Christmas card collections - let's bring them to Hive! πŸŽ„

in Hive Collectors β€’ last year (edited)


So, December is here.

It just shyly arrived today, without fanfare. Almost nothing changed at my place since yesterday, everything is the same. Just the name of the month shifted from November to December.

{This would be a very boring announcement of December on my part, right?} πŸ˜‚

Still, this month usually brings joy and light with the holiday celebrated at the end of the month. I don't have to name it, we all know which holiday it is! Yes, yes, you guessed well, it is Christmas! πŸŽ„

I remember that my parents used to say that Christmas evening has to be celebrated in the family. We were not allowed encouraged to go out with friends that evening. Maybe as a teenager, I didn't understand this completely... Now I think I get their idea to preserve a tradition of sharing special moments in the family which would strengthen the bonds among us.

The reality is that families can't always celebrate this holiday together. We had family members who lived in different cities and countries, but at least a Christmas card was sent to wish them happy holidays. Also, we received many Xmas cards from all of them. Who knows where all those cards finished... Luckily, some ten years ago I started collecting them, although the habit of sending and receiving Christmas cards has drastically declined in the last decade. All the technological advances contributed to the extinction of this tradition.

It may be easier to text or call our loved ones, but it is not the same as receiving a real, paper Christmas card which leaves a trace.


While taking these photos, I had a nice time reading the lines that were written inside these cards. For example, in the photo above we see a card that I got from my aunt, from Norway. She wrote to me with the news about her health and that she was in the hospital for some days but that everything finished well.


The German Christmas cards were sent to us by my husband's uncle. We used to receive every year a card for Christmas, but also for other holidays and birthdays.


When our son was little, he wrote the lines of the best wishes to the family members. Sometimes we made them by ourselves (the cards) because we had so much fun in the creative process. Still, I think we could not make a cute card like this one:


I really like these ones from Germany and I know that there are more of them that we have got, but I don't have them with me now. Anyway, my collection also contains some very nice Christmas cards received from Serbia:


From Spain, friends and students send me good wishes through these cards. Maybe the appearance of these cards is not so interesting, but the intention is what counts. They made their way into this collection:


You know how sweet students can be. I will open one card ;)


The retro look of this batch is cool. We got all of them in the past few years, but they bring some feelings of nostalgia.


We also have some English Christmas cards, and even this little one is worth keeping it. It's the most Wonderful Time of the Year. Actually, it reminds me of a song so now I continue this post with music in my ears.


I can't miss out on mentioning my dear second neighbours, an elderly Dutch couple. Imagine, they write to me in their language, even though I don't understand Dutch. In any case, I do appreciate their gesture and this beautiful Christmas card.


And here I come to the end of my humble collection of Christmas cards received and collected during the last decade... But this post actually had the intention to invite all of you to take part in this initiative that will last during the whole month of December.


Christmas Card Collections

Show us your collection of the cards you received from others during the years and what story they bring. Or maybe you have made a collection of cards that you would send to others? You can bring that too.


It can happen that you don't have any Christmas cards... but you have a nice collection of ornaments for this holiday. Perfect, as here is the alternative initiative you can participate in:

Collections of Christmas Decoration

Show us the collection of ornaments that you use to decorate your home or the Christmas tree.


I am sure we all have some, but mine will come in a separate post when I find them. 😁
The initiative lasts during the whole month of December, and you can participate in both topics, in different posts if you like. Spread the word! 😜



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Now it feels like Christmas is officially here!!


Yes :)

Time to find our Christmas ornaments for this season 🀢

I like collecting Christmas cards too back then when I was still a student . .. Sometimes I design my own card ☺️

Would be cool to see those cards you collected back in time, but I know, many things we didn't bring with us and no room to keep everything. The cards designed by ourselves have even more emotional value, right? :D

I lost them all already hehe... Yep.. Especially if the message is heartwarming ☺️.

That's a pity you lost them. It is never too late to start collecting them again :D

What a lot of Christmas cards! One is more beautiful than the other, but the one that says you are the best teacher is for sure the most precious, I love that one!

It's a great idea the theme of the Christmas collections with so much colour in the decorations. Christmas is officially among us. Thanks @mipiano!❀️

In a few of the other cards, there were also similar greetings to the teacher 😁

Hope to see some of your Christmas-related collections, @avdesing πŸ˜‰

I have to find the ornaments for the tree, but the most interesting ones are those we had in our childhood. I don't have any of those here with me 🀐

I guess @krakonos might be into your new community, he's a devouted collector of varius staff. I am not sure about the Xmas cards, though :)

Well, if Xmas or not, the community is here for everyone and any collection. From the most normal one to the weirdest collection 😁

But as it is December, I thought it would be good to wake up a bit the sleeping feed of the Hive Collectors community hahahaha

For sure :) I prefer to collect experience, and then to share them ;)

That is a perfect activity - to collect experience. And what about a collection of beer bottle caps? :D

I prefer collecting various tastes on my taste buds :) And I always choose tapped beer over a bottled one.

However, some Czechs collect beer coasters. They are quite uncommon in Spain but breweries around here are very creative when it comes to coasters. Such collection looks like this.

Wow, that's a cool collection, there are some very nice coasters πŸ€“

Jaja, this conversation made me check the Wikipeadia entry on coasters. The picture there made my day :))

And thank you for tagging a fellow collector πŸ˜‰

You are very welcome ;)

They represent throughout history, an event that marks harmony, reunion, and unification of thoughts at the family level.
Making them is an artistic work that reflects human creativity, where we give participation to animals, mythological beings, cities, and everything that man conceives with his graphics and ingenuity.
Every year, you will be able to add cards to your collection. It will be a pleasure to see it grow annually; just like that snowball that increases in size as it descends a mountain.
Thank you @mipiano for sharing these beautiful Christmas cards. Congratulations to you and your family. Greetings @abrunet

Hello @abrunet

You are so right about what these cards represent, you explained it so nicely, thank you! Yes, I add every year new cards, I don't throw away any of them, but it is becoming a rarity now. Everyone finds it easier to send a message through some of the applications we use to communicate.

I suppose you also have some collection of Christmas-related objects, maybe Christmas cards or ornaments? :))

I have some at home in isolation. Maybe one day I will show them to you. Thanks

Perfect πŸ˜‡

Well, that's it, I shared it for many people to participate. And what a great idea to give a chance to those who create their own cards.
Christmas is here at Hive.
It will be very nice here in this spectacular collector's corner during this December.


Thank you very much, I do hope users will find some inspiration in this corner and create their own cards or show those that received. Are there some ornaments, on the shelf close to Rosita? Or some Grinch took everything with him? hahaha

You leave me no choice... I'll have to send virtual postcards with a Grinch design.

πŸ˜…it is a pleasure to share and will be a pleasure to design

Virtual Grinch postcards? hahaha

Looking forward to seeing it, {not sure what Mipiano will say, but it doesn't matter lol. She is just the admin πŸ˜‚}

Ay madre... son dos MP ahora! ΒΏLlegarΓ© cuerda a Noche Buena?

Grinch te salvarΓ‘!

Porque no habrΓ‘ Noche Buena...πŸ€·β€β™€ Γ‰l robarΓ‘ la Navidad. πŸ˜‚



That is a good collection 😁 My mother-in-law sends them even today πŸ˜‚ I love it every time we receive one. I will try to dig some of them out of all places and make a post about it πŸ˜‰

We also still send in the family :D
But the post office is so slow here in Spain around those dates... the cards always arrive late. Once my sister received one Christmas card in Serbia (sent by me from Spain before Xmas) at the beginning of February πŸ˜‚

Yay!! You will try to find them! That would be pretty cool to see your collection! 😍

Wow, what a wonderful card, I love them. 😍 I agree that Spanish ones are the least beautiful. πŸ˜…
When I was a child, I did keep all the ones I received. I'm not sure I've kept any, but the next time I go to my parents' house I'll look just in case for sharing here.
Since my innocence disappeared, I don't like Christmas, I'm a little Grinch. 🀣🀣

If they are in your parents' house, you will find them easily. You said your mom likes order and cleanliness! :))

Chrismas - it doesn't matter if you love it or not, you could have a collection of Xmas cards haha {es una forma de luchar contra la depresiΓ³n navideΓ±a que algunos aΓ±os siento antes de esta festividad... asΓ­ que mejor dejarse llevar y hacer un desafΓ­o en este rincΓ³n de los coleccionistas jajajaja}

Ya veo que tenΓ©is un team, con Nanixxx, de eso de lo Grinch hahaha

You said your mom likes order and cleanliness!

She does, but I didn't say anything about me. 🀭

You've convinced me, I'm going to collect Christmas trees. 🀣🀣

Premier League Goal GIF by Manchester United

🀣 🀣 🀣

Haha, this is actually an excellent idea. You will collect all the Christmas trees in Zaragoza, of course, document it with a photo or video, and make a collection of those here :P

I intend to go one day to take pictures of the city's ornaments and lights. If the cold doesn't stop me, you will have that collection. 😁😘

I am sure Zaragoza will bring a super nice decoration πŸ˜‡


Looking forward to seeing this, @palomap3

🀭 we are in the same team!

We need an emoticon that represents us!! No more πŸŽ„πŸŽ…!! 🀣🀣

I am not a conscious collector, not even a shadow. And now about Christmas... (between us) how difficult this girl makes it for me!

πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™€οΈ Sorry to interrupt the party, girls, but the Grinch would not be famous without Xmas hahaha πŸ˜‚

and now what do we do with this @palomap3?


I think Paloma got an idea, hahah, stealing Xmas trees πŸ˜‚

That will be a cool collection, I already imagine it lol

Like it!



This is a truly nice initiative! First I thought this was about the cards we will receive this year. I think I hardly get any these days. For at least two decades I have created digital Xmas cards and sent them on the 24th before the dinner starts or the morning on the 25th. An increasing bunch in my circles started doing something similar.

Back to the initiative...

It so happens that I kept most of the cards I received throughout the years. I kid you not, not just during the last decade, but for decades longer. I have to check though. Since maybe during a move between houses, I may have binned some of them. Let's see if I can find something decent enough to present to eyes that live outside my own head.

Oh, but I still can't go into the future, it is just Miss Time who could do it :p

Yes, this is about the Xmas cards we received until now - during the past years and decades. I don't have those that I received before our move, so that's it, a small collection we see here. I also have many other postcards (not just Christmas-related ones) but about them, I already talked some months ago. :)

Looking forward to seeing your collection and story (if you find them) with my eyes πŸ˜‰

I dont have any cards collected unfortunately.
The decorations though... can't promise though. I have some I made myself that I like but I cant remember which box I put them in.
As kids we used to make fresh ones each year from colourful paper. Some simple chains and paper cut snowflakes. The tree was filled with that :)

Decorations then :)) Let Suzi help you find in which box they are.
Oh, maybe we can see a collection of Xmas biscuits, you can't tell no to that πŸ˜‹

The decorations we used to make as children were hanging on the curtains and chandeliers hahaha, also as you say, from colourful paper. The tree was reserved for those old, nice ornaments.

We were not allowed encouraged to go out with friends

This! One time my friend invited me to their house, at first, Mom was against to it saying we have food too at home (≧▽≦). I mean, it's not like it's the food that we want, but the memories, the bonding time we did, aigooo. But in the end, I convinced Mom, so all goods, lol.

Anyways, those are pretty cards. I never really receive christmas cards, ever. I don't know why my family didn't teach me about this, I mean, like making it a tradition of giving Christmas Cards to the family. Simple but really a good gift too to someone. If ever, I can collect this too.

Β last yearΒ (edited)Β 

You got what you wanted in the end hahaha, but your mom had a great excuse not to let you, that you have food at home too. 😁 I am sure she understood your wish, despite the tradition that Christmas should be celebrated in the family. Memories... how nice, right?

Probably it was not popular at your place or in your family, it depends on the habits of a certain place. In my country it was also popular to send cards for Easter, but in Spain not really.

What a sweet postcard of your student. It is impossible for me to participate in your initiative, I lack both collections 🀭. But I hope to see many around here. Merry Christmas!

But you are creative ;) And imagine some client asks you to make a Chrismas ornaments collection hehe :D

We never know πŸ˜‰

Uhhh!! Anything is possible 🀭.

Oh, when was tye last time I received and sent a card. Can't remember but I used to send them to friends. I can still remember that wonderul feeling while writing the message on the cards. ☺️ I realize I miss that.

Writing and sending cards, how nice it was... And real letters hehe, all in the time before technology took the lead :D

You have many cards in your collection and very well preserved, I could not choose a favorite because they are all beautiful but the most beautiful thing is the intention and the beautiful messages, it is also a great initiative.

I had more... before I moved, so this is just the last ten years. Obviously, the trend to send Xmas cards declined, so there are fewer and fewer each year.
Thank you, and if you like to participate in any of the topics (ornaments, or cards) you are very welcome πŸ˜‡

It's the most wonderful time of the year.......
It's so nice you kept all of these cards with you even after so many years.

I haven't received any Christmas cards before or even decorated my home during ChristmasπŸ˜…. I can't wait to read all of the amazing entries!!!

Thanks @meyateingi

I hope there will be some entries so we can enjoy them, Also, I wish you a nice December and who knows, maybe you receive a Christmas card one day πŸ˜‡

Yeah, I hope so tooπŸ˜‡

Aww! Looking at this cards gives me that feeling like it's Christmas already. Christmas cards are the best gift one can gift us because it comes with love

That is simple and indeed true, it comes with love and nice intentions πŸ˜‡

Ohhhh it's almost christmas, I can't wait to read all the amazing stories from Hiveans😊

Let's hope there will be many posts and stories all around Hive :)

There's something so special about this season which brings with it, special thought and wishes. My Christmas is always a sharing moment with my Loved ones.

And that is how it should be indeed - a sharing moment with our loved ones. ;)

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Hive Power Up Day - December 1st 2023



You have so many christmas cards! I used yo conllect cards but of the mother' day. I Also keep in safe some cards wrote by My sister when she was a little girl. She Made it for My birthday every year.

Thank you.

It is also nice you keep the cards that your sister used to write you!! πŸ˜‡

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Hive Power Up Day - December 1st 2023

Hi, what beautiful Christmas cards πŸŽ„. There are so many memories in it, I loved the one you got for being the best piano teacher. I wish you a Merry Christmas and may this one also be unforgettable and full of cards with beautiful messages. A big hug πŸ€—

Thanks, @moraleskatia, πŸ˜€

The little students usually bring me letters, drawings, cards and messages :D

I don't know if I will receive many Christmas cards this year, as it is fewer every year πŸ˜…

A hug to you too, and maybe you also have some collections of ornaments to share with us πŸ˜‡πŸ‘‹

Thank you, @mipiano for this valuable collection. Christmas is beautiful and everything that has been created from it. I really liked these cards, the love with which you keep them, you treasure them. Congratulations. In this collectors' corner one finds many memories and treasures.

Gracias, @yventura, I hope this corner can bring many treasures from all over the world. We will see ;)

This is a magical place, it will surely attract more friends.

Thank you πŸ˜‰βœ¨

Que hermosas tarjetas navideΓ±as. Me encantaria una

Gracias. Es costumbre enviar tarjetas navideΓ±as en tu paΓ­s?

Very nice your postcards, you have a nice initiative for us to make our collections. I am already motivated, thank you very much.πŸŽ„β˜ƒοΈπŸŒΈ

And I already saw your wonderful post, with the collection love letters <3

Ohh that's so beautiful you have recived card in several languge 😊

Siiiii πŸ˜‡

and Christmas is coming. Maybe it is time I start to write and send to others the Christmas cards. πŸ˜€

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Hola @mipiano, me ha encantado esta iniciativa, voy a buscar mis tarjetas para mostrarla muy pronto. Tu colecciΓ³n estΓ‘ preciosa. La tradiciΓ³n de las tarjetas de Navidad, se ha ido perdiendo, nos queda el recuerdo. Β‘Felicidades!

Me alegro que encontraste esta iniciativa y que te gusta :)) espero ver tu colecciΓ³n πŸ˜‡