mariofhihi rebloggedslobberchops (81)in Writing Club • 2 years agoMort the Shit Manager: 'Mort's Interview'Source: Image by @katharsisdrill Mort, the Shit Manager is a spin-off fictional series of short stories based loosely on the thoughts of David Mortenson, the tyrannical…mariofhihi rebloggedleelektrik (69)in Cinnamon Cup Coffee • 2 years agoLunch with a view and perfect surroundings to enjoy a cappuccinoMagnificent view from the restaurant School grounds Today Kiara, her mom and dad and I all went for lunch at a restaurant called Higher Ground which is a restaurant…mariofhihi rebloggedd-pend (75)in Photography Lovers • 2 years ago🛹 EPIC Skatepark in Barcelona 🛹 — DPend Goes to Spain 🛹One of 3 epic locations in Barcelona that I filmed with my DJI Mini 2 drone on the first day during my Spain travels!mariofhihi rebloggededicted (82)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoA Lesson in Consensus: Morality is SubjectiveMany people lose sight of the fact that 'good' and 'bad' are completely subjective and governed by the societies and cultures that define them. It's easy to see how any why this…mariofhihi rebloggeddeanliu (82)Hive-Onlyin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago台北巷弄中的麵食:好味與糊塗🍜住台北的一個好處之一就是,到處都是好吃的麵食。當然,也許比不上大陸北方城市那種更地道的麵食,但這裡有很多元的選擇。讓愛吃麵食的我,很容易找到覺得好吃的店😊。 今天跟大家分享兩間我覺得都很不錯,但絕對都不是非常出名的名店。巷弄中的美食,大概就是這一類的店吧!😋 首先第一家【 好味麵食館…mariofhihi rebloggedoflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago无妄之灾:都是老色批们惹的祸大概从三天前开始,有N多人加我微信,也不说明为啥加我,看了一下来源,是通过QQ搜索过来的。 (图源 : pixabay ) 我想如果是QQ好友啥的,一般都会说明自己身份,或者就算是QQ过来的新朋友,也应该在QQ上也打个招呼,然而登录QQ看了一眼,发现并没有新朋友或者新消息。…mariofhihi rebloggedannepink (78)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago别人叫我吹牛😬家小区附近有不少一楼人家门前种植很多花花草草,每天时不时的路过都会驻足脚步多看两眼🤩🤩🤩 实在太喜欢看这是美丽耀眼的“花儿宝宝”啦!😍😍 但我其实不识花儿名,不懂研究,只欣赏,只会留恋,好似花痴呵^^ 常常喜欢把自己眼中的美,利用随身携带的“掌中宝” 就是咱们共同的神器拍下来… 我喜欢的也分享给大家咯!…mariofhihi rebloggedcahlen (74)in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE • 3 years agoBiohacking Basics▶️ Watch on 3Speak Biohacking is about optimizing your health well beyond what's considered "normal" in order to maximize your productivity, creativity and…mariofhihi rebloggedoflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 years ago莫名其妙,成了被告今天中午正在美美的午睡,突然被电话吵醒,看电话号码是12368,咦,这是什么电话啊?且让我接起来听听。因为最近这几年电信诈骗频发,所以接听时我是高度警惕的,还有一丝好奇,看看这又是什么骗术。 (图源 : pixabay )…mariofhihi rebloggeddcrops (66)in Hive Gaming • 3 years agoOCD x DCROPS Writing Contest Results!This contest is intended to promote dCrops as part of OCD's initiative to support existing projects on Hive. We made an announcement about OCD and dCrops Contest…mariofhihi rebloggedkkarenmp (81)Musiciansin Sound Music • 3 years ago[ESP//ENG] All Sky Full Of Stars | Coldplay || Karen Manrique [Cover Violín🎻]A Sky Full of Stars Coldplay es sinónimo de sonido potente, ritmos envolventes y letras que te hacen soñar, para mí es una de las bandas más mágicas que existen actualmente.…mariofhihi rebloggedshaka (77)in Let's Make a Collage • 3 years agoLet's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 136 - ✨256 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨LMAC Round 136 - New Challenge!Countdown terminated on Aug 1, 2022, 9:59 PMmariofhihi rebloggedtattoodjay (81)in Photography Lovers • 3 years agoPalmers IslandPalmers Islandmariofhihi rebloggedmestanophoto (70)in Photography Lovers • 3 years agoA MEMORY FROM THE PAST: A CHURCH WITH A UNIQUE ARCHITECTURE FORGOTTEN BY EVERYONE / PHOTO STORY_Some time ago I came across a photo of the Ogosta Dam in Bulgaria. An ancient tower could be seen in one part of the landscape, but there was no information about the…mariofhihi rebloggedikigaidesign (72)in Cinnamon Cup Coffee • 3 years agoThe Perfect CafeJust like when you want to do something different, get out of the routine, try something different, and say yes I did it, without remorse, without waiting for anything or…mariofhihi rebloggedleomarkettalk (74)in LeoFinance • 3 years agoDaily Crypto Markets Live Blog: vexPOLYCUB Goes Live (07/16/22)Here is the post for the Daily Leo Talk. In preparation for the upcoming Microblogging features, this is a good place to start conversations, posts charts, memes, trades, or…mariofhihi rebloggedecoinstant (77)in #dcity • 3 years agoLVL4 CHAIN GOLEM is MINE!!!I've been saving up, and saving up - this was the most expensive item ever sold in the ENTRY shop - by a long shot. If you don't know about the ENTRY shop, get caught up…mariofhihi rebloggedsplinterlands (80)in #splinterlands • 3 years agoRanked Rewards Updates Follow-UpAs we have mentioned, the ranked rewards system in Splinterlands will be a constantly changing and evolving process over time as more data becomes available and as players…mariofhihi rebloggedisaria (77)in Music • 3 years agolet me down - original music video let me down - original music video I created this video for my song, Let me Down, a few days ago 9 cats helped The other 3 sleptmariofhihi rebloggedstayoutoftherz (78)in Deutsch D-A-CH • 3 years agoDie Borstige Dolchwespe - ein KlimawandelprofiteurLiebe Naturfreunde, seit Tagen beobachten wir, wie auf unserer Terasse rel. große (mind. 2cm lange) Insekten knapp über dem Boden eines großen Pflanzentrogs, der mit…