marielarc07 rebloggedgalenkp (83)Founderin Weekend Experiences • 2 days agoWeekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 249"Why is it people who can’t take advice always insist on giving it?" - James Bond - Casino Royale - Happy weekend folks. Make sure you drop a comment below about…Countdown terminated on Mar 17, 2025, 6:30 AMmarielarc07 (67)Senderistain Holos&Lotus • 3 days agoDanzando el Poder Femenino / Dancing Feminine Power (ESP/ING)Saludos a todos y a la comunidad de @holos-lotus, hoy retomando mis escritos y mis anécdotas con todos ustedes y que mejor manera que celebrar la vida Danzando el Poder…marielarc07 rebloggedholos-lotus (69)in Holos&Lotus • 18 days agoSobre el Uso de lA // About the Use of lABendecido presente Hivers En días recientes hemos estado conversando sobre el tema de uso de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) y vemos con preocupación, que muchos de los…marielarc07 (67)in Family & Friends • 7 months agoI dance life to celebrate my life / Danzo la vida para celebrar mi vida. (ENG/ESP)There is always a reason to Celebrate Life , from the moment we wake up, just being thankful that we are alive is a reason to celebrate. Connecting with life from self-love…marielarc07 (67)Columnistain Be Entrepreneur • 7 months agoBiodanza para Emprendedores, una nueva oportunidad / Biodanza for Entrepreneurs, a new opportunity (ESP/ENG) Saludos comunidad de @beentrepreneur y la gente emprendedora de #hive Para mí fue una grata sorpresa cuando me dieron la oportunidad de formar parte de la agenda del mes de…marielarc07 (67)in Weekend Experiences • 7 months agoWeekend Topics: WEEK 218 personality and musicHappy day to all in this new entry where being and music are fundamental in my life. A good person for me is not to harm anyone, the less damage we cause we…marielarc07 (67)in Ladies of Hive • 7 months agoLadies of Hive Community Contest #197 / They inspire me and I can inspire (ENG/ESP)Greetings dear community, In my life I am inspired by many people, women who day by day get up and move forward in the face of adversity, women who have the courage to say…marielarc07 rebloggedladiesofhive (69)in Ladies of Hive • 7 months agoLadies of Hive Community Contest #197W E L C O M E TO THE 197th EDITION of the LADIES OF HIVE COMMUNITY CONTEST This is a contest from our community to you, women empowering each other both on the…marielarc07 (67) Familiain Top Family • 7 months agoMi entrada al concurso TopFiveFamily Observa Piensa Escribe. Un año para prepararnos.Saludos a la comunidad @TopFiveFamily y a los lectores de Hive, a quienes invito a participar en el concurso TopFiveFamily Observa Piensa Escribe haciendo Click aquí…marielarc07 rebloggedtopfivefamily (75)in Top Family • 7 months agoAnunciando ganadores del concurso. Observa Piensa Escribe. Iniciando 03-08-2024 hasta el 09/08/2024imagen realizada con Anunciando los ganadores del concurso. Observa Piensa Escribe. Nuestra Familia se complace en anunciar los ganadores del concurso…marielarc07 (67)Senderistain Holos&Lotus • 7 months agoSenderos de Bienestar: El Volcán, una ruta que nos permitió ver más allá / Wellness Trails: El Volcán, a route that allowed us to see beyond. (ESP/ENG)Saludos a todos de la comunidad de holos&lotus y a todos los hivers amantes de la naturaleza y del Bienestar Integral. El hacer senderismo es una práctica que me encanta y…marielarc07 (67)in Ladies of Hive • 8 months agoLadies of Hive Community Contest 192 / Friendship, a treasure to be cherished (ENG/ESP)Greetings dear community, Friendship for me is love with respect , it is an affective relationship where the values of loyalty, solidarity, sincerity and there are even…marielarc07 rebloggedladiesofhive (69)in Ladies of Hive • 9 months agoLadies of Hive Community Contest #192W E L C O M E TO THE 192nd EDITION of the LADIES OF HIVE COMMUNITY CONTEST This is a contest from our community to you, women empowering each other both on the…marielarc07 (67)in Weekend Experiences • 9 months agoWeekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 212 / The best reward is learning.Greetings dear community, Children at home have to have some duties with the daily chores and for me the duties should not be rewarded financially, however in life it is…marielarc07 rebloggedgalenkp (83)Founderin Weekend Experiences • 9 months agoWeekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 212I'm a cowboy On a steel horse I ride I'm wanted dead or alive - Bon Jovi - Happy weekend folks, I hope the week went well and was productive...and you averted…Countdown terminated on Jul 1, 2024, 7:30 AMmarielarc07 (67)Columnistain Be Entrepreneur • 9 months agoMe dejo guiar para crecer en mi emprendimiento / I let myself be guided to grow in my entrepreneurship (ESP/ENG)Saludos emprendedores del mundo y que comparten sus emprendimientos en Hive. Les cuento que estos últimos meses he estado trabajando en “MI” como mi Principal Emprendimiento.…marielarc07 (67)Senderistain Holos&Lotus • 9 months agoTarde de Yoga y Celebración / Afternoon of Yoga and Celebration (ESP/ENG)Saludos a todos y a la comunidad de @holos-lotus, hoy paso por acá para compartir mi experiencia de ayer. El pasado 21 de Junio se celebró el Día Internacional…marielarc07 (67)in Cinnamon Cup Coffee • 9 months agoSunday with Coffee Aroma (ENG/SPA)Greetings dear community, As I am a coffee lover, I could not miss this weekend, visiting the Third International Meeting of Venezuelan Specialty Coffee (EICEV), an event…marielarc07 (67)in Ladies of Hive • 9 months agoLadies of Hive Community Contest #189 I laugh at myself and others laugh without knowing it.(ENG / ESP)Greetings dear community, To laugh at ourselves and joke is to accept that we are not perfect, it is to do so with our defects and virtues. When unexpected things happen…marielarc07 rebloggedladiesofhive (69)in Ladies of Hive • 9 months agoLadies of Hive Community Contest #189W E L C O M E TO THE 189th EDITION of the LADIES OF HIVE COMMUNITY CONTEST This is a contest from our community to you, women empowering each other both on the…