PostsCommentsPayoutsmarilour (65)in Emotions & Feelings • 2 days agoNostalgia - Cuando aterrizan los recuerdos || Nostalgia - When the memories landNostalgia - Cuando aterrizan los recuerdos Cordiales saludos miembros de la Comunidad Emotions & Feelings . Me satisface que esta tertulia que nos reúne, nos permite el…marilour (65)in Caturday • 6 days agoPolito! my love catlike || ¡Polito!, mi amor gatuno😻Polito! my love catlike 😻 Warm greetings on this exquisite Saturday, joining today to this great family that loves, cares and pampers its felines. Yes, I am arriving at the…marilour (65)in Always a Flower • 8 days agoAmong flowers, I find myself [ENG-ESP]Among flowers, I find myself In this ephemeral existence where life is a breath, I transit without waste in the propensity, involving with intentionality and eagerness, to…marilour (65)in StreetArt • 12 days agoDimensional nature || Naturaleza dimensional 🎨 Street Art #1 in VenezuelaStreet Art #1 in Venezuelamarilour (65)MEMBERin Healthy Bees • 20 days agoIn feeding my daughter creativity, strategy, and love are the vitamins || Healthy-Bees Week 5 [ENG-ESP] In feeding my daughter creativity, strategy, and love are the vitamins A cordial greeting to the members of the Healthy-bees Community joining the exchange of experiences…marilour (65)MEMBERin Healthy Bees • 27 days agoPhysical activity and body awareness, a path to wellness || Healthy-Bees Week 4 [ENG-ESP] Physical activity and body awareness, a path to wellness Cordial greetings to the members of the Healthy-bees Community and, in unison, I join the collective sharing, about…marilour (65)MEMBERin Healthy Bees • last monthSelf-medication, resonances of a collective challenge || Healthy-Bees Week 3 [ENG-ESP] Self-medication, resonances of a collective challenge Cordial greetings to the members of the Healthy-bees Community and, in tune with this, I join in the proactive action…marilour (65)MEMBERin Healthy Bees • last monthDepression! Anxiety! Come out of the closet. Let's defeat the stigmas || Healthy-Bees Week 2 [ENG-ESP]Depression! Anxiety! Come out of the closet. Let's defeat the stigmas Cordial greetings to the members of the Healthy-bees Community . Joining the discursive gathering that…marilour (65)MEMBERin Healthy Bees • 2 months agoPhysicians also get sick || Healthy-Bees Week 1 [ENG-ESP]Physicians also get sick Cordial greetings to the members of the Healthy-bees Community . I come to you excited and troubled with expectations, in this first interaction. I…marilour (65)in Emotions & Feelings • 2 months agoGratitude -To be grateful to the body that contains me. My main lesson of 2024 [ENG-ESP]Gratitude - To be grateful to the body that contains me. My main lesson of 2024 Cordial greetings to the members of the Emotions & Feelings Community , here sharing with you…marilour (65)in EmpowerTalent • 3 months ago¡Soy una flama que no se extingue! || Encuentro de talentos [ESP-ENG]¡Soy una flama que no se extingue! Cordiales saludos miembros de #empowertalent, por acá incorporándome por primera vez a la disertación, con emocionalidad y empatía…marilour (65)in FreeCompliments • 5 months agoThe hands of art come to life || Las manos del arte cobran vida Warm greetings to the members of the FreeCompliments Community , I bring you for this occasion local street art. Yes, art fused to the social coexistence, as that sublime…marilour (65)in Emotions & Feelings • 5 months agoToday hope wears pink [ENG-ESP]! [SPANISH VERSION] Hoy la esperanza se viste de rosa Saludos cordiales a todos los que se dan cita hoy para participar en el Pront In Leo, Día internacional de la…marilour (65)in Emotions & Feelings • 5 months agoThe subtlety of denial - A virtue [ENG-ESP]! [SPANISH VERSION] La sutileza de la negación- Una virtud Saludos cordiales a todos los que se dan cita hoy para participar en el Pront In Leo, El Arte de decir No…marilour (65)in Emotions & Feelings • 5 months agoDoes sadness take over you? Don't hide it, ask for help! || [ENG-ESP]Does sadness take over you? Don't hide it, ask for help! Cordial greetings to all those who have gathered today Sunday, to participate in the Pront In Leo, Depression:…marilour (65)in Emotions & Feelings • 5 months ago Gratitude - The solvent that dilutes my grievances || [ENG-ESP]Gratitude - The solvent that dilutes my grievances Cordial greetings to the members of the Emotions & Feelings Community , for this occasion I bring to the dissertation an…marilour (65)Thoughtful Curatorin ThoughtfulDailyPost • 6 months agoMy family, the plurality heterogeneous that harmonizes || Thoughtful Thursday Prompt # 13 [ENG-ESP]Mensaje reflexivo del jueves N.° 13marilour (65)Thoughtful Curatorin ThoughtfulDailyPost • 6 months agoMusings of a traveler to the past || Thoughtful Thursday Prompt # 12 [ENG-ESP]Mensaje reflexivo del jueves N.° 12marilour (65)in FreeCompliments • 6 months agoLife and its gifts [ENG-ESP]Life and its gifts Cordial greetings to members of the FreeCompliments Community . A pertinent compliment, kind and satiated with opportunity, extolled and…marilour (65)Thoughtful Curatorin ThoughtfulDailyPost • 6 months agoLooking at yesterday in the present remoteness || Thoughtful Thursday Prompt # 11 [ENG-ESP]Looking at yesterday in the present remoteness For this reflective week, the #ThoughtfulDailyPost team invites us to discern and decipher what surrounds the…