mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoHello everyone 😁If you’d like to catch up on the Weekly Crypto News, here’s my review of the last 7 days. A lot has happened! I think we will see $9000 BTC this week! Have a great week! ▶️👉🏼mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoNoob question. I’ve only used Coinbase. That’s how you start off right? It’s been about 3 months and I’ve invested a decent amount. Here’s my question. What other exchanges do…mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoHODLERS remember this , sometime in the near future we will be saying damn I wish I bought more. The future of crypto is so Fkn bright. 😎mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoEOS ... why don’t you go to the 🌛 .... I’m waiting and waiting ... i read good things about Eos but instead Eos is falling down instead of going Up ....mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptolooking to sale EOS , how to transfer it from Exodus to Binance?mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoR.I.P to the guys who sold at $75 to re-invest lower 😢😢😢😢mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoWhy I don't believe that Bitcoin could go to zero is twofold. Bitcoin is not a business, it therefore cannot go bankrupt. A stock can go to zero because a worthless business…mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoWe are crossing $ 90+ ..Hurrray!!!!!!!mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptowhere you see ltc end 2018 $$$$$$$$mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoSo I guess the Bulls are showing some balls. LTC needs to print $89 with conviction that being said Big Daddy has to take us there. Enjoy the ride my fellow HODLERS 😎mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoAny Americans seen this is America yet with sacha baron Cohen? 😂😂😂mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoBTC up 100.00 LTC up 1.00 does anyone else see how wrong this is.mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoLet's play a game. You comment a random shitcoin and I dump my entire life savings into it and hope I get rich by tomorrow. If you have any real reasoning behind your decision…mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoWith the growth and development surrounding Litecoin, does anyone has an insight whether or not it will be a good idea to pick Ripple(XRP) and Cardano(ADA) and hodl along with the litecoin?mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoToday we are concern about the value of our crypto in fiat, Tomorrow. concern will be the value of our fiat in Crytpomijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoThis is crypto! Today you have a million Tomorrow you don't know :vmijann (39)in #hu • 7 years agomonব্রাজিলে কোন বহিরাগতের জায়গা নাই, রোনালদোর প্রেমে পড়ে যারা ব্রাজিল ছেড়ে পর্তুগালে যোগ দিয়েছিলেন তাদের জন্য সমবেদনা। হার জয় যাই হোক, পর্তুগালের সাথেই থাকুন 😊😊mijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoBought in at 171. Sold at 81. It hurts but I plan on buying the ultra dip maybe when it gets down to 40-50. No use in just holding while it freefalls. Just my theorymijann (39)in #coin • 7 years agocryptoNothing like a nice green candle put a little scare in our heavily leveraged short friends 😎😂mijann (39)in #hu • 7 years agomonইংল্যান্ড বনাম বেলজিয়াম। ম্যাচটা এমন হইছে যে, দেখি কে হারতে পারে ম্যাচটি। দুই দলেন মনোভাবঃ 🌠আমরা ইংল্যান্ড কে জিতাই দেখায় দিবো । 🌠আমরা বেলজিয়াম কে জিতায় দেখায় দিবে।