checked now your post where they can be seen, when you cut your fair ;)
I wish you also a nice week 💫
This post remenber me my mother...i used to help her to put the earrings in her ears...
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