mig1 rebloggedtegoshei (74)in The Anime Realm • last yearAhiru no Sora (anime and manga): Deserves More Recognition... <3I recently just caught up with the latest chapter of Ahiru no Sora and I am more than excited and full of anticipation for the anime version. So far, the anime has 50…mig1 rebloggedrevanslevronka (51)in The Anime Realm • last yearFantasy ~ Blue Exorcist: Shimane Illuminati Saga - ReviewAo no Exorcist: Shimane Illuminati-hen ⚠️Spoilers Ahead!⚠️ Trailer Honestly, I was shocked when I saw the trailer. I didn't understand the story, but I…mig1 rebloggedgabrielatravels (77)Doi Lupiin Hive Gaming • last yearDiving into the basics in Taxi Life: A City Driving Simulator (Gameplay Part 1)Happy Monday everyone! ...If even that was a real wishing as we all hate Mondays, aren't we?! Anyway, while I kept sharing in the past few Mondays my progress in Avatar:…mig1 rebloggedtheanimerealm (67)in The Anime Realm • last yearThe Anime Realm Community Curation Report #19Hello everyone! Welcome to The Anime Realm community curation report #19. This will be one of many reports which will be used to highlight users who have done a very good job in…mig1 rebloggedyasmarit (69)in The Anime Realm • last yearRESEÑA CON OPINIÓN DE TSUKI GA KIREI/REVIEW WITH OPINION OF TSUKI GA KIREI [ESP/ENG]Hola amigos de AnimeRealm, un gusto estar por acá y espero que tengan un feliz viernes! Por aquí les escribo esta vez sobre un anime bueno ya paso el día del amor y la amistad…mig1 rebloggedleansorribas (66)in The Anime Realm • last year 🔺🔻 DORORO REVIEW/RESEÑA. A little known gem / Una joya poco conocida 🔻🔺 [ENG|ESP]Best regards Hive community. 🎬📽️ Un saludo cordial comunidad de Hive. 🎬📽️ Image edited by me, using photoshop / Imagen editada por mí, con photoshop If…mig1 rebloggedeliudgnzlz (70)in The Anime Realm • last yearCall of the Night // Yofukashi no Uta [ES-EN]Hi guys... recently while browsing the social networks, I saw some images of an anime that caught my attention a couple of years ago. Since there were parts in it that I had…mig1 rebloggedpromete0sz (71)in The Anime Realm • last year(ENG/SPA) Shaka Philosophical Sentences: Death is not the EndSource of Image Edited with Paint De niño veía animes, sus batallas eran lo que me dejaba cautivo felizmente frente al televisor, se nota que fui un niño muy feliz e…mig1 rebloggedayamihaya (68)in The Anime Realm • last yearFantasy ~ Howl’s Moving Castle - Movie ReviewHowl’s Moving Castle Director : Hayao Miyazaki Writer : Hayao Miyazaki • Diana Wynne Jones Genre : Fantasy Awards won : 14 ⚠️Spoilers Ahead!⚠️ Trailer To…mig1 rebloggedpannavi (70)in The Anime Realm • last yearJujutsu Kaisen: An Overrated Anime? (Eng-Spa)𝙹𝚞𝚓𝚞𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙺𝚊𝚒𝚜𝚎𝚗 FULL VERSION ESPAÑOL Buen día comunidad fanática del buen animé, saludos a todos los que dan vida a #TheAnimeRealm. Ayer finalmente…mig1 rebloggedkuronokenshi (73)in The Anime Realm • last yearSuzume No Tojimari - The Closers, And Their Important Mission [ENG -ESP]Lately I have been with several family problems, but in between everything it is always good to take some time to clear the mind and what better way to do it than watching a good…mig1 rebloggedfilotasriza3 (71)in The Anime Realm • last yearBucchigiri?! Anime Review 2024Bucchigiri?! Anime Review 2024mig1 rebloggedherosik (71)in The Anime Realm • last year Baki - review of the second half of the latest season / Baki - recenzja 2 połowy najnowszego sezonuAttention! This is a review of the last (at least for now) season. If you don't know this anime, it is an extremely absurd martial arts comedy. A bit like Jojo's Bizarre…mig1 rebloggedkuronokenshi (73)in The Anime Realm • last yearLeadale No Daichi Nite - Reviving In The Video Game You Mastered [ENG -ESP]Isekai and reincarnation anime are some of the anime I've seen the most, although some of them present reincarnation in a peculiar and sad way if you think about it, Leadale no…mig1 rebloggedopyavi (66)Geek Verificadoin Geek Zone • last yearPrimera Feria de Coleccionistas 2024 [ESP/ENG]Primera Feria de Coleccionistas 2024 [ESP/ENG] ** ** Hola, soy opyavi creador de contenido. Me encanta la tecnología, juegos, anime, paseos y otros. ¡bienvenidos a mi…mig1 rebloggedneruel (74)Geek Verificadoin Geek Zone • last yearUnboxing: Mis Nuevos AirPods M10 para Escuchar Música al Escribir [Es-En]Casualmente, había estado pensando en la opción de comprarme unos AirPods, pero la verdad es que no he tenido nada de tiempo. Le dije a mi hermano si podía comprarme unos y…mig1 rebloggedrmm32 (62)Geek Verificadoin Geek Zone • last yearTutorial: How to repair a Samsung monitor model 732NW. (Esp-Eng)Saludos para todos los Hivers amantes de la tecnología y las reparaciones. Continuado con el tema de equipos de proyección audiovisual como TV y monitores, en esta oportunidad…mig1 rebloggedyasmarit (69)in The Anime Realm • last yearRESEÑA CON OPINIÓN DE TSUKI GA MICHIBIKU ISEKAI DOUCHUU /REVIEW WITH OPINION OF TSUKI GA MICHIBIKU ISEKAI DOUCHUU [ESP/ENG]Hola amigos de AnimeRealm, un gusto estar por acá y feliz día! Paso hoy día para hablarles sobre este anime que me llamo mucho la atención, a pesar de que ya he visto algunos del…mig1 rebloggedkuronokenshi (73)in The Anime Realm • last yearSaijaku Muhai No Bahamut - The Fallen Prince Protecting The New Kingdom [ENG -ESP]Mecha anime is a genre which, although I liked it quite a lot as in the case of Code Geass and Darling In The Franxx, I don't watch it very often, but sometimes I usually look…mig1 rebloggedeliudgnzlz (70)in The Anime Realm • last yearSpy Kyoushitsu [ES-EN]Hola chicas y chicos de esta comunidad, el anime que les quiero hablar hoy, no es uno de mis favoritos, y mucho menos uno que odie (la verdad no odio ningún anime). Esta serie…