Alcohol, the Stage, and the Ridiculous Dance [en/pt]

in Hive Learners5 months ago

Drunkenness leads us into situations that can often be uncomfortable or even embarrassing. Drink transforms people, making them act in ways they wouldn't normally. Alcohol is associated with some problems, but it is undeniable that it is also responsible for some stories that deserve to be told, some of them even funny. After all, who hasn't embarrassed themselves after drinking a little too much?

I have a story that, for those who know me and know about my shyness and level of introversion, you would never imagine that I had done something like that. And, of course, I was very drunk that day. I had just come of age, so I was in that phase that everyone goes through: enjoying life as if there was no tomorrow.

In the town where I lived, one of the biggest parties of the year was about to take place. Various artists would be performing for a few days. On the very first day, everything happened. It was only a few hours before it started, and I got together with some friends to have a drink. Before long, we were on our way to the party, obviously drunk. As soon as we arrived, we went straight to the stage, where the show was going to take place. We stood there enjoying ourselves until the singer decided to hold a competition. He would choose two people from the crowd, and whoever danced best on stage would win a kiss from one of his dancers. Without thinking twice, I started jumping up and down, trying to get his attention so that he would choose me. My friends also helped to draw attention to me, until the singer noticed me and told me to come up.

I only realized what I was doing when I started climbing the stairs to the stage. Not only was I shy, but I couldn't dance at all. I've always been completely clumsy. But I was already there, and I was drunk, so I had to keep going. When the competition started, I looked at my opponent and saw that he was very talented, dancing in a way that I could never do. But I needed to do something, so I had the “brilliant” idea of doing some clowning around on stage. When my friends realized what I was about to do, they started helping me, imitating various ridiculous dances that I replicated. It was truly crazy and an embarrassment I'll never forget. But as I looked out into the crowd, I saw that several people I didn't know were imitating those ridiculous dances, and I realized that somehow it was working and the audience was enjoying it.

When the song ended and the singer asked the audience who had danced best, guess who was chosen? Me! It was incredible! I didn't win the promised prize, as it was just a joke, but when I got off the stage and returned to the audience, I was cheered on by the people there. For the rest of the party, wherever I went, people greeted me and told me I'd been amazing for doing that silly thing on stage.

I was famous for one night and even got a few free drinks from people who laughed a lot at the embarrassment I had suffered, but which has now become a good memory of a youth without many limits.


Translated: Deepl
Cover: created by Canva.


A embriaguez nos leva a situações que muitas vezes podem ser desconfortáveis ou até vexaminosas. A bebida transforma as pessoas, fazendo-as agir de maneiras que normalmente não agiriam. O álcool está associado a alguns problemas, mas é inegável que ele também é responsável por algumas histórias que merecem ser contadas, algumas delas até engraçadas. Afinal, quem nunca passou vergonha depois de beber um pouco demais?

Tenho uma história que, para quem me conhece e sabe da minha timidez e nível de introversão, nunca imaginaria que eu tenha feito algo assim. E, claro, eu estava muito bêbado naquele dia. Eu havia acabado de completar a maioridade, então estava naquela fase em que todos passam: curtindo a vida como se não houvesse amanhã.

Na cidade onde eu morava, ia acontecer uma das maiores festas do ano. Vários artistas se apresentariam durante alguns dias. Logo no primeiro dia, tudo aconteceu. Faltavam poucas horas para começar, e me reuni com alguns amigos para bebermos juntos. Não demorou muito e já estávamos a caminho da festa, obviamente embriagados. Assim que chegamos, fomos direto para perto do palco, onde o show iria acontecer. Ficamos ali curtindo até que o cantor decidiu fazer uma competição. Ele escolheria duas pessoas da multidão, e quem dançasse melhor no palco ganharia um beijo de uma de suas dançarinas. Sem pensar duas vezes, comecei a pular de um lado para o outro, tentando chamar a atenção para que ele me escolhesse. Meus amigos também ajudaram a chamar a atenção, até que o cantor me notou e me mandou subir.

Só me dei conta do que estava fazendo quando comecei a subir as escadas para o palco. Não era apenas tímido, mas também não sabia dançar absolutamente nada. Sempre fui completamente desengonçado. Mas eu já estava lá, e estava bêbado, então tinha que seguir em frente. Quando a competição começou, olhei para o meu adversário e vi que ele era muito talentoso, dançando de uma maneira que eu jamais conseguiria. Mas precisava fazer algo, então tive a "brilhante" ideia de fazer algumas palhaçadas no palco. Quando meus amigos perceberam o que eu estava prestes a fazer, começaram a me ajudar, imitando várias danças ridículas que eu replicava. Foi uma verdadeira loucura e uma vergonha que jamais esquecerei. Mas, ao olhar para a multidão, vi que várias pessoas que eu não conhecia estavam imitando aquelas danças ridículas, e percebi que, de alguma forma, aquilo estava funcionando e o público estava gostando.

Quando a música terminou e o cantor perguntou ao público quem havia dançado melhor, adivinhem só quem foi escolhido? Eu! Foi incrível! Não ganhei o prêmio prometido, pois era apenas uma brincadeira, mas quando desci do palco e voltei para o público, fui ovacionado pelas pessoas que estavam ali. Durante o resto da festa, onde quer que eu fosse, as pessoas me cumprimentavam e diziam que eu tinha sido incrível por fazer aquelas bobagens no palco.

Fiquei famoso por uma noite e ainda ganhei algumas bebidas grátis de pessoas que riram muito daquela vergonha que passei, mas que agora se tornou uma boa lembrança de uma juventude sem muitos limites.


Translated: Deepl
Cover: created by Canva.


One time I won $50 for winning second in a dance competition at a club. Hey that's beer money! 🍺

 5 months ago  

There's nothing better than earning more money for beer!

See the way I was laughing loud reading this story of yours🤣🤣🤣 very funny 🤣

The spirit of alcohol can make do the unthinkable 🤣

 5 months ago  

It's amazing what a little alcohol can do to us, haha!


 5 months ago  

Haha the power of alcohol!

Well, even I had that unknown talent once drunk 🤣

 5 months ago  

A little beer and new skills are discovered, haha!

 5 months ago  

Well, it was certainly a ridiculous experience, although the truth is I don't think people booed you in a good way, I think it was rather the opposite, and that you decided to believe in your drunken state that they were celebrating that.

The problem is that you have that memory of that embarrassing moment, that will never be forgotten, I suppose that the Felipe of today is more careful! 😀


 5 months ago  

Ah! I'm definitely more careful now, that's a story that will be one of a kind to tell, haha

 5 months ago  

The truth is we have to be cautious, in my opinion alcohol is more dangerous than any other illegal drug I know of.

 5 months ago  

Drunkenness can make you do things you wouldn't even imagine 😂.

 5 months ago  

To this day, I can't believe I did that, haha!

 5 months ago  

That’s funny😅😅😅😅
Sorry about being embarrassed and I hope you don’t get drunk like that again

 5 months ago  

Never again!!!!

 5 months ago  

kkkkkkkkk caraca mano que isso, você mandou um passinho do bebum ao vivo assim kkkkkk, historia engraçada man, se tornou uma ótima lembrança hoje, isso que é o bom da vida, fazer umas maluquices para rir no futuro kkk

 5 months ago  

Man, foi a dancinha do siri, aquele que passava no pânico na TV husahusuas foi hilário!

 5 months ago  

Lembro demais kkkkkkkkkkk, deve ter sido um momento zuera demais kkkkk

At least, you were out of your normal self for some time lol. Such experiences are definitely unforgettable and carry fond memories :)

 5 months ago  

Sometimes embarrassing memories, haha

 5 months ago  

You had a remarkable experience in your drunken state🤣 as for the price that was promised, it should have been given to you instead😂 of it being a joke.

 5 months ago  

It was pretty crazy what happened, but the good part is that I made some friends that night who still tease me about it, haha.

 5 months ago  

Haha, I know those friends will never forget that many 🤣🤣

 5 months ago  

como faz pra voltar no tempo pra eu ver essa cena? kkkkkkkkkkkk

 5 months ago  

Pensei a mesma coisa kkkk

 5 months ago  

Nem queira, apesar de dar uma vergonha alheia, foi bem maneiro haha

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